This is an Inkscape cli wrapper made as a patch for the macOS bug, where one must specify absolute paths when invoking Inkscape commands (see #1449251 and #181639). This script simply prepends to your relative path and calls the normal Inkscape binary with absolute paths.
- Clone or download the script.
- Use the script as you would use the
$ inkscape
commandline utility, e.g.
./inkscape-wrapper -z -D --file={filename}.svg --export-pdf={filename}.pdf
- Symlink the script with so that other programs, e.g. LaTeX packages, may use it.
ln -sf /path-to-script/inkscape-wrapper /usr/local/bin/inkscape
Note this command will overwrite any existing symbolic link.
However, this can be undone easily by relinking the inkscape-bin
found in /Applications/