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User Stories

Tyler Barrett edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 12 revisions

User Story 1 - Scott Smith

  • As Scott Smith, I want a feature that will allow me to keep in contact with my friends who are working out so that I can gain insight from them.

User Story 2 - Michelle Chen

  • As Michelle Chen, I want a feature that allows me to pick how many days I plan to exercise each week so that I can track my progress in meeting my weekly goals.

User Story 3 - Thad Johnson

  • As Thad Johnson, I want a feature that lets me view all my past pictures in my posts so that I can keep track of how my muscles are developing over a long period of time.

User Story 4 - Scott Smith

  • As Scott Smith, I want a feature that lets me see the workouts I have recently done so that I can track my progress on specific exercises in the gym.

User Story 5 - Michelle Chen

  • As Michelle Chen, I want a feature that lets my friends see what I did to exercise each week so that their knowledge of my progress (or lack of progress) can hold me accountable to meeting my fitness goals.

User Story 6 - Thad Johnson

  • As Thad Johnson, I want a feature that let's me share my workout with others, so that I can pass on the knowledge I've gained from working out, so others just getting into fitness don't make the same mistakes as me.

User Story 7 - Scott Smith

  • As Scott Smith, I want a feature that lets me designate close friends and sends me a notification when they post so that I can keep in touch with only my closest friends' workouts.

User Story 8 - Michelle Chen

  • As Michelle Chen, I want a feature that allows me to leave comments on my friends' workout posts so I can encourage them to meet whatever their fitness goals may be.

User Story 9 - Thad Johnson

  • As Thad Johnson, I want a feature that let's me sort posts based on goals so that I can filter out non serious workout routines and get information that is helpful for someone as serious as me.