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Data set: Station Metadata

Gregor Schroeder edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 6 revisions

PeMS Data Clearinghouse data-set:

  • Type: Station Metadata
  • District: 11
  • SQL table: [pems].[station_metadata]
  • Data Loaded: Last data-set within each year from 2008-2020

The Station metadata data-set provides PeMS count station metadata, including location. The data-sets are released at non-regular intervals throughout each year. Without further guidance from CalTrans the last data-set in each year has been manually loaded into the SQL table [pems].[station_metadata] for each year from 2008-2019 along with the metadata data-set's date tag.

Included in the GitHub project matching folder is a micro-service that matches PeMS count station metadata stations for a given year to a user-specified SANDAG highway network e00 file.

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