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HHTBS 2016 Dataset Persons

Gregor Schroeder edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 3 revisions

Person list

SQL Table: [hhtbs2016].[persons]

Dataset Fields

Field Description
person_id unique identifier of person
household_id unique identifier of household
person_number unique identifier of person within household
travel_date_start assigned travel date (online or rMove)
rmove_participant used rMove for Part 2
relationship relationship to primary respondent
gender gender
age_category age category
employment_status age 16+ employment status
number_of_jobs number of jobs
adult_student_status age 18+ student status
educational_attainment age 18+ educational attainment
drivers_license age 16+ has valid drivers license
military_status employed/volunteer military affiliation
ethnicity_americanindian_alaskanative age 16+ ethnicity american indian/alaska native
ethnicity_asian age 16+ ethnicity asian
ethnicity_black age 16+ ethnicity black/african american
ethnicity_hispanic age 16+ ethnicity hispanic/latino
ethnicity_hawaiian_pacific age 16+ ethnicity native hawaiian/pacific islander
ethnicity_white age 16+ ethnicity white
ethnicity_other age 16+ ethnicity other
disability age 16+ disability or illness that affects ability to travel
height age 18+ height in inches
weight age 18+ weight in pounds
physical_activity age 18+ how physically active are you in a typical week
transit_frequency age 16+ use transit how often
transit_pass uses transit 1+ days/week, uses a transit pass
school_type student (child or adult) type of school attended
school_frequency student (adult or child, not homeschooled) how often travel to school
other_school student (adult or child, not homeschooled) travel to secondary/other school
school_mode travels to school, typical travel mode
daycare_open attends daycare, time daycare opens
daycare_close attends daycare, time daycare closes
work_location_type employed/volunteer (non-active duty or deployed military) workplace location type
occupation employed/volunteer (non-active duty or deployed military) occupation
industry employed/volunteer (non-active duty or deployed military) industry
hours_worked employed/volunteer (non-active duty or deployed military) number of hours worked per week
commute_frequency workplace is fixed/varied, typical commute frequency
commute_mode commute frequency <> never, typical commute mode
work_arrival_frequency commute frequency <> never, arrival time flexibility
work_parking_payment commute mode is vehicle, work parking payment method
work_parking_cost pays some/all work parking costs, monthly cost ($)
work_parking_cost_dk pays some/all work parking costs, do not know cost
work_parking_ease commute mode is vehicle, how easy to find parking spot at work
telecommute_frequency if job type is not work at home only, typical telecommute frequency
commute_subsidy_none commute, no commute subsidy
commute_subsidy_parking commute, free/subsidized parking
commute_subsidy_transit commute, free/subsidized transit fare
commute_subsidy_vanpool commute, free/subsidized vanpool
commute_subsidy_cash commute, cash incentives for carpooling/walking/biking
commute_subsidy_other commute, other commute subsidy
commute_subsidy_specify commute, specify other commute subsidy
has_second_home person has a second or part-time home
second_home_address secondary home address
second_home_latitude secondary home latitude
second_home_longitude secondary home longitude
second_home_shape secondary home WKT geometry (EPSG:2230)
second_home_mgra_13 secondary home Series 13 MGRA
school_address primary school address
school_latitude primary school latitude
school_longitude primary school longitude
school_shape primary school WKT geometry (EPSG: 2230)
school_mgra_13 primary school Series 13 MGRA
second_school_address secondary school address
second_school_latitude secondary school latitude
second_school_longitude secondary school longitude
second_school_shape secondary school WKT geometry (EPSG: 2230)
second_school_mgra_13 secondary school Series 13 MGRA
work_address primary work address
work_latitude primary work latitude
work_longitude primary work longitude
work_shape primary work WKT geometry (EPSG:2230)
work_mgra_13 primary work Series 13 MGRA
second_work_address secondary work address
second_work_latitude secondary work latitude
second_work_longitude secondary work longitude
second_work_shape secondary work WKT geometry (EPSG:2230)
second_work_mgra_13 secondary work Series 13 MGRA
smartphone_type age 16+ smartphone type owned
smartphone_age qualified smartphone obtained in past four years
smartphone_child age 16-17 with qualified smartphone, allowed to use rMove
diary_callcenter travel diary completed by call center
diary_mobile travel diary completed on mobile device
rmove_activated rMove users when activated rMove/when proxy activated rMove
completed_days number of days participant completed all surveys
completed_day1 participant completed all surveys on day 1
completed_day2 participant completed all surveys on day 2
completed_day3 participant completed all surveys on day 3
completed_day4 participant completed all surveys on day 4
completed_day5 participant completed all surveys on day 5
completed_day6 participant completed all surveys on day 6
completed_day7 participant completed all surveys on day 7

Missings Report

Field Valid Count Missing Count Pct. Missing
person_id 12472 0 0
household_id 12472 0 0
person_number 12472 0 0
travel_date_start 12472 0 0
rmove_participant 12472 0 0
relationship 12472 0 0
gender 12472 0 0
age_category 12472 0 0
employment_status 10699 1773 14.2
number_of_jobs 6347 6125 49.1
adult_student_status 10519 1953 15.7
educational_attainment 10519 1953 15.7
drivers_license 10699 1773 14.2
military_status 6636 5836 46.8
ethnicity_americanindian_alaskanative 10091 2381 19.1
ethnicity_asian 10091 2381 19.1
ethnicity_black 10091 2381 19.1
ethnicity_hispanic 10091 2381 19.1
ethnicity_hawaiian_pacific 10091 2381 19.1
ethnicity_white 10091 2381 19.1
ethnicity_other 10091 2381 19.1
disability 10443 2029 16.3
height 9923 2549 20.4
weight 9632 2840 22.8
physical_activity 10086 2386 19.1
transit_frequency 10699 1773 14.2
transit_pass 1270 11202 89.8
school_type 2926 9546 76.5
school_frequency 2538 9934 79.7
other_school 2538 9934 79.7
school_mode 2386 10086 80.9
daycare_open 126 12346 99
daycare_close 126 12346 99
work_location_type 6531 5941 47.6
occupation 6531 5941 47.6
industry 6531 5941 47.6
hours_worked 6531 5941 47.6
commute_frequency 5877 6595 52.9
commute_mode 5877 6595 52.9
work_arrival_frequency 5877 6595 52.9
work_parking_payment 5021 7451 59.7
work_parking_cost 320 12152 97.4
work_parking_cost_dk 376 12096 97
work_parking_ease 4947 7525 60.3
telecommute_frequency 5994 6478 51.9
commute_subsidy_none 5877 6595 52.9
commute_subsidy_parking 5877 6595 52.9
commute_subsidy_transit 5877 6595 52.9
commute_subsidy_vanpool 5877 6595 52.9
commute_subsidy_cash 5877 6595 52.9
commute_subsidy_other 5877 6595 52.9
commute_subsidy_specify 12472 0 0
has_second_home 12472 0 0
second_home_address 12472 0 0
second_home_latitude 356 12116 97.1
second_home_longitude 356 12116 97.1
second_home_shape 356 12116 97.1
second_home_mgra_13 346 12126 97.2
school_address 12472 0 0
school_latitude 2386 10086 80.9
school_longitude 2386 10086 80.9
school_shape 2386 10086 80.9
school_mgra_13 2367 10105 81
second_school_address 12472 0 0
second_school_latitude 247 12225 98
second_school_longitude 247 12225 98
second_school_shape 247 12225 98
second_school_mgra_13 245 12227 98
work_address 12472 0 0
work_latitude 4905 7567 60.7
work_longitude 4905 7567 60.7
work_shape 4905 7567 60.7
work_mgra_13 4810 7662 61.4
second_work_address 12472 0 0
second_work_latitude 606 11866 95.1
second_work_longitude 606 11866 95.1
second_work_shape 606 11866 95.1
second_work_mgra_13 579 11893 95.4
smartphone_type 10482 1990 16
smartphone_age 7737 4735 38
smartphone_child 133 12339 98.9
diary_callcenter 4080 8392 67.3
diary_mobile 4080 8392 67.3
rmove_activated 8183 4289 34.4
completed_days 12320 152 1.2
completed_day1 12011 461 3.7
completed_day2 8392 4080 32.7
completed_day3 8397 4075 32.7
completed_day4 8240 4232 33.9
completed_day5 8240 4232 33.9
completed_day6 8240 4232 33.9
completed_day7 8240 4232 33.9

