Releases: SCCapstone/StockPrediction
Final Release
RC1 Release
This is the RC1 release complete with a large front-end overhaul and some minor new features.
The application can be accessed at
You may create your own user or use an existing user from previous releases if you have one.
If you do not have one you can use one of our test users.
User: Testing
Password: UnicornCandy
Beta Release
Application is found at
Visit to register
Visit to login
Visit to logout
Visit{{* TICKER *}} to get detail view of stock with specified ticker. On this page you can add/remove the stock to/from your tracked stocks which will then display them, or stop displaying them, at When a stock is tracked you can click it to go to the stocks to go to its page. You can also get a stock prediction and view a stock price history graph on the detailed page.
To access without registering use the following username and password
Username: TestUser
Password: Testingapp
Beta Beta Release
Almost a beta release. Unfortunately Heroku won't accept how large our requirements are (~520MB while the max is 500MB). This code runs in the development platform but more work needs to be done to get it officially deployed.
List of widgets for saved stocks
Advanced graph for detailed view
Ability to search stocks
Ability to create predictions
Ability to pull data for prediction off of the internet
Missing Features:
Cannot draw lines on advanced graph
No loading indicator for prediction generation
Refreshing site can crash the detailed view
Must click search button to search stocks
List can duplicate itself
Proof of Concept FINAL
Successfully integrated StockPrediction to Heroku.
** Search works now. Must search an EXACT stock ticker, case insensitive. To see functionality of searching for an existing prediction, search aapl on a new user, and hit add. The predicted value will be 0.07 because I already made the prediction. **
Proof of Concept
Working Proof of Concept. Successfully integrated Django into Heroku, although it lacks database functionality.