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Output Files

Enrique Sanchez edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 10 revisions

Output Files Contents:

1. Household Modules. - VESimHouseholds package
1.1 Create Households
NumHh households HH Number of households (non-group quarters) Azone Year
NumGq people PRSN Number of people in non-institutional group quarters Azone Year
HhId character ID Unique household ID Household Year
Azone character ID Azone ID Household Year
Marea character ID Marea ID Household Year
HhSize people PRSN Number of persons Household Year
Age0to14 people PRSN Persons in 0 to 14 year old age group Household Year
Age15to19 people PRSN Persons in 15 to 19 year old age group Household Year
Age20to29 people PRSN Persons in 20 to 29 year old age group Household Year
Age30to54 people PRSN Persons in 30 to 54 year old age group Household Year
Age55to64 people PRSN Persons in 55 to 64 year old age group Household Year
Age65Plus people PRSN Persons in 65 or older age group Household Year
HhType character category Coded household age composition (e.g. 2-1-0-2-0-0) or Grp for group quarters Household Year
1.2 Predict Workers
Wkr15to19 people PRSN Workers in 15 to 19 year old age group Household Year
Wkr20to29 people PRSN Workers in 20 to 29 year old age group Household Year
Wkr30to54 people PRSN Workers in 30 to 54 year old age group Household Year
Wkr55to64 people PRSN Workers in 55 to 64 year old age group Household Year
Wkr65Plus people PRSN Workers in 65 or older age group Household Year
Workers people PRSN Total workers Household Year
NumWkr people PRSN Number of workers residing in the zone Azone Year
1.3 Assign Life Cycle
LifeCycle character category Household life cycle as defined by 2009 NHTS LIF_CYC variable Household Year
1.4 Predict Income
Income currency USD.1999 Total annual household (non-qroup & group quarters) income Household Year
2. Land Use Modules - VELandUse package
2.1 PredictHousing Module
HouseType character category Type of dwelling unit in which the household resides (SF = single family, MF = multi-family, GQ = group quarters Household Year
Bzone character ID ID of Bzone in which household resides Household Year
SF integer DU Number of households living in single family dwelling units in zone Bzone Year
MF integer DU Number of households living in multi-family dwelling units in zone Bzone Year
GQ integer DU Number of persons living in group quarters in zone Bzone Year
Pop people PRSN Population residing in zone Bzone Year
NumHh households HH Number of households (non-group and group quarters) residing in zone Bzone Year
NumWkr people PRSN Number of workers residing in zone Bzone Year
2.2 Locate Employment
TotEmp people PRSN Total number of jobs in zone Bzone Year
RetEmp people PRSN Number of jobs in retail sector in zone Bzone Year
SvcEmp people PRSN Number of jobs in service sector in zone Bzone Year
HhId character ID Unique household ID Worker Year
WkrId character ID Unique worker ID Worker Year
Bzone character ID Bzone ID of worker job location Worker Year
Azone character ID Azone ID of worker job location Worker Year
Marea character ID Marea ID of worker job location Worker Year
DistanceToWork distance MI Distance from home to work assuming location at Bzone centroid and 'Manhattan' distance Worker Year
2.3 AssignLocTypes
LocType character category Location type (Urban, Town, Rural) of the place where the household resides Household Year
Marea character ID Name of metropolitan area (Marea) that household is in or NA if none Household Year
UrbanPop people PRSN Urbanized area population in the Bzone Bzone Year
TownPop people PRSN Town (i.e. urban but non-urbanized area) population in the Bzone Bzone Year
RuralPop people PRSN Rural (i.e. non-urbanized area) population in the Bzone Bzone Year
UrbanPop people PRSN Urbanized area population in the Marea (metropolitan area) Marea Year
TownPop people PRSN Town (i.e. urban but non-urbanized area) in the Marea Marea Year
RuralPop people PRSN Rural (i.e. non-urbanized area) population in the Marea (metropolitan area) Marea Year
UrbanIncome currency USD.2010 Total household income of the urbanized area population in the Marea (metropolitan area) Marea Year
TownIncome currency USD.2010 Total household income of the town (i.e. urban but non-urbanized area) population in the Marea Marea Year
RuralIncome currency USD.2010 Total household income of the rural (i.e. non-urbanized area) population in the Marea (metropolitan area) Marea Year
2.4 Calculate4DMeasures
D1B compound PRSN/ACRE Gross population density (people/acre) on unprotected (i.e. developable) land in zone (Ref: EPA 2010 Smart Location Database) Bzone Year
D1C compound JOB/ACRE Gross employment density (jobs/acre) on unprotected land (i.e. developable) land in zone (Ref: EPA 2010 Smart Location Database) Bzone Year
D1D compound HHJOB/ACRE Gross activity density (employment + households) on unprotected land in zone (Ref: EPA 2010 Smart Location Database) Bzone Year
