RISC-V is an instruction set architecture like ARM based on RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Architecture) principles. What sets RISC-V ISA different from others ISAs is its completely open source and free to use.
Above project is a 32-bit RISC-V CPU core written in Verilog , supporting RV32IM instructions. This CPU has been tested on a simulator with an example program and flashed on an UPduino 3.0 FPGA board using Icestorm toolchain
An example C program can be loaded on the CPU’s program memory for operations.(We have provided an example code under sim/fibonacci.c
for testing purposes).
Using RISC-V toolchain, we compile this C code into binary file and then convert into hex files which will be loaded into Instruction memory of our CPU
To compile Verilog files, we are using both Icarus Verilog and Verilator to cross verify our CPU output which will be simulated on Gtkwave. Installation process of above software are linked below:-
-Icarus Verilog -Verilator -Gtkwave
All the necessary commands have been added to the sim/Makefile
Navigate to your cloned repository and into the sim folder
cd RISC_V_CPU/sim
and run the following command to compile with Icarus Verilog
make sim
or run the following command to compile with Verilator
make sim_verilator
To flash the code in your FPGA, you must have first have yosys suite installed. Installations can be done from here
All the necessary commands have been added to the flash/Makefile
After installation, navigate to your cloned repository and into the flash folder
$ cd RISC-V-CPU/flash
and run following command
$ make flash
This will create binary file for flashing on FPGA, make sure that your FPGA is connected to your device before running above command
This a 2-stage processor. In the first stage,
- The instructions are fetched and decoded.
- Values are read from register file.
- Determination of instruction type.
- Sending necessary parameters to ALU if needed.
- Writing in DMem and sending read signals.
- Send jump to PC.
And in 2nd stage,
- Get ALU output
- Read Data from DMem.
- Control Unit writes to register file
- PC executes jump instruction
- Show output on seven segment display.
- Verilog
- Xilinx Vivado Ecosystem
- Icarus Verilog
- Verilator
- Gtkwave
- Lattice Framework
- SRA VJTI Eklavya 2023
- https://www.chipverify.com/verilog/verilog-tutorial
- https://www.edx.org/course/building-a-risc-v-cpu-core