This repository contain the code writed for my bachelor thesis at Università di Camerino. The thesis is about the Hierarchical Temporal Memory(HTM) developed by Numenta.
Four appplication were created and uploaded in this repository:
- EventDetectorCampus: detection of anomalies from time serie data of people that enter and exit from a building;
- EventDetectorStadium: detection of anomalies from time serie data about trafic;
- EletricConsumption: prevision of a time serie about electric consumption;
- SeizurePredicion: Prediction of seizure with EEG data.
In each folder a README file give more details about each project and results. TesiMorettiniSimone is the bachelor thesis related to the code in this repository. It's written in italian and it contains the explanation of HTM, the approach used and the results. A english summary is provided inside the README of each project.
If you are interested in reuse the code and you need help or you want to talk about it I'm glad to help. Contact me at [email protected].
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the LICENSE file for details