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Unit Testing Milestone

Past due by about 2 years 75% complete

For this milestone you will implement and run both unit and behavioral tests. You will likely use third-party libraries and tools for creating and running your unit tests. Typically, the official documentation for your platform will have a section on "Testing" which tells you how they recommend you do automated tests. You will also devise a method for aut…

For this milestone you will implement and run both unit and behavioral tests. You will likely use third-party libraries and tools for creating and running your unit tests. Typically, the official documentation for your platform will have a section on "Testing" which tells you how they recommend you do automated tests. You will also devise a method for automating some of this testing and making it part of your workflow.

The first part of the milestone requires you to research these testing tools, chose some, learn to use them, and create and add to your repo one simple unit and one behavior test to demonstrate your progress.

The second part, due at the end of the semester, requires you to have added multiple tests to your repo. You should add the unit tests as you write the code.
