This middleware implement server side google reCAPCHA v2 validation.It was originally developed for Slimframework 3 but can be used with any framework using PSR-7 style middlewares.
It is very simple and without any dependancy.
Install latest version using composer.
$ composer require sadegh-pm/recapcha
Add the middleware in the route that you rendering the reCAPTCHA widget. for example i inserted reCAPTCHA widget in the /login
$app->post('/login', App\Api\Login::class . ':verify')
->add( new \SadeghPM\Recapcha\GoogleReCapcha($reCAPCHA_Secret) );
if google reCAPCHA verifying the user's response , your route will be resolved otherwise app will be terminate.the terminated response status code is 403
and body is a json: