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Folders and files

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Latest commit

Sep 22, 2017
f6a6acd · Sep 22, 2017


18 Commits
Apr 14, 2015
Aug 15, 2017
Jul 30, 2017
Apr 14, 2015
Sep 22, 2017
Sep 22, 2017

Repository files navigation

semver criteria

Given same method call signatures, behavior should not change.

Upstream changes in the API call signature itself should be treated as bugfixes. The intended API call was broken "upstream" / "for reasons not originating from this gem", therefore from this gem's perspective, the same intended behavior can be restored by updating ("fixing") the API call, i.e. a "bugfix". Bump a patch.


A ruby gem for Safe-T Box REST API

Basic usage:

  • Install the gem
gem install safe-t-rest
  • Require the gem
require 'safe-t-rest'
  • Initialize a new instance (can be empty or set via parameters) empty:
client =

set using hash:

client = 'https://Safe-T/ui_api/login.aspx', user_name: 'test', password: '123', extension_id: '1', role_id: '0')
  • Configure the client (if you initialized empty)
client.url = ''
client.username = 'test'
client.password = '12345'
client.extension_id = '435-34534-24-234-6'
client.role_id = '00006'
  • Send requests
puts client.get_apps_process_state('my_packge_GUID.123123')

puts client.get_package_file_list('my_packge_GUID.123123')
  • Safe Share
args = {
	:files => 'file.txt', # name of file to share
	:recipients => '[email protected]', # Email address of the one you want to share with
	:sender_name => 'Bar Hofesh',
	:sender_address => '[email protected]',
	:subject => 'Testing Ruby API', # Email Subject
	:message => 'This is a Test message, just checking the Ruby API using REST', # Email body message
	:message_encryption_level => '0', # 0 = high, 1 = normal, 2 = low
	:delivery_method => '0',
	:mobile_recipient => '',
	:return_receipt => true, # get back a notification when the file was downloaded
	:safe_reply => true, # send an safe reply invitation
	:max_downloads => '3', # maximum number of allowed downloads
	:package_expiry => '1440', # in minutes
	:folder_path => '', # empty means root folder
	:root_folder_id => '417' # My Storage ID

  • File Upload
args = {
	:file_base64 => 'V29ya2luZyA6KQo=', # the file as a base64 string Base64.encode64(
	:file_name => 'file.txt', # the name of the file
	:folder_path => '', # empty means root folder
	:root_folder_id => 417 # My Storage ID

  • File Download
args = {
	:file_name => 'file.txt', # The name of the file to download
	:folder_path => '', # The path of the file
	:root_folder_id => 417 # My Storage ID

file = client.file_download(args) # Get back the file as a base64 string
file = Base64.decode64(file) # decode the string
File.write('file.txt', file) # write decoded file
  • New API

RegisterSession - return json flow




	"flow": [
        "token": [
if there is no token element, SDA need to generate token.


Scenario 1

  • Login to portal: (https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx)

  • SDA will send a rest call with URL and add sType : https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx&sType=login

      {"RoleID": "00006", "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804", "Username":"", "Password":"", "Method": "RegisterSession","Arguments": ["https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx&sType=login"]}
  • Return value: StatusCode=OK&StatusData=

      "flow": [
  • Handle return value

    • on submit , call iVerifyUserAccount add the submitted user name and password in base64 arguments: first step : username_password - call iVerifyUserAccount (no need to call mobile - all against the same SDE Authentication app):
  "RoleID": "00006",
   "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804",
   "Method": "iVerifyUserAccount",
   "Arguments": ["base64username","base64pass",true]
  Return value:
     base64 string is  "05977777777"

- If its ok + number :
   go to second step
   else handle retries and captcha
- if there is no number ? we need to ask alex\eithan.

- second step : sms - send sms to the ClientMobileNumber and validate it
   else handle retries and captcha

Scenario 2

Any other case : https://securemft/Safe-T/login.aspx?folderType=x&(query_string_params) (packages related url's ,safe reply,package view, registration)

  1. SDA will call RegisterSession with URL param:
  "RoleID": "00006",
   "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804",
   "Method": "iVerifyUserAccount",
   "Arguments": ["base64username","base64pass",true]

Return value:

in case of registers users: StatusCode=OK&StatusData=

      "flow": [
      "token": [
  1. Handle return :
	if flow is :
  • Handle return value
    • on submit , call iVerifyUserAccount add the submitted user name and password in base64 arguments: first step : username_password - call iVerifyUserAccount (no need to call mobile - all against the same SDE Authentication app):

{ "RoleID": "00006", "ExtensionID": "226602f2-4960-4542-a489-8250a551b804", "Username":"", "Password":"", "Method": "iVerifyUserAccount", "Arguments": ["base64username","base64pass",true] }

Return value: OK:Q2xpZW50TW93NyI= base64 string is "05977777777"

- If its ok + number :
   go to second step
   else handle retries and captcha
- if there is no number ? we need to ask alex\eithan.

- second step : sms - send sms to the ClientMobileNumber and validate it
   else handle retries and captcha


  • Added example client under /bin