D2A_JPHH compound JOB/HH Ratio of jobs to households in zone (Ref: EPA 2010 Smart Location Database) Bzone Year
D2A_WRKEMP compound PRSN/JOB Ratio of workers to jobs in zone (Ref: EPA 2010 Smart Location Database) Bzone Year
D2A_EPHHM double employment & household entropy Employment and household entropy measure for zone considering numbers of households, retail jobs, service jobs, and other jobs (Ref: EPA 2010 Smart Location Database) Bzone Year
D5 double NA Destination accessibility of zone calculated as harmonic mean of jobs within 2 miles and population within 5 miles Bzone Year
2.5 CalculateUrbanMixMeasure
IsUrbanMixNbrhd integer binary Flag identifying whether household is (1) or is not (0) in urban mixed-use neighborhood Household Year
2.6 AssignParkingRestrictions
FreeParkingSpaces integer parking spaces Number of free parking spaces available to the household Household Year
ParkingUnitCost currency USD Daily cost for long-term parking (e.g. paid on monthly basis) Household Year
OtherParkingCost currency USD Daily cost for parking at shopping locations or other locations of paid parking not including work (not adjusted for number of vehicle trips) Household Year
PaysForParking integer binary Does worker pay for parking: 1 = yes, 0 = no Worker Year
IsCashOut integer binary Is worker paid parking in cash-out-buy-back program: 1 = yes, 0 = no Worker Year
ParkingCost currency USD Daily cost for long-term parking (e.g. paid on monthly basis) Worker Year
2.7 AssignDemandManagement
IsIMP integer binary Identifies whether household is participant in travel demand management individualized marketing program (IMP): 1 = yes, 0 = no Household Year
PropTdmDvmtReduction double proportion Proportional reduction in household DVMT due to participation in travel demand management programs Household Year
IsECO integer binary Identifies whether worker is a participant in travel demand management employee commute options program: 1 = yes, 0 = no Worker Year
2.8 Assign Car Service Availability
CarSvcLevel character category Level of car service availability. High means access is competitive with household owned car. Low is not competitive. Household Year
3. Transport Supply Modules – VETransportSupply package
3.1 AssignTransitService
TranRevMiPC compound MI/PRSN/YR Ratio of annual bus-equivalent revenue-miles (i.e. revenue-miles at the same productivity - passenger miles per revenue mile - as standard bus) to urbanized area population Marea Year
VanDvmt compound MI/DAY Total daily miles traveled by vans of various sizes to provide demand responsive, vanpool, and similar services. Marea Year
BusDvmt compound MI/DAY Total daily miles traveled by buses of various sizes to provide bus service of various types. Marea Year
RailDvmt compound MI/DAY Total daily miles traveled by light rail, heavy rail, commuter rail, and similar types of vehicles. Marea Year
3.2 AssignRoadMiles
FwyLaneMiPC compound MI/PRSN Ratio of urbanized area freeway and expressway lane-miles to urbanized area population Marea Year
4. Household Vehilce Modules – VEHouseholdVehicles package
4.1 AssignDrivers
Drv15to19 people PRSN Number of drivers 15 to 19 years old Household Year
Drv20to29 people PRSN Number of drivers 20 to 29 years old Household Year
Drv30to54 people PRSN Number of drivers 30 to 54 years old Household Year
Drv55to64 people PRSN Number of drivers 55 to 64 years old Household Year
Drv65Plus people PRSN Number of drivers 65 or older Household Year
Drivers people PRSN Number of drivers in household Household Year
DrvAgePersons people PRSN Number of people 15 year old or older in the household Household Year
4.2 AssignVehicleOwnership
Vehicles vehicles VEH Number of automobiles and light trucks owned or leased by the household including high level car service vehicles available to driving-age persons Household Year
4.3 Assign Vehicle Type
NumLtTrk vehicles VEH Number of light trucks (pickup, sport-utility vehicle, and van) owned or leased by household Household Year
NumAuto vehicles VEH Number of automobiles (i.e. 4-tire passenger vehicles that are not light trucks) owned or leased by household Household Year
4.4 Create Vehicle Table
HhId character ID Unique household ID Vehicle Year
VehId character ID Unique vehicle ID Vehicle Year
Azone character ID Azone ID Vehicle Year
Marea character ID Marea ID Vehicle Year
VehicleAccess character category Identifier whether vehicle is owned by household (Own), if vehicle is low level car service (LowCarSvc), or if vehicle is high level car service (HighCarSvc) Vehicle Year
Type character category Vehicle body type: Auto = automobile, LtTrk = light trucks (i.e. pickup, SUV, Van) Vehicle Year
4.5 Assign Vehicle Age
Age time YR Vehicle age in years Vehicle Year
4.6 Calculate Vehicle Ownership Cost
OwnCost currency USD.2017 Annual cost of vehicle ownership including depreciation, financing, insurance, taxes, and residential parking in dollars Vehicle Year
OwnCostPerMile currency USD.2017 Annual cost of vehicle ownership per mile of vehicle travel (dollars per mile) Vehicle Year
