This gets the data from the DAQ to all the devices that are trying to see it. It is meant to be used with the Colossus_website.
Download this repo on both the seds laptop and raspberry pi
The python file will run from the seds laptop
The node server within the node folder will run from the raspberry pi
Double click the colossus server icon on the desktop or run the python file colossus_server/
from the SEDS laptop. It establishes an ftp link with the DAQ and runs a flask api where the data can be requested from. This requires a windows laptop because it has some weird dlls.
Then plug in the raspberry pi which will automatically start the websocket and start pushing the data to all connected devices on port 192.168.100:8080. (the actual ip address could possibly change but the port won't)
If it doesn't automatically start run node ~/colossus_server/node/index.js
to start it up. All the startup configuration is done in /etc/rc.local
The reason we have two different servers, the flask one just having one client and the node websocket one everyone else is because we are doing everything we can to save cpu on the seds laptop and don't want to deal with running a legit server on windows.
Clone this github repo then make your changes
git add
all changed files
git commit -m "a message about the changes"
git push
Then on any device that you are using the server on
git pull
To git pull on the raspberry pi you either need to make the colossus network have an actual internet connection or you can edit wpa_suplicant.conf and add whatever wifi network you want.
sudo vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Add a new wifi network entry in the same form as the the rest then follow the above steps.