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Properties File

Nagendra S Dhakar edited this page May 23, 2020 · 16 revisions

The SANDAG AB model system is controlled by a properties file, (see System Design for an overview of the model components). The table below identifies, describes, and provides an example for each of the variables expected to be in the properties file. After initially configuring the travel model (see Setup and Configuration for details), only a handful of these properties will be modified for a typical scenario analysis. The primary use for many of the properties is to facilitate software execution when calibrating the travel model and/or to locate and fix software bugs. Comments preceded with a pound (#) sign are ignored by the Java software.

Properties File Contents

Purpose Expected Data Type Example Value Purpose
version String ABM version
Cluster Properties
Modify when changing cluster configuration or moving to new cluster (properties for java processes)
RunModel.MatrixServerAddress String Matrix server address
RunModel.MatrixServerPort Integer 1191 Matrix server port number
RunModel.HouseholdServerAddress String Household server address
RunModel.HouseholdServerPort Integer 1129 Household server port number
Run Properties
Model Component Switches (switches to turn on/off model steps)
sample_rates String 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 CT-RAMP Sample rate
convergence Float 0.0005 Highway assignment convergence criteria
RunModel.useLocalDrive Boolean false
RunModel.skipInitialization Boolean false
RunModel.deleteAllMatrices Boolean true
RunModel.skip4Ds Boolean true
RunModel.skipCopyWarmupTripTables Boolean false Skip copying warm start trip tables to output folder
RunModel.skipCopyBikeLogsum Boolean false Skip copying bike logsum
RunModel.skipBikeLogsum Boolean false Skip creating bike logsum
RunModel.skipCopyWalkImpedance Boolean false Skip copying walk impedance to output folder
RunModel.skipWalkLogsum Boolean false Skip creating walk logsum in output folder
RunModel.skipBuildNetwork Boolean false Skip building network
RunModel.skipBuildTransitNetwork Boolean false Skip building transit network
RunModel.startFromIteration Integer 1 Iteration to start a model run from
RunModel.skipHighwayAssignment Boolean false, false, false Skip highway assignment
RunModel.skipHighwaySkimming Boolean false, false, false Skip highway skimming
RunModel.skipTransitSkimming Boolean false, false, false Skip transit skimming
RunModel.skipCoreABM Boolean false, false, false Skip ABM core model (CT-RAMP and internal-external model)
RunModel.skipOtherSimulateModel Boolean false, false, false Skip non-core simulated models (airport models cross-border modeland visitor model)
RunModel.skipMAASModel Boolean true, true, true
RunModel.skipSpecialEventModel Boolean false, false, false Skip special event model
RunModel.skipCTM Boolean false, false, false Skip commercial travel model
RunModel.skipEI Boolean false, false, false Skip external-internal model
RunModel.skipTruck Boolean false, false, false Skip truck model
RunModel.skipTripTableCreation Boolean false, false, false Skip creating trip tables
RunModel.skipFinalHighwayAssignment Boolean false Skip final highway assignment
RunModel.skipFinalTransitAssignment Boolean false Skip final transit assignment
RunModel.collapseOnOffByRoute Boolean false Skip collapsing transit on-off by route tables
RunModel.skipFinalHighwaySkimming Boolean false Skip final highway skimming
RunModel.skipFinalTransitSkimming Boolean false Skip final transit skimming
RunModel.skipLUZSkimCreation Boolean true Skip creating land use skims
RunModel.skipVisualizer Boolean true
RunModel.skipDataExport Boolean false Skip data exporting
RunModel.skipDataLoadRequest Boolean false Skip data loading request
RunModel.skipDeleteIntermediateFiles Boolean false Skip deleting intermediate files
RunModel.MatrixPrecision Float 0.0005 Matrix precision
RunModel.minSpaceOnC Integer 50 Minimum space (MB) on C drive
Logging Properties
Use for tracing households or agents through simulation
Trace Boolean false True or False whether to trace zones
Trace.otaz Integer 1638 Specify which origin taz to trace
Trace.dtaz Integer 2447 Specify which destination taz to trace
Seek Boolean false True or False whether to seek households
Process.Debug.HHs.Only Boolean false True of False whether to debug households
Debug.Trace.HouseholdIdList String 566425 Specify which household IDs to trace Boolean false True or false to seek Internal External trip model
internalExternal.trace Integer 1 Specify what zone to trace for internal external trip model Boolean false True or False to seek Cross Border Model
crossBorder.trace Integer 12 Specify what zone to trace for Cross Border model Boolean false True or False to seek Visitor Model
visitor.trace Integer 742 Specify what zone to trace for Visitor model Boolean false True of false to see special event model
specialEvent.trace Integer 5855 Specify what zone to trace for special event model
tripTable.trace Integer 4384 Trace trip table creation by TAZ (to/from). This only applies to SD resident model.
