SELISE <blocks/>
Construct is a fully functional application blueprint designed to accelerate development with SELISE <blocks />
. Pre-integrated with SELISE <blocks />
microservices, it offers a seamless full-stack foundation, complete with essential features, prebuilt modules, and practical use cases. Whether starting fresh or enhancing an existing project, SELISE Blocks Construct provides a scalable framework that streamlines workflows, ensures best practices, and maximizes SELISE <blocks />
' capabilities.
SELISE <blocks />
Construct -
SELISE <blocks />
Cloud App -
SELISE <blocks />
cli npm package -
Open-source GitHub repo link -
SELISE <blocks />
cli nuget package -
Open-source GitHub repo link -
- Open your browser and navigate to SELISE
<blocks />
Cloud App.
- Click on the Sign Up button to create a new account.
- Once signed up, log in with your credentials and proceed to the Console section.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Ensure that you have a registered web domain for your application and full administrative access to its DNS settings.
- In the Console, click on Create New Project.
- Enter a unique name for your project.
- Provide the domain associated with your project.
- After creating your project, navigate to the Project Dashboard.
Prerequisites: Make sure you have NVM and Node.js (version 20.x or later) installed on your machine before proceeding with the installation.
Detailed installation steps -
For installing nodejs directly follow the instructions of this link
To install via NVM follow this link
npm install -g @seliseblocks/cli
Note: In case you are facing any permission-related issues on your Linux/MacOS, use sudo
before the command.
i) Upon running the following command if you can see the above image, your installation is successful.
ii) Run the following command to check blocks version -
blocks v
blocks new <project-name>
Replace <project-name>
with your projectโs name.
- When prompted, enter the domain you provided earlier.
- Find your Project Key on your Project Dashboard and enter it when prompted.
- The GitHub repository for SELISE Blocks Construct will now be cloned and installed on your local machine.
cd <project-name>
Replace <project-name>
with your actual projectโs name.
To run the project using localhost, use:
npm start
To run the project using your application domain -
i) You will need to add an entry for your application domain in the hosts file of your machine. How to give entry in the hostfile? Please read this
ii) Register your site on Google reCAPTCHA here and update the siteKey property of the components where reCAPTCHA has been integrated accordingly in the construct project.
Then, use:
npm run start:local
- The login page for your project should now appear.
- If you haven't already, invite a user from User Management Service on the SELISE
<blocks />
Cloud App application.
An activation email will be sent to the user's email for your project portal. Upon clicking it, the user will be able to set a password for the portal, and their account will be activated.
- Use your new credentials to log in to SELISE Blocks Construct.
Now, you can start building and customizing your application using SELISE Blocks Construct. ๐