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Caroline Boozer Log

Caroline Boozer edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 47 revisions


This week I made the webpage for the website milestone, I wrote a lot of frontend tests, I edited and uploaded the milestone video, and I fixed any outstanding bugs on my features.


Finished testing the other team this week and worked on some issues sent in by the other team. I created the website for the website milestone but am working on some last touches to finalize it. I wrote a few more tests but plan to make them better and write some more this week. I also worked on some smaller bugs as well and am still working on those. I met with the team to plan out our last week for capstone, as usual.


I worked on testing the other team's (jaact) app this week. I worked on and fixed a few small bugs. I met with the team to plan out the rest of the course.


I finished up all my issues for RC1. For the tracker, I decided to go with something that matched our current theme; adding exercises. These are just logs for the user's current session. I made sure the calories did not delete on refresh and added the exercise tracker.


This week I fixed the favorites issue of having multiple instances of each - now only one is allowed. I also made favorites user-specific, fixed goals being user-specific, added functionality to delete favorites, made the daily walking graph but am still working out one small kink. Met with the team, as usual.


Fixed some minor issues, worked on implementing the last few things (going to wrap up this week), began working on the daily walking graph, and met with my team (as usual).


Nothing, spring break


Made a few edits based on feedback/bugs from the beta milestone. Added some issues to be fixed and contributed to planning. Nothing much other than that this week.


Finally got recipes able to be added to the favorites section, added implementation for goals to be user-specific, I added the complaint form for admin (which I took on last minute as it made more sense for me to do), I added an initial/viable calorie tracker, and I also finished up some other rendering/routing issues. I cleaned up/finished the recipe ratings and reviews. I worked with the team on some small things we needed to be fixed today, planning small improvements we could make later, etc.


I continued to finish up the favorites feature and have re-done how it works in the backend. I finished up the reviews/rating form. I added some other components to the goals dashboard like a calorie tracker and a suggested recipe. I also worked on making the goals user-specific. I plan to finish up all the small parts of everything this coming week in time for the Beta release.


This week I worked on implementing the favorites feature. It is mostly done - just need to fix some rendering issues. I also was working on the likes feature but for now, we decided not to have it since it seems too similar to the favorites feature. I also fixed my goals form submission that had been working "oddly" before. I also worked on the feature of adding reviews to the recipes and made a lot of progress on both the backend and front end. I also met with the team today, as usual.


I have been looking into some ways to implement the features I have been assigned for the Beta release. I mostly focused on the goals form page rerouting and possibly a new way to implement it. I also outlined what I am going to do for the Beta release so that I can get the majority of it done towards the beginning of this upcoming week.


I continued to work on the goals page and made a behavioral test. I fixed some backend issues relating to goals. I planned my responsibilities/tasks for the next couple of sprints. I added my tasks to our sprint board and as issues for the Beta release.


I updated the UI for the goals dashboard and incorporated some new graphs. I also worked on getting my form to POST. After the meeting with my team today I am going to use the next couple of days to fix some frontend aspects of how the information is being displayed. I also planned to work on a couple of unit tests and to learn about Jest. I also looked into some better design ways to display the dashboard.


During the first week of the new semester, CSCE 492, I researched some ways to make my goals form POST and to create a dynamic dashboard. I met with my team at the beginning of this past week (on 1/9/22). I added these features to be proposed as features for the Beta release. I focused on getting a plan for what to work on implementing during this upcoming week. I am meeting with my team later today so we can all stay updated on what each of us is doing.


I attended the meeting to plan the PoC and start deployment on Sunday, I attended the PoC demo recording and I presented parts of our web app, and I planned the best way to run through everything. I posted the PoC Demo as an issue and made sure it was submitted early. Now I am working on a plan for meetings during Christmas break and sprints for next semester as I would like to add everything to our google calendar and DevOps board to stay organized and prepared.


I made a lot of progress this week. I played around with MySQL more in-depth and until I was fully comfortable. I connected the goal backend. I learned more about Postman by making sure I could GET and POST goals via Postman. You can add and see goals with Postman. I incorporated this to the frontend (and UI) by being able to view all goals and view individual goals. I made some notes and ideas on how we can develop the goals and dashboard in a better way for the next sprint (in 492). I also developed the form to be able to add a new goal, it does not post yet as that was not required for this sprint. I did research on how to POST and noted the ideas down for later. I met with my team to plan the PoC demo and discuss ideas for next semester.


I have continued to make progress on code, starting sprint 2 and postman stuff. Nothing too much this past week. Preparing for this week.


I set up a new coding environment that seemed more flexible to work with, especially for java spring boot. I met a lot this week with some team members one-on-one to talk about coding and working on sprint one. I finished rough drafts of the goals DTO, controller, and UI. I edited other parts of the UI to have a placeholder and implemented the routing of the pages. I researched some possible google charts and other components that may be useful for implementing the (frontend) dashboard feature. I planned to meet with Quinn this week to work on MySQL together. I have downloaded MySQL and Postman and have started to research both of those so that I am familiar with them before sprint 2.


Did not do too much this week. I am starting to prepare for our first sprint and work on coding. Today, I am planning for next week and getting started on coding a little bit.


I added information on a privacy policy plan and commented on how our app should work for everyone and everywhere for our ethical, legal, and security issues milestone.


This week I familiarized myself with git. In order to complete this week's (individual) milestone, I cloned our team repo to be able to work on it. I made an entire new file, the readme, so that we would finally have one and to show I can make/edit files (and later programs/code). I made my own branch (ceboozer) and made my changes there, committed, pushed, and merged (regular). I made sure to frequently pull from the main since my teammates were also making changes and I kept my branch updated with the main as well. I even created a merge conflict to resolve so I could practice doing that.


I wrote the views of our app portion of the architecture milestone. I also wrote the small sections regarding SPA and the one URL we will have ( I started the main format of the wiki to make it look cleaner and more readable. I kept everyone organized with who was doing what.


I finished up my research milestone and turned that in. I made sure to understand how to use react and how it works. I made my video (explaining how to start it and what it does) and posted it on youtube. I made sure to link it in my ReadMe and upload it through an issue onto GitHub in case there was a problem with the link. I made sure the team had a plan for who was going to do what in regards to the requirements milestone. I started a requirements rough draft through google docs and shared it with the team. I made the requirements page in the wiki and added it to our sidebar. I wrote user, admin, guest, and non-functional requirements. I made sure to add the basic, important, function aspects of our app and links to all images used in our design milestone.
Link to research milestone:
Link to video:


I have been primarily working on the research milestone. I have set up my environment and am mostly familiarizing myself with react.


I created goals and features a user could have/use in our web app. This consists of (mainly) the dashboard, calorie counter, meal planner, (a version of) viewing recipes, setting up goals, pantry viewer, and the meal generator. I used Figma and Ionic elements. These all fall under the "Goals and Meals & Food Tracker" section on the Design page of our wiki.


I familiarized myself with some outside websites and applications to organize our team member's coding responsibilities we might use. I met with my team to discuss and organize what we are going to do for the Design Milestone. I also looked up some ideas for what our app could look like and what its color scheme might be. I decided what parts of the design I would like to work on.


I created one persona, Jack Smith, and three user stories for this persona. I finished creating a google calendar, accessible to only our team, to keep track of due dates and meetings. I added the form teams milestone we were missing to our issues section and closed it since we completed it. I also joined our Figma team and am doing some planning for the next milestone.


I created our team GroupMe and submitted the team creation form. During our first meeting, I suggested an app that would help people to meal plan and make a grocery list. I proposed making a shared google calendar (or something like that) for due dates/meeting times/to know who is working on what for more organization.