RunModel.LogResults Boolean true Log results into a text file
Path Properties
Modify as needed when copy release to a local run folder
Project.Directory String %project.folder%/ Project.Directory
generic.path String %project.folder%/input/ Inputs folder
scenario.path String %project.folder%/ scenario folder
skims.path String %project.folder%/output/ outputs folder
uec.path String %project.folder%/uec/ UEC folder
report.path String %project.folder%/report/ Report folder Boolean false True or false to run visitor model concurrently
Visitor.concurrent.parallelism Integer 5 Number of threads for visitor model
Scenario Properties
Modify when running new scenario, if necessary
mgra.socec.file String input/mgra13_based_input${year}.csv location of mgra land use file
scenarioYear String ${year} Scenario year
aoc.fuel String ${aoc.fuel} Auto operating costs: Fuel cost
aoc.maintenance String ${aoc.maintenance} Auto operating costs: Maintenance cost Boolean True Cross border model is run using Java 7 Fork\Join Framework.
crossBorder.concurrent.parallelism Integer 8 Parallelism controls number of simultaneous threads Integer ${ Number of tours
crossBorder.sentriShare Float 0.1826 Share of tours that are SENTRI
visitor.hotel.occupancyRate Float 0.7 specify Hotel occupancy rate
visitor.household.occupancyRate Float 0.018 Specify household/residential occupancy rate
visitor.hotel.businessPercent Float 0.3 Specify proportion of hotel visitors on business trip
visitor.household.businessPercent Float 0.04 Specify proportion of household/residential visitors on business trip
airport.SAN.enplanements Long Integer ${airport.SAN.enplanements} Specify number of enplanements for SAN airport
airport.SAN.connecting Long Integer ${airport.SAN.connecting} Specify number of connecting flights (transfers) for SAN airport
airport.SAN.annualizationFactor Integer 365 Specify annualization factor for SAN airport
airport.SAN.averageSize Float 1.7 Specify travel average party size for SAN airport
airport.SAN.airportMgra Integer ${airport.SAN.airportMgra} Specify SAN Airport MGRA #
Airport.CBX.enplanements Long Integer ${airport.CBX .enplanements} Specify number of enplanements for CBX airport
Airport.CBX.connecting Long Integer ${airport.CBX .connecting} Specify number of connecting flights (transfers) for CBX airport
airport.CBX.annualizationFactor Integer 365 Specify annualization factor for CBX airport
airport.CBX.averageSize Float 2.2 Specify travel average party size for CBX airport
airport.CBX.airportMgra Integer ${airport.CBX .airportMgra} Specify CBX Airport MGRA #
truck.FFyear Integer ${year} Specify the year that the truck model is being run for
Emerging Mobility Section
Modify when changing AV, TNC and Micromobility Assumptions
AV Mobility Scenario Parameters
Mobility.AV.Share Float 0.0
Mobility.AV.ProbabilityBoost.AutosLTDrivers Float 1.2
Mobility.AV.ProbabilityBoost.AutosGEDrivers Float 1.1
Mobility.AV.IVTFactor Float 0.75
Mobility.AV.ParkingCostFactor Float 0.5
Mobility.AV.CostPerMileFactor Float 0.7
Mobility.AV.TerminalTimeFactor Float 0.65
Mobility.AV.MinimumAgeDriveAlone Integer 13
Mobility.TNC.shared.IVTFactor Float 1.25
crossBorder.avShare Float 0.0
Taxi and TNC Cost and Wait Time Parameters
taxi.baseFare Float 2.2
taxi.costPerMile Float 2.3
taxi.costPerMinute Float 0.1
TNC.single.baseFare Float 2.2
TNC.single.costPerMile Float 1.33
TNC.single.costPerMinute Float 0.24
TNC.single.costMinimum Float 7.2