Categorical Variables Values Report

Field Count Pct.
No 5707 45.8
Yes 6765 54.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 0 0.0
Self 6300 50.5
Husband/Wife/Partner 3121 25.0
Son/Daughter/In-law 2289 18.4
Mother/Father/In-law 229 1.8
Brother/Sister/In-law 115 0.9
Other relative 137 1.1
Roommate/Friend 219 1.8
Household help 2 0.0
Other 60 0.5
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 0 0.0
Male 6035 48.4
Female 6437 51.6
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 0 0.0
Under 5 years old 545 4.4
5-15 years 1228 9.8
16-17 years 180 1.4
18-24 years 539 4.3
25-34 years 1820 14.6
35-44 years 1681 13.5
45-49 years 946 7.6
50-54 years 856 6.9
55-59 years 1004 8.1
60-64 years 1072 8.6
65-74 years 1703 13.7
75-79 years 378 3.0
80-84 years 276 2.2
85 years or older 244 2.0
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 0 0.0
Employed full-time (paid) 35+ hours/week 5063 40.6
Employed part-time (paid) up to 35 hours/week 1284 10.3
Unpaid volunteer or intern 289 2.3
Not currently employed 4063 32.6
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 1773 14.2
0 (age 16+) 0 0.0
1 5741 46.0
2 525 4.2
3 59 0.5
4 10 0.1
5+ 12 0.1
Missing 289 2.3
Not Applicable 5836 46.8
Not a student 9546 76.5
Part-time student 435 3.5
Full-time student 538 4.3
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 1953 15.7
Less than high school 225 1.8
High school graduate/GED 1096 8.8
Some college 1830 14.7
Vocational/technical training 345 2.8
Associates degree 724 5.8
Bachelor degree 3293 26.4
Graduate/post-graduate degree 3006 24.1
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 1953 15.7
Yes 9891 79.3
No 808 6.5
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 1773 14.2
No current affiliation with the military 5855 46.9
Active duty within the San Diego region 102 0.8
Active duty outside of the San Diego region 3 0.0
Reserve or National Guard 34 0.3
Department of Defense civilian workforce and/or contractor 169 1.4
Veteran 404 3.2
Other affiliation (e.g., spouse or parent of active military) 69 0.6
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 5836 46.8
No 9929 79.6
Yes 162 1.3
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 9129 73.2
Yes 962 7.7
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 9722 78.0
Yes 369 3.0
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 8775 70.4
Yes 1316 10.6
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 9976 80.0
Yes 115 0.9
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 2934 23.5
Yes 7157 57.4
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 9896 79.3
Yes 195 1.6
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 2381 19.1
No 9612 77.1
Yes 650 5.2
Prefer not to answer 181 1.5
Missing 256 2.1
Not Applicable 1773 14.2
I rarely or never do any physical activity 905 7.3
I do some light or moderate physical activities 5974 47.9
I do some vigorous physical activities 3015 24.2
Prefer not to answer 192 1.5
Missing 433 3.5
Not Applicable 1953 15.7
6-7 days a week 411 3.3
4-5 days a week 409 3.3
2-3 days a week 307 2.5
1 day a week 143 1.1
1-3 days per month 744 6.0
Less than monthly 4290 34.4
Never 4395 35.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 1773 14.2
Monthly Adult Regional Compass Card: $72 267 2.1
Monthly Adult Premium Compass Card: $100 15 0.1
Monthly Adult COASTER Compass Card: by zone 26 0.2
MTS College Semester Pass 46 0.4
MTS College Monthly Pass 8 0.1
UC San Diego Annual U-Pass 69 0.6
Monthly Youth Regional Compass Card: $36 11 0.1
Monthly Youth Premium Compass Card: $50 1 0.0
Monthly Youth COASTER Compass Card: $82.50 0 0.0
Monthly Senior/Disabled/Medicare Regional Compass Card: $18 361 2.9
Monthly Senior/Disabled/Medicare Premium Compass Card: $25 17 0.1
Monthly Senior/Disabled/Medicare COASTER Compass Card: $41.25 15 0.1
Other transit pass (e.g., free, employee, etc.) 93 0.7
Do not have a transit pass 319 2.6
Do not know 22 0.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 11202 89.8