InsCost currency USD.2017 Annual vehicle insurance cost in dollars Vehicle Year
HasPaydIns integer binary Identifies whether household has pay-as-you-drive insurance for vehicles: 1 = Yes, 0 = no Household Year
4.7 Adjust Vehicle Ownership
Age time YR Vehicle age in years Vehicle Year
VehicleAccess character category Identifier whether vehicle is owned by household (Own), if vehicle is low level car service (LowCarSvc), or if vehicle is high level car service (HighCarSvc) Vehicle Year
OwnCost currency USD Annual cost of vehicle ownership including depreciation, financing, insurance, taxes, and residential parking in dollars Vehicle Year
OwnCostPerMile currency USD Annual cost of vehicle ownership per mile of vehicle travel (dollars per mile) Vehicle Year
InsCost currency USD Annual vehicle insurance cost in dollars Vehicle Year
SwitchToCarSvc integer binary Identifies whether a vehicle was switched from owned to car service Vehicle Year
OwnCostSavings currency USD Annual vehicle ownership cost (depreciation, finance, insurance, taxes) savings in dollars resulting from substituting the use of car services for a household vehicle Household Year
OwnCost currency USD Annual household vehicle ownership cost (depreciation, finance, insurance, taxes) savings in dollars Household Year
Vehicles vehicles VEH Number of automobiles and light trucks owned or leased by the household including high level car service vehicles available to driving-age persons Household Year
NumLtTrk vehicles VEH Number of light trucks (pickup, sport-utility vehicle, and van) owned or leased by household Household Year
NumAuto vehicles VEH Number of automobiles (i.e. 4-tire passenger vehicles that are not light trucks) owned or leased by household Household Year
NumHighCarSvc vehicles VEH Number of high level service car service vehicles available to the household (difference between number of vehicles owned by the household and number of driving age persons for households having availability of high level car services Household Year
5. Household Travel Modules – VEHouseholdTravel package
5.1 Calculate Household Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled
Dvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled by the household in autos or light trucks Household Year
UrbanHhDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled in autos or light trucks by households residing in the urbanized portion of the Marea Marea Year
TownHhDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled in autos or light trucks by households residing in town (urban but not urbanized) portion of the Marea Marea Year
RuralHhDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled in autos or light trucks by households residing in the rural (non-urban) portion of the Marea Marea Year
5.2 Calculate Non-Automobile or 'Alternative' Mode Trips
WalkTrips compound TRIP/YR Average number of walk trips per year by household members Household Year
BikeTrips compound TRIP/YR Average number of bicycle trips per year by household members Household Year
TransitTrips compound TRIP/YR Average number of public transit trips per year by household members Household Year
5.3 Calculate Vehicle Trips
VehicleTrips compound TRIP/DAY Average number of vehicle trips per day by household members Household Year
AveVehTripLen distance MI Average household vehicle trip length in miles Household Year
5.4 Divert Single-occupant Vehicle Travel
PropDvmtDiverted double proportion Proportion of household DVMT diverted to bicycling, electric bikes, or other 'low-speed' travel modes Household Year
AveTrpLenDiverted distance MI Average length in miles of vehicle trips diverted to bicycling, electric bikes, or other 'low-speed' travel modes Household Year
SovDvmtProp double proportion Proportion of household DVMT in single-occupant vehicle trips Household Year
6. Powertrain and Fuel Modules – VEPowertrainsAndFuels package
6.1 Calculate Carbon Intensity
ElectricityCI compound GM/MJ Carbon intensity of electricity at point of consumption (grams CO2e per megajoule) Azone Year
HhAutoFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by household automobiles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
HhLtTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by household light trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
CarSvcAutoFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by car service automobiles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
CarSvcLtTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by car service light trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
ComSvcAutoFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by commercial service automobiles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
ComSvcLtTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by commercial service light trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
HvyTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by heavy trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
TransitVanFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuel used by transit vans (grams CO2e per megajoule) Marea Year
TransitBusFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuel used by transit buses (grams CO2e per megajoule) Marea Year
TransitRailFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuel used by transit rail vehicles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Marea Year
6.2 Assign Household Vehicle Powertrains
ElectricityCI compound GM/MJ Carbon intensity of electricity at point of consumption (grams CO2e per megajoule) Azone Year
HhAutoFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by household automobiles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
HhLtTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by household light trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
CarSvcAutoFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by car service automobiles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
CarSvcLtTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by car service light trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
ComSvcAutoFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by commercial service automobiles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
ComSvcLtTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by commercial service light trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
HvyTrkFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuels used by heavy trucks (grams CO2e per megajoule) Region Year
TransitVanFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuel used by transit vans (grams CO2e per megajoule) Marea Year
TransitBusFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuel used by transit buses (grams CO2e per megajoule) Marea Year
TransitRailFuelCI compound GM/MJ Average carbon intensity of fuel used by transit rail vehicles (grams CO2e per megajoule) Marea Year
7. Travel Performance – VETravelPerformance package
7.1 Calculate Road VMT
HvyTrkDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles of travel on roadways in the region by heavy trucks during the base year. The value for this input may be NA instead of number. In that case, if a state abbreviation is provided, the base year value is calculated from the state per capita rate tabulated by the LoadDefaultRoadDvmtValues.R script and the base year population. If the state abbreviation is NA (as for a metropolitan model) the base year value is calculated from metropolitan area per capita rates and metropolitan area population. Region Global
UrbanLdvDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles of travel on roadways in the urbanized portion of the Marea by light-duty vehicles during the base year. This value may be omitted if a value for UzaNameLookup is provided so that a value may be computed from the urbanized area per capita rate tabulated by the LoadDefaultRoadDvmtValues.R script and the base year urban population. Marea Global
UrbanHvyTrkDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles of travel on roadways in the urbanized portion of the Marea by heavy trucks during he base year. This value may be omitted if a value for UzaNameLookup is provided so that a value may be computed from the urbanized area per capita rate tabulated by the LoadDefaultRoadDvmtValues.R script and the base year urban population. Marea Global
HvyTrkDvmtIncomeFactor compound MI/USD Ratio of Region base year heavy truck DVMT to household income Region Global
HvyTrkDvmtPopulationFactor compound MI/PRSN Ratio of Region base year heavy truck DVMT to population Region Global
HvyTrkUrbanDvmt compound MI/DAY Region heavy truck daily vehicle miles of travel in urbanized areas Region Year
HvyTrkNonUrbanDvmt compound MI/DAY Region heavy truck daily vehicle miles of travel outside of urbanized areas (i.e. in town or rural areas) Region Year
ComSvcDvmtHhDvmtFactor double proportion Ratio of Marea base year commercial service DVMT to household DVMT Marea Global
ComSvcDvmtIncomeFactor compound MI/USD Ratio of base year commercial service vehicle DVMT to household income Marea Global
HvyTrkDvmtIncomeFactor compound MI/USD Ratio of base year heavy truck DVMT to household income Marea Global
ComSvcDvmtPopulationFactor compound MI/PRSN Ratio of base year commercial service vehicle DVMT to population Marea Global
HvyTrkDvmtPopulationFactor compound MI/PRSN Ratio of base year heavy truck DVMT to population Marea Global
LdvUrbanRoadProp double proportion The proportion of the DVMT of households residing in the marea and associated commercial service DVMT that occurs on urbanized area roadways in the marea Marea Global
ComSvcUrbanDvmt compound MI/DAY Commercial service daily vehicle miles of travel associated with Marea urbanized household activity Marea Year
ComSvcTownDvmt compound MI/DAY Commercial service daily vehicle miles of travel associated with Marea town household activity Marea Year