TNC.shared.baseFare Float 2.2
TNC.shared.costPerMile Float 0.44
TNC.shared.costPerMinute Float 0.08
TNC.shared.costMinimum Float 3.0
TNC.single.waitTime.mean Float 10.3,8.5,8.4,6.3,4.7 Float 4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1
TNC.shared.waitTime.mean Float 15.0,15.0,11.0,8.0,7.0 Float 4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1
Taxi.waitTime.mean Float 26.5,17.3,13.3,9.5,5.5 Float 6.4,6.4,6.4,6.4,6.4
WaitTimeDistribution.EndPopEmpPerSqMi Integer 500,2000,5000,15000,9999999999
Taxi and TNC Vehicle Trip Conversion Factors
Taxi.da.share Float 0.0
Taxi.s2.share Float 0.9
Taxi.s3.share Float 0.1
Taxi.passengersPerVehicle Float 1.1
TNC.single.da.share Float 0.0
TNC.single.s2.share Float 0.8
TNC.single.s3.share Float 0.2
TNC.single.passengersPerVehicle Float 1.2
TNC.shared.da.share Float 0.0
TNC.shared.s2.share Float 0.3
TNC.shared.s3.share Float 0.7
TNC.shared.passengersPerVehicle Float 2.0
MAAS Routing Model Properties
Maas.RoutingModel.maxDistanceForPickup Integer 5
Maas.RoutingModel.maxDiversionTimeForPickup Integer 5
Maas.RoutingModel.minutesPerSimulationPeriod Integer 5
Maas.RoutingModel.maxPassengers Integer 6
Maas.RoutingModel.maxWalkDistance Float 0.15
Maas.RoutingModel.vehicletrip.output.file String output/TNCTrips.csv
Maas.RoutingModel.vehicletrip.output.matrix String output/TNCVehicleTrips
Maas.RoutingModel.routeIntrazonal Boolean false
Maas.RoutingModel.Modes Integer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0
Maas.RoutingModel.SharedEligible Integer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0
Maas.RoutingModel.maxDistanceBeforeRefuel Integer 300
Maas.RoutingModel.timeRequiredForRefuel Integer 15
Maas.AVAllocationModel.vehicletrip.output.file String output/householdAVTrips.csv
Maas.AVAllocationModel.vehicletrip.output.matrix String output/emptyAVTrips
Maas.AVAllocation.uec.file String AutonomousVehicleAllocationChoice.xls Integer 0 Integer 1 Integer 2 Integer 3
Mobility.AV.RemoteParkingCostPerHour Float 1.0
Core Model Run Properties
Control Steps Run in Core Model
Model.Random.Seed Integer 1 Starting value for model random seed number (added to household IDs to create unique random number for each household)
RunModel.Clear.MatrixMgr.At.Start Boolean false Clear matrix manager at the start of run Boolean false
UsualWorkLocationChoice.ShadowPrice.Input.File String input/ ${workShadowPricing.iteration} File Name Work Location shadow price
UsualSchoolLocationChoice.ShadowPrice.Input.File String input/ ${schoolShadowPricing.iteration} File Name School Location shadow price
uwsl.ShadowPricing.Work.MaximumIterations Integer 1 maximum number of iterations for work shadow price
uwsl.ShadowPricing.School.MaximumIterations Integer 1 maximum number of iterations for school shadow price
uwsl.ShadowPricing.OutputFile String output/ShadowPricingOutput.csv output file name for shadow price Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component
uwsl.write.results Boolean true True of False whether to write out usual work and school location results Boolean false true or false whether to use new soa for the work/school DC model Boolean false true or false whether to use new soa for the non-mandatory DC models Boolean false true or false whether to use new soa for the stop location choice models
distributedTimeCoefficients Boolean True True or false whether to use distributed time coefficients Float 1.0 Mean of time distribution for work purpose Float 0.7 Standard deviation of time distribution for work purpose