Cared for at home 303 2.4
Daycare outside home 126 1.0
Preschool 143 1.1
Kindergarten-Grade 5 (public or private) 616 4.9
Kindergarten-Grade 5 (home school) 43 0.3
Grade 6-Grade 8 (public or private) 343 2.8
Grade 6-Grade 8 (home school) 23 0.2
Grade 9-Grade 12 (public or private) 381 3.1
Grade 9-Grade 12 (home school) 19 0.2
Vocational/technical school 55 0.4
2-year college 274 2.2
4-year college 290 2.3
Graduate or professional school 244 2.0
Other 66 0.5
Missing 9546 76.5
Not Applicable 0 0.0
6-7 days a week 112 0.9
5 days a week 1602 12.8
3-4 days a week 357 2.9
1-2 days a week 267 2.1
1-3 days per month 22 0.2
Less than monthly 26 0.2
Never, only takes online classes 152 1.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 9934 79.7
Never, only 1 school location 1996 16.0
1 or more days a week 247 2.0
A few times per month 95 0.8
Less than monthly 200 1.6
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 9934 79.7
Drive alone 467 3.7
Carpool with only family/household member(s) 1092 8.8
Carpool with at least one person not in household 169 1.4
Motorcycle/moped/scooter 6 0.0
Walk/jog/wheelchair 248 2.0
Bicycle 102 0.8
School bus 64 0.5
Bus (public transit) 163 1.3
Private shuttle bus 14 0.1
Vanpool 0 0.0
Light Rail (e.g., Trolley, SPRINTER) 28 0.2
Intercity Rail (e.g., COASTER, Amtrak) 0 0.0
Paratransit 0 0.0
Taxi or other hired car service (e.g., Lyft, Uber) 7 0.1
Other 26 0.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 10086 80.9
Before 6 AM 9 0.1
6:00 AM 28 0.2
6:15 AM 0 0.0
6:30 AM 22 0.2
6:45 AM 1 0.0
7:00 AM 29 0.2
7:15 AM 0 0.0
7:30 AM 28 0.2
7:45 AM 0 0.0
8:00 AM 5 0.0
8:15 AM 1 0.0
8:30 AM 2 0.0
After 8:30 AM 1 0.0
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 12346 99.0
Before 5 PM 21 0.2
5:00 PM 3 0.0
5:15 PM 26 0.2
5:30 PM 0 0.0
5:45 PM 55 0.4
6:00 PM 1 0.0
6:15 PM 16 0.1
6:30 PM 0 0.0
6:45 PM 3 0.0
7:00 PM 0 0.0
7:15 PM 0 0.0
7:30 PM 1 0.0
After 7:30 PM 0 0.0
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 12346 99.0
Has one work location (outside of home, may also telework) 4813 38.6
Work location regularly varies (work in different offices or jobsites) 1064 8.5
Work at home only (only telework or self-employed) 537 4.3
Drive/Travel for a living (e.g., bus/truck driver, salesman) 117 0.9
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 5941 47.6
Management Occupations 340 2.7
Business & Financial Operations 511 4.1
Computer & Mathematical 479 3.8
Architecture & Engineering 426 3.4
Life, Physical, & Social Science 267 2.1
Community & Social Services 168 1.3
Legal 169 1.4
Education, Training, & Library 767 6.1
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, & Media 255 2.0
Healthcare Practitioners & Technical 453 3.6
Healthcare Support 190 1.5
Protective Service 41 0.3
Food Preparation & Serving Related 236 1.9
Building & Grounds Cleaning/Maintenance 71 0.6
Personal Care & Service 70 0.6
Sales & Related 451 3.6
Office & Administrative Support 424 3.4
Farming, Fishing, & Forestry 11 0.1
Construction & Extraction 117 0.9
Installation, Maintenance, & Repair 79 0.6
Production 63 0.5
Transportation & Material Moving 79 0.6
Military 28 0.2
Other 806 6.5
Do not know 30 0.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 5941 47.6
Accommodation (e.g., hotels/motels) 72 0.6
Administrative, Support, & Waste Management Services 107 0.9
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting 36 0.3
Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation 301 2.4
Construction 217 1.7
Education Services 844 6.8
Food Services & Drinking Places 270 2.2
Finance & Insurance 261 2.1
Health Care & Social Assistance 817 6.6
Information 166 1.3
Management of Companies & Enterprises 59 0.5
Manufacturing 242 1.9
Military 170 1.4
Mining, Quarrying, & Oil/Gas Extraction 8 0.1
Other Services 302 2.4
Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services 903 7.2
Public Administration 161 1.3
Real Estate, Rental, & Leasing 145 1.2
Retail Trade 281 2.3