ComSvcRuralDvmt compound MI/DAY Commercial service daily vehicle miles of travel associated with Marea rural household activity Marea Year
HvyTrkUrbanDvmt compound MI/DAY Heavy truck daily vehicle miles of travel on urbanized area roadways in the Marea Marea Year
LdvFwyArtDvmt compound MI/DAY Light-duty daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on freeway or arterial roadways Marea Year
LdvOthDvmt compound MI/DAY Light-duty daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on other roadways Marea Year
HvyTrkFwyDvmt compound MI/DAY Heavy truck daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on freeways Marea Year
HvyTrkArtDvmt compound MI/DAY Heavy truck daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on arterial roadways Marea Year
HvyTrkOthDvmt compound MI/DAY Heavy truck daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on other roadways Marea Year
BusFwyDvmt compound MI/DAY Bus daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on freeways Marea Year
BusArtDvmt compound MI/DAY Bus daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on arterial roadways Marea Year
BusOthDvmt compound MI/DAY Bus daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occuring on other roadways Marea Year
UrbanHhPropUrbanDvmt double proportion Average proportion of urban household DVMT traveled on urban roads in the marea where the household resides Marea Year
NonUrbanHhPropUrbanDvmt double proportion Average proportion of non-urban household DVMT traveled on urban roads in the marea where the household resides Marea Year
UrbanDvmtProp double proportion Proportion of household DVMT traveled on urban roads in the marea where the household resides Household Year
7.2 Calculate Road Performance
LdvFwyDvmt compound MI/DAY Light-duty daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on freeways Marea Year
LdvArtDvmt compound MI/DAY Light-duty daily vehicle miles of travel in the urbanized portion of the Marea occurring on arterial roadways Marea Year
LdvAveSpeed compound MI/HR Average speed (miles per hour) of light-duty vehicle travel on urban area roads Marea Year
HvyTrkAveSpeed compound MI/HR Average speed (miles per hour) of heavy truck travel on urban area roads Marea Year
BusAveSpeed compound MI/HR Average speed (miles per hour) of bus travel on urban area roads Marea Year
NonUrbanAveSpeed compound MI/HR Average speed (miles per hour) of vehicle travel on non-urban area roads Marea Year
LdvTotDelay time HR Total light-duty vehicle delay (hours per day) on urban area roads Marea Year
HvyTrkTotDelay time HR Total heavy truck vehicle delay (hours per day) on urban area roads Marea Year
BusTotDelay time HR Total bus vehicle delay (hours per day) on urban area roads Marea Year
AveCongPrice currency USD Average price paid (dollars per mile) in congestion fees Marea Year
FwyDvmtPropNoneCong double proportion Proportion of freeway DVMT occurring when there is no congestion Marea Year
FwyDvmtPropModCong double proportion Proportion of freeway DVMT occurring when congestion is moderate Marea Year
FwyDvmtPropHvyCong double proportion Proportion of freeway DVMT occurring when congestion is heavy Marea Year
FwyDvmtPropSevCong double proportion Proportion of freeway DVMT occurring when congestion is severe Marea Year
FwyDvmtPropExtCong double proportion Proportion of freeway DVMT occurring when congestion is extreme Marea Year
ArtDvmtPropNoneCong double proportion Proportion of arterial DVMT occurring when there is no congestion Marea Year
ArtDvmtPropModCong double proportion Proportion of arterial DVMT occurring when congestion is moderate Marea Year
ArtDvmtPropHvyCong double proportion Proportion of arterial DVMT occurring when congestion is heavy Marea Year
ArtDvmtPropSevCong double proportion Proportion of arterial DVMT occurring when congestion is severe Marea Year
ArtDvmtPropExtCong double proportion Proportion of arterial DVMT occurring when congestion is extreme Marea Year
FwyNoneCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average freeway speed (miles per hour) when there is no congestion Marea Year
FwyModCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average freeway speed (miles per hour) when congestion is moderate Marea Year
FwyHvyCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average freeway speed (miles per hour) when congestion is heavy Marea Year
FwySevCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average freeway speed (miles per hour) when congestion is severe Marea Year
FwyExtCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average freeway speed (miles per hour) when congestion is extreme Marea Year
ArtNoneCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average arterial speed (miles per hour) when there is no congestion Marea Year
ArtModCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average arterial speed (miles per hour) when congestion is moderate Marea Year
ArtHvyCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average arterial speed (miles per hour) when congestion is heavy Marea Year
ArtSevCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average arterial speed (miles per hour) when congestion is severe Marea Year
ArtExtCongSpeed compound MI/HR Average arterial speed (miles per hour) when congestion is extreme Marea Year
OthSpd compound MI/HR Average speed (miles per hour) on other roadways Marea Year
LambdaAdj double constant Constant to adjust the modeled lambda parameter to match base year freeway and arterial LDV proportions Marea Global
7.3 Calculate Fuel and Electric Energy Economy
LdvSpdSmoothFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to speed smoothing Marea Year
HvyTrkSpdSmoothFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of heavy truck internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to speed smoothing Marea Year
BusSpdSmoothFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of bus internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to speed smoothing Marea Year
LdvEcoDriveFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to eco-driving Marea Year
HvyTrkEcoDriveFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of heavy truck internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to eco-driving Marea Year
BusEcoDriveFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of bus internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to eco-driving Marea Year
LdIceFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to congestion Marea Year
LdHevFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) MPG due to congestion Marea Year
LdEvFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty battery electric vehicle (EV) MPkWh due to congestion Marea Year
LdFcvFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty fuel cell vehicle (FCV) MPkWh due to congestion Marea Year
HdIceFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of heavy-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to congestion Marea Year
LdvEcoDriveFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to eco-driving in uncongested conditions Region Year
HvyTrkEcoDriveFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of heavy truck internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to eco-driving in uncongested conditions Region Year
BusEcoDriveFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of bus internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG due to eco-driving in uncongested conditions Region Year
LdIceFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG in uncongested conditions Region Year
LdHevFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) MPG in uncongested conditions Region Year
LdEvFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty battery electric vehicle (EV) MPkWh in uncongested conditions Region Year
LdFcvFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of light-duty fuel cell vehicle (FCV) MPkWh in uncongested conditions Region Year
HdIceFactor double proportion Proportional adjustment of heavy-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle MPG in uncongested conditions Region Year
7.4 Adjust Fuel and Electric Energy Economy
MPG compound MI/GGE Average miles of vehicle travel powered by fuel per gasoline equivalent gallon Vehicle Year
GPM compound GGE/MI Average gasoline equivalent gallons per mile of vehicle travel powered by fuel Vehicle Year
MPKWH compound MI/KWH Average miles of vehicle travel powered by electricity per kilowatt-hour Vehicle Year
KWHPM compound KWH/MI Average kilowatt-hours per mile of vehicle travel powered by electricity Vehicle Year
MPGe compound MI/GGE Average miles of vehicle travel per gasoline equivalent gallon (fuel and electric powered) Vehicle Year
ElecDvmtProp double proportion Average miles of vehicle travel per gasoline equivalent gallon (fuel and electric powered) Vehicle Year
FuelCO2ePM compound GM/MI Average grams of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced per mile of travel powered by fuel Vehicle Year
ElecCO2ePM compound GM/MI Average grams of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced per mile of travel powered by electricity Vehicle Year
IsEcoDrive integer binary Flag identifying whether drivers in household are eco-drivers Household Year
7.5 Calculate Vehicle Operating Cost
AveVehCostPM currency USD.2010 Average out-of-pocket cost in dollars per mile of vehicle travel Household Year
AveSocEnvCostPM currency USD.2010 Average cost in dollars of the social and environmental impacts per mile of vehicle travel Household Year
AveRoadUseTaxPM currency USD.2010 Average road use taxes in dollars collected per mile of vehicle travel Household Year
DvmtProp double proportion Proportion of household DVMT allocated to vehicle Vehicle Year
AveGPM compound GGE/MI Average gasoline equivalent gallons per mile of household vehicle travel Household Year
AveKWHPM compound KWH/MI Average kilowatt-hours per mile of household vehicle travel Household Year
