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samatrhea edited this page Apr 27, 2024 · 4 revisions

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VCD Generator

The VCD-Generator is a commandline application that creates Verification Control Documents that reports on the verification status of requirements based on NUnit test results. This is done by:

  • Reading a list of requirements from an Excel spreadsheet
  • Reading the NUnit test results
  • Matching test-cases to requirements
  • generating the report


The VCD-Generator can be installed as a dotnet tool from

dotnet tool install --global vcdg

have a look at the Quick Start for more information on how

Build Status

GitHub actions are used to build and test the library

Branch Build Status
Master Build Status
Development Build Status


The VCD-Generator libraries are provided to the community under the Apache License 2.0.


Contributions to the code-base are welcome. However, before we can accept your contributions we ask any contributor to sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) and send this digitaly signed to [email protected]. You can find the CLA's in the CLA folder.

Verification Control Document Generator

  1. Home
  2. Quick Start

Developer Environment

  1. Developers Experience
  2. Build and Release
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