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Overview of Taxonomy Model

Carlos Moreira edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

The model for a Taxonomy will define how it will behave and to what post type it will be associated with.

For a model to be recognized as a taxonomy model, it should have the parameter type set to 'category' or 'tag'. If it's set to 'category' it will automatically be an hierarchical category, as opposed to 'tag' which will not be hierarchical.


	return [
		'type'         => 'tag',
		'name'         => 'country',
		'labels'       => [
			'has_one'  => 'Country',
			'has_many' => 'Countries',
			'overrides' => [
				'labels' => [
					'menu_name' => 'Places',
		// args - third parameter for register_taxonomy
		'options' => [
			'description'  => 'Description for this taxonomy',
			'public'       => true,
			'show_in_menu' => true,
		// object_type - second parameter for register_taxonomy
		'associations' => [

Available parameters and description:

Parameter Description
type string - ‘category’ // or 'tag' to set it to non-hierarchical automatically
name string - identifier of this taxonomy
associations string/array - to what CPT(s) it should be associated
labels array - Everything related with labels for this custom post type (More Info Soon)
options array - Refer to the third parameter for register_taxonomy function from WordPress