timeDistribution.mean.nonWork Float 1.0 Mean of time distribution for non-work purpose
timeDistribution.standardDeviation.nonWork Float 0.6 Standard deviation of time distribution for non-work purpose
timeDistribution.randomSeed Integer 2301832 Random seed
valueOfTime.threshold.low Float 8.81 Lower threshold of value of time ($/hr) for skimming assignment modes choice and trip tables Float 18.00 Medium threshold of value of time ($/hr) for skimming assignment modes choice and trip tables
TourModeChoice.Save.UtilsAndProbs Boolean true Save utilities and probabilities in tour mode choice output files
distributed.task.packet.size Integer 200 Distributed task packet size
RunModel.RestartWithHhServer String none model can be restarted with certain files already generated. Values include 'none' (run whole model), 'uwsl', 'ao', 'stf'
RunModel.PreAutoOwnership Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.UsualWorkAndSchoolLocationChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.AutoOwnership Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.TransponderChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet
RunModel.FreeParking Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet
RunModel.CoordinatedDailyActivityPattern Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet
RunModel.IndividualMandatoryTourFrequency Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet
RunModel.MandatoryTourModeChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet
RunModel.MandatoryTourDepartureTimeAndDuration Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet
RunModel.SchoolEscortModel Boolean true True or false whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.JointTourFrequency Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.JointTourLocationChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.JointTourDepartureTimeAndDuration Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.JointTourModeChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequency Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourLocationChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourDepartureTimeAndDuration Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourModeChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourFrequency Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourLocationChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourDepartureTimeAndDuration Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourModeChoice Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.StopFrequency Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
RunModel.StopLocation Boolean true True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet
Input Properties
PopulationSynthesizer.InputToCTRAMP.HouseholdFile String input/households.csv Location of popsyn households.csv file
PopulationSynthesizer.InputToCTRAMP.PersonFile String input/persons.csv Location of popsyn persons.csv file
PopulationSynthesizer.OccupCodes String input/pecas_occ_occsoc.csv Location of popsyn pecas_occ_occsoc.csv file
PopulationSynthesizer.IndustryCodes String input/activity_code_indcen.csv Location of popsyn activity_code_indcen.csv file
PopulationSynthesizer.MilitaryIndustryRange 9670, 9870 Used to recode military occupation. This is necessary because military workers identify themselves as non-military occupations.