Transportation & Warehousing 107 0.9
Utilities 76 0.6
Wholesale Trade 33 0.3
Other 901 7.2
Do not know 52 0.4
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 5941 47.6
50 or more hours 820 6.6
40-49 hours 3434 27.5
35-39 hours 572 4.6
30-34 hours 300 2.4
20-29 hours 509 4.1
10-19 hours 362 2.9
Fewer than 10 hours 249 2.0
Hours vary greatly from week to week 285 2.3
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 5941 47.6
6-7 days a week 517 4.1
5 days a week 3773 30.3
4 days a week 587 4.7
2-3 days a week 668 5.4
1 day a week 149 1.2
9 days every 2 weeks 23 0.2
1-3 days per month 72 0.6
Less than monthly 88 0.7
Never 0 0.0
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
Drive alone 4594 36.8
Carpool with only family/household member(s) 366 2.9
Carpool with at least one person not in household 96 0.8
Motorcycle/moped/scooter 46 0.4
Walk/jog/wheelchair 125 1.0
Bicycle 161 1.3
School bus 0 0.0
Bus (public transit) 303 2.4
Private shuttle bus 13 0.1
Vanpool 8 0.1
Light Rail (e.g., Trolley, SPRINTER) 62 0.5
Intercity Rail (e.g., COASTER, Amtrak) 48 0.4
Paratransit 2 0.0
Taxi or other hired car service (e.g., Lyft, Uber) 22 0.2
Other 31 0.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No flexibility (must always arrive on time) 2371 19.0
Can arrive up to 15 minutes earlier/later 1164 9.3
Can arrive up to 30 minutes earlier/later 635 5.1
Can arrive up to 45 minutes earlier/later 128 1.0
Can arrive more than an hour earlier/later 516 4.1
Sets own schedule (start time can vary greatly) 1063 8.5
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No cost to anyone to park at/near work 4267 34.2
Employer pays all parking costs 364 2.9
Employer offers discounted monthly parking pass 63 0.5
Employer offers discounted other (e.g., daily, weekly) parking pass 19 0.2
Personally pay all cost for monthly parking pass 158 1.3
Personally pay all cost for daily parking 64 0.5
Personally pay for parking on other (daily, biweekly, annual) schedule 72 0.6
Not Applicable 7451 59.7
Do not know 14 0.1
Missing 0 0.0
No 319 2.6
Yes 57 0.5
Not Applicable 12096 97.0
Easy to find a parking spot 4310 34.6
Difficult to find a parking spot (usually takes a few minutes) 637 5.1
Not Applicable 7525 60.3
Missing 0 0.0
6-7 days a week 30 0.2
5 days a week 30 0.2
4 days a week 57 0.5
2-3 days a week 354 2.8
1 day a week 350 2.8
9 days every 2 weeks 16 0.1
1-3 days per month 483 3.9
Less than monthly 869 7.0
Never 3805 30.5
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6478 51.9
No 2207 17.7
Yes 3670 29.4
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No 4976 39.9
Yes 901 7.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No 5293 42.4
Yes 584 4.7
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No 5589 44.8
Yes 288 2.3
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No 5689 45.6
Yes 188 1.5
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No 5726 45.9
Yes 151 1.2
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 6595 52.9
No 12116 97.1
Yes 356 2.9
Missing 0 0.0
Not Applicable 0 0.0
Yes, has an Android phone 2950 23.7
Yes, has an iPhone 4787 38.4
Yes, has a Windows Phone 107 0.9
Yes, has a Blackberry 16 0.1
Yes, has other type of smartphone 175 1.4
No, does not have a smartphone 2447 19.6
Not Applicable 1990 16.0
Missing 0 0.0
Yes 7176 57.5
No 561 4.5
Not Applicable 4735 38.0
Missing 0 0.0
Yes 64 0.5
No 69 0.6
Not Applicable 12295 98.6
Missing 44 0.4
No 3044 24.4
Yes 1036 8.3
Not Applicable 6899 55.3
Missing 1493 12.0
No 3707 29.7
Yes 373 3.0
Not Applicable 6899 55.3
Missing 1493 12.0
No 993 8.0
Yes 11018 88.3
Not Applicable 461 3.7
No 1109 8.9
Yes 7283 58.4
Not Applicable 4080 32.7
No 1141 9.1
Yes 7256 58.2
Not Applicable 4075 32.7
No 1265 10.1
Yes 6975 55.9
Not Applicable 4232 33.9
No 1353 10.8
Yes 6887 55.2
Not Applicable 4232 33.9
No 1196 9.6
Yes 7044 56.5
Not Applicable 4232 33.9
No 1237 9.9
Yes 7003 56.1
Not Applicable 4232 33.9

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