AveCO2ePM compound GM/MI Average grams of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced per mile of household vehicle travel Household Year
7.6 Adjust DVMT Based on Budget
Dvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled by the household in autos or light trucks Household Year
UrbanHhDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled in autos or light trucks by households residing in urban locations of the Marea Marea Year
RuralHhDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled in autos or light trucks by households residing in rural locations of the Marea Marea Year
TownHhDvmt compound MI/DAY Average daily vehicle miles traveled in autos or light trucks by households residing in town locations of the Marea Marea Year
DailyGGE compound GGE/DAY Gasoline equivalent gallons consumed per day by household vehicle travel Household Year
DailyKWH compound KWH/DAY Kilowatt-hours consumed per day by household vehicle travel Household Year
DailyCO2e compound GM/DAY Grams of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced per day by household vehicle travel Household Year
WalkTrips compound TRIP/YR Average number of walk trips per year by household members Household Year
BikeTrips compound TRIP/YR Average number of bicycle trips per year by household members Household Year
TransitTrips compound TRIP/YR Average number of public transit trips per year by household members Household Year
VehicleTrips compound TRIP/DAY Average number of vehicle trips per day by household members Household Year
7.7 Calculate Commercial Vehicles Emissions
ComSvcUrbanGGE compound GGE/DAY Average daily amount of hydrocarbon fuels consumed by commercial service vehicles associated with urban household activity in gas gallon equivalents Marea Year
ComSvcNonUrbanGGE compound GGE/DAY Average daily amount of hydrocarbon fuels consumed by commercial service vehicles associated with rural and town household activity in gas gallon equivalents Marea Year
HvyTrkUrbanGGE compound GGE/DAY Average daily amount of hydrocarbon fuels consumed by heavy trucks on urbanized area roadways in the Marea in gas gallon equivalents Marea Year
ComSvcUrbanKWH compound KWH/DAY Average daily amount of electricity consumed by commercial service vehicles associated with urban household activity in kilowatt-hours Marea Year
ComSvcNonUrbanKWH compound KWH/DAY Average daily amount of electricity consumed by commercial service vehicles associated with rural and town household activity in kilowatt-hours Marea Year
HvyTrkUrbanKWH compound KWH/DAY Average daily amount of electricity consumed by heavy trucks on urbanized area roadways in the Marea in kilowatt-hours Marea Year
ComSvcUrbanCO2e compound GM/DAY Average daily amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by commercial service vehicles associated with urban household activity in grams Marea Year
ComSvcNonUrbanCO2e compound GM/DAY Average daily amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by commercial service vehicles associated with rural and town household activity in grams Marea Year
HvyTrkUrbanCO2e compound GM/DAY Average daily amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by heavy trucks on urbanized area roadways in the Marea in grams Marea Year
ComSvcAveUrbanAutoCO2eRate compound GM/MI Average amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by commercial service automobiles per mile of travel on urbanized area roadways in grams per mile Marea Year
ComSvcAveUrbanLtTrkCO2eRate compound GM/MI Average amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by commercial service light trucks per mile of travel on urbanized area roadways in grams per mile Marea Year
HvyTrkAveUrbanCO2eRate compound GM/MI Average amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by heavy trucks per mile of travel on urbanized area roadways in grams per mile Marea Year
HvyTrkNonUrbanGGE compound GGE/DAY Average daily amount of hydrocarbon fuels consumed by heavy trucks on rural and town roadways in the Region in gas gallon equivalents Region Year
HvyTrkUrbanGGE compound GGE/DAY Average daily amount of hydrocarbon fuels consumed by heavy trucks on urbanized area roadways in the Region in gas gallon equivalents Region Year
HvyTrkNonUrbanKWH compound KWH/DAY Average daily amount of electricity consumed by heavy trucks on rural and town roadways in the Region in kilowatt-hours Region Year
HvyTrkUrbanKWH compound KWH/DAY Average daily amount of electricity consumed by heavy trucks on urbanized area roadways in the Region in kilowatt-hours Region Year
HvyTrkNonUrbanCO2e compound GM/DAY Average daily amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by heavy trucks on rural and town roadways in the Region in grams Region Year
HvyTrkUrbanCO2e compound GM/DAY Average daily amount of carbon-dioxide equivalents produced by heavy trucks on urbanized area roadways in the Region in grams Region Year

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