mgra.wlkacc.taps.and.distance.file (not in the inputs) String input/mgra_tap_walk.prn Location of walk access and distance file
taz.driveaccess.taps.file String input/accessam.csv Location of drive access file
tap.ptype.file String input/tap.ptype Location of ptype file
mgra.walkdistance.file (not in the inputs) String input/mgra_mgra_walk.prn Location of mgra walk distance file
taz.parkingtype.file String input/zone.park Location of parking type file
taz.terminal.time.file String input/zone.term Location of zonal terminal time file
maz.tap.tapLines String Output/tapLines.csv Location of tap lines file
Output Properties
Results.WriteDataToFiles Boolean true Write data to files
Results.HouseholdDataFile String output/householdData.csv Output name of household data file
Results.PersonDataFile String output/personData.csv Output name of person data file
Results.IndivTourDataFile String output/indivTourData.csv Output name of individual tour data file
Results.JointTourDataFile String output/jointTourData.csv Output name of joint tour data file
Results.IndivTripDataFile String output/indivTripData.csv Output name of individual trip data file
Results.JointTripDataFile String output/jointTripData.csv Output name of joint trip data file
Results.WriteDataToDatabase Boolean false Write data to a database
Results.HouseholdTable String household_data Output name of household data file in database
Results.PersonTable String person_data Output name of person data file in database
Results.IndivTourTable String indiv_tour_data Output name of individual tour data file in database
Results.JointTourTable String joint_tour_data Output name of joint tour data file in database
Results.IndivTripTable String indiv_trip_data Output name of individual trip data file in database
Results.JointTripTable String joint_trip_data Output name of joint trip data file in database
Results.AutoTripMatrix String output/autoTrips Output name of auto trip matrix
Results.TranTripMatrix String output/tranTrips Output name of transit trip matrix
Results.NMotTripMatrix String output/nmotTrips Output name of non-motorized trip matrix
Results.OthrTripMatrix String output/othrTrips Output name of other modes trip matrix
Results.PNRFile String output/PNRByTAP_Vehicles.csv Output name of PNR by TAP Vehicle Trip file
Results.CBDFile String output/CBDByMGRA_Vehicles.csv Output name of CBD by MGRA Vehicle Trip file
Results.MatrixType String OMX Matrix type for trip tables
Results.segmentByTransponderOwnership Boolean true
Results.AutoOwnership String output/aoResults.csv Auto ownership output file name and location Boolean false Read in the old pre-auto ownership results file String output/aoResults_pre.csv Pre auto ownership output file name and location
Results.UsualWorkAndSchoolLocationChoice String output/wsLocResults.csv Usual work and school location output file name and location
read.uwsl.results Boolean false Read in the old uwsl results
read.uwsl.filename String output/wsLocResults_1.csv Old uwsl result file name and location to read in
Core Model UECs
acc.uec.file String %project.folder%/uec/Accessibilities.xls Accessibilities.xls location Integer 0 Accessibilities data page Integer 1 Accessibilities SOV offpeak Integer 2 Accessibilities SOV peak Integer 3 Accessibilities HOV offpeak Integer 4 Accessibilities HOV peak Integer 5 Accessibilities non-motorized Integer 6 Accessibilities constants Integer 7 Accessibilities size terms Integer 8 Accessibilities school size terms Integer 9 Accessibilities worker size terms
acc.dcUtility.uec.file String %project.folder%/uec/Accessibilities_DC.xls Accessibilities_DC.xls location Integer 0 DC Accessibilities data page Integer 1 DC Accessibilities utility page
acc.output.file String input/accessibilities.csv accessibilities.csv location
lu.acc.dcUtility.uec.file String %project.folder%/uec/Accessibilities_LU_DC.xls Accessibilities_LU_DC.xls location Integer 0 LU DC Accessibilities data page Integer 1 LU DC Accessibilities utility page
lu.accessibility.alts.file String Acc_LU_alts.csv LU Accessibilities alternatives
lu.acc.output.file String output/luAccessibilities.csv luAccessibilities.csv location String output/luLogsums.csv luLogsums.csv location
lu.acc.simple.averaging.method Boolean true "# set either or both averaging methods to be used to write LU accessibilities files and also requires command line parameter ""-luAcc true"" and = false"
lu.acc.logit.averaging.method Boolean true "# set either or both averaging methods to be used to write LU accessibilities files and also requires command line parameter ""-luAcc true"" and = false"
accessibility.alts.file String Acc_alts.csv Accessibilities alternatives
acc.mandatory.uec.file String %project.folder%/uec/MandatoryAccess.xls MandatoryAccess.xls location Integer 0 Mandatory Access data page Integer 1 Mandatory Access auto page Integer 2 Mandatory Access autoLogsum page Integer 3 Mandatory Access best Walk Transit page Integer 4 Mandatory Access best Drive Transit page Integer 5 Mandatory Access transit logsum page
ao.uec.file String AutoOwnership.xls File name of auto ownership UEC Integer 0 Auto ownership UEC data page Integer 1 Auto ownership UEC utility page
uwsl.dc.uec.file String TourDestinationChoice.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice UEC
uwsl.dc2.uec.file String TourDestinationChoice2.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice 2 UEC
uwsl.soa.uec.file String DestinationChoiceAlternativeSample.xls File Name of Destination Choice Alternative Sample UEC
uwsl.soa.alts.file String DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed) Integer 30 Sample size of Work Destination Choice Integer 30 Sample size of School Destination Choice
work.soa.uec.file String TourDcSoaDistance.xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for Work Purpose includes TAZ Size in the expressions Integer 0 Work Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
work.soa.uec.model Integer 1 Work Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
univ.soa.uec.file String TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for university and then multiplied by the university segment size terms Integer 0 University Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
univ.soa.uec.model Integer 1 University Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
hs.soa.uec.file String TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for high school and then multiplied by the high school segment size terms Integer 0 High School Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
hs.soa.uec.model Integer 2 High School Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
gs.soa.uec.file String TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for grade school and then multiplied by the grade school segment size terms Integer 0 Grade School Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
gs.soa.uec.model Integer 3 Grade School Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
ps.soa.uec.file String TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for preschool and then multiplied by the preschool segment size terms Integer 0 Preschool Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
ps.soa.uec.model Integer 4 Preschool Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
tc.choice.avgtts.file String input/temporaryStaticInputs.csv File name of average travel times for transponder ownership
tc.uec.file String TransponderOwnership.xls File name of transponder ownership UEC Integer 0 Transponder ownership UEC data page Integer 1 Transponder ownership UEC utility page
tc.everyone.owns Integer 0
fp.uec.file String ParkingProvision.xls File name of parking provision UEC Integer 0 Parking Provision UEC data page Integer 1 Parking Provision UEC utility page
te.uec.file String Telecommute.xls Integer 0 Integer 1
cdap.uec.file String CoordinatedDailyActivityPattern.xls File name of CDAP UEC Integer 0 CDAP UEC data page Integer 1 CDAP UEC utility for one person page Integer 2 CDAP UEC utility for 2 persons page Integer 3 CDAP UEC utility for 3 persons page Integer 4 CDAP UEC utility for All member interation page Integer 5 CDAP UEC utility for joint tours page
imtf.uec.file String MandatoryTourFrequency.xls File name of Mandatory tour frequency UEC Integer 0 Mandatory tour frequency UEC data page Integer 1 mandatory tour frequency UEC utility page
nonSchool.soa.uec.file String TourDcSoaDistance.xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for Non Work/School Purposes includes TAZ Size in the expressions Integer 0 Escort Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
escort.soa.uec.model Integer 2 Escort Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page Integer 0 Other Non-mandatory Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
other.nonman.soa.uec.model Integer 3 Other Non-mandatory Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page Integer 0 At-Work Sub-Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
atwork.soa.uec.model Integer 4 At-Work Sub-Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
soa.taz.dist.alts.file String SoaTazDistAlts.csv File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs
nmdc.dist.alts.file String NonMandatoryTlcAlternatives.csv File name of non-mandatory tour alternatives
nmdc.soa.alts.file String DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed)
nmdc.soa.SampleSize Integer 30 Sample size of non-mandatory Destination choice
nmdc.uec.file2 String TourDestinationChoice2.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice 2 UEC
nmdc.uec.file String TourDestinationChoice.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice UEC Integer 0 Non-mandatory Tour DC UEC data page Integer 7 Escort Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page Integer 8 Shop Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page Integer 9 Maintenance Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page Integer 10 Eating Out Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page Integer 11 Visiting Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page Integer 12 Discretionary Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page Integer 13 At-Work Sub-Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
nmdc.SampleTODPeriod Boolean true
nmdc.SampleTODPeriod.file String input/Non_Mand_Tours_ArrDep_Distbn.csv
nmdc.soa.uec.file String DestinationChoiceAlternativeSample.xls File Name of Destination Choice Alternative Sample UEC Integer 0 Non-mandatory TOUR SOA UEC data page Integer 6 Escort TOUR SOA UEC utility page Integer 7 Shop TOUR SOA UEC utility page Integer 7 Maintenance TOUR SOA UEC utility page Integer 7 Eating Out TOUR SOA UEC utility page Integer 7 Visiting TOUR SOA UEC utility page Integer 7 Discretionary TOUR SOA UEC utility page Integer 8 At-Work Sub-Tour SOA UEC utility page
school.escort.uec.filename String SchoolEscorting.xls File name of school escorting UEC
school.escort.alts.file String SchoolEscortingAlts.csv File name of school escorting alternatives Integer 0 School escorting UEC data sheet index
school.escort.outbound.model.sheet Integer 1 School escorting UEC outbound model sheet index
school.escort.inbound.conditonal.model.sheet Integer 2 School escorting UEC inbound conditional model sheet index
school.escort.outbound.conditonal.model.sheet Integer 3 School escorting UEC outbound conditional model sheet index
school.escort.RNG.offset Integer 384571483
tourModeChoice.uec.file String TourModeChoice.xls File name of Tour Mode choice UEC Integer 4 Maintenance Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page Integer 5 Discretionary Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page Integer 6 At-Work Sub-Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page
tour.utility.ivt.coeffs String -0.016, -0.016, -0.01, -0.017, -0.015, -0.032 Tour utility in-vehicle time coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based)
tour.utility.income.coeffs String -0.625, -0.262, -0.262, -0.262, -0.262, -0.262, Tour utility income coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based)
tour.utility.income.exponents String 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 Tour utility income exponents by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based)
departTime.uec.file String TourDepartureAndDuration.xls File name of Tour TOD Choice UEC Integer 0 Tour TOD Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Work Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 2 University Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 3 School Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 4 Escort Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 5 Shop Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 6 Maintenance Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 7 Eating Out Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 8 Visiting Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 9 Discretionary Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page Integer 10 At-Work Sub-Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
departTime.alts.file String DepartureTimeAndDurationAlternatives.csv File name of Departure time and duration alternatives
jtfcp.uec.file String JointTourFrequency.xls File name of Joint Tour Frequency UEC
jtfcp.alternatives.file String JointAlternatives.csv File name of joint tour alternatives by purpose and party composition combinations Integer 0 Joint Tour Frequency UEC data page Integer 1 Joint Tour Frequency UEC utility composition page Integer 2 Joint Tour Frequency UEC utility participation page
inmtf.uec.file String NonMandatoryIndividualTourFrequency.xls File name of Individual non-mandatory tour frequency UEC
inmtf.FrequencyExtension.ProbabilityFile String IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequencyExtensionProbabilities_p1.csv File name of Individual non-mandatory tour frequency extension probabilities
IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequency.AlternativesList.InputFile String IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequencyAlternatives.csv File name of individual non-mandatory tour frequency alternatives (combinations) Integer 0 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC data page Integer 1 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Full time workers page Integer 2 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Part time workers page Integer 3 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for University students page Integer 4 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Non-workers page Integer 5 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Retirees page Integer 6 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Driving students page Integer 7 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Pre-driving students page Integer 8 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Preschool students page
awtf.uec.file AtWorkSubtourFrequency.xls File name of at-work sub-tour frequency UEC Integer 0 At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency UEC Data page Integer 1 At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency UEC Utility page
stf.uec.file String StopFrequency.xls File name of Stop Frequency UEC
stf.purposeLookup.proportions String StopPurposeLookupProportions.csv File name of Stop Purpose Lookup proportions Integer 0 Stop Frequency UEC data page Integer 1 Stop Frequency for Work Tour UEC utility page Integer 2 Stop Frequency for University Tour UEC utility page Integer 3 Stop Frequency for School Tour UEC utility page Integer 4 Stop Frequency for Escort Tour UEC utility page Integer 5 Stop Frequency for Shop Tour UEC utility page Integer 6 Stop Frequency for Maintenance Tour UEC utility page Integer 7 Stop Frequency for Eating Out Tour UEC utility page Integer 8 Stop Frequency for Visiting Tour UEC utility page Integer 9 Stop Frequency for Discretionary Tour UEC utility page Integer 10 Stop Frequency for At-Work Sub-Tour UEC utility page
slc.uec.file String StopLocationChoice.xls File Name of Stop Location Choice UEC Integer 0 Stop Location Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Stop Location Choice for Mandatory Tours UEC utility page Integer 2 Stop Location Choice for Maintenance Tours UEC utility page Integer 3 Stop Location Choice for Discretionary Tours UEC utility page
slc.alts.file String SlcAlternatives.csv File name of stop location choice alternatives
slc.soa.uec.file - (duplicate. the same file is available for slc.soa.size.uec.file) String SlcSoaSize.xl File name of SOA UEC to the stop location choice
slc.soa.alts.file String DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed)
auto.slc.soa.distance.uec.file String SlcSoaDistanceUtility.xls File name of Stop Location Sample of Alternatives Choice UEC for tour modes other than walk or bike - for transit, availability of stop for transit is set in java code Integer 0 Stop Location SOA Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Stop Location SOA Choice UEC utility page
slc.soa.size.uec.file String SlcSoaSize.xls File Name of Stop Location Choice Size Terms UEC Integer 0 Stop Location Choice Size terms UEC data page Integer 1 Stop Location Choice Size terms UEC utility page
stop.depart.arrive.proportions String StopDepartArriveProportions.csv File name of Stop Location Time of Day proportions
tripModeChoice.uec.file String TripModeChoice.xls File name of Trip mode choice UEC
trip.utility.ivt.coeffs String -0.032, -0.032 ,-0.02, -0.034, -0.03, -0.064 Trip utility in-vehicle time coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based)
trip.utility.income.coeffs String -1.25, -0.524, -0.524, -0.524, -0.524, -0.524 Trip utility income coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based)
trip.utility.income.exponents String 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 Trip utility income exponents by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based)
plc.uec.file String ParkLocationChoice.xls File name of Parking Location Choice UEC Integer 0 Parking Location Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Parking Location Choice UEC utility page
plc.alts.corresp.file String ParkLocationAlts.csv File name of parking location alternatives (MGRAs)
plc.alts.file String ParkLocationSampleAlts.csv File name of parking location sample of alternatives
mgra.avg.cost.output.file String mgraParkingCost.csv File name of average parking costs by MGRA Float -8.6 Parking location model coefficient for walking distance to destination for Work purpose
mgra.avg.cost.dist.coeff.other Float -4.9 Parking location model coefficient for walking distance to destination for other purposes
park.cost.reimb.mean Float -0.05 Parking location model mean parking cost reimbursement Float 0.54 Parking location model standard deviation for parking cost reimbursement
utility.bestTransitPath.uec.file String BestTransitPathUtility.xls File name of best transit path UEC Integer 0 Best Transit Path UEC data page Integer 1 Best Transit Path UEC for TAP to TAP utility page Integer 2 Best Transit Path UEC for walk access utility page Integer 3 Best Transit Path UEC for drive access utility page Integer 4 Best Transit Path UEC for walk egress utility page Integer 5 Best Transit Path UEC for drive egress utility page Integer 6 Best Transit Path UEC for drive access disutility page Integer 7 Best Transit Path UEC for drive egress disutility page
utility.bestTransitPath.skim.sets Integer 3 Number of skim sets in best transit path
utility.bestTransitPath.alts Integer 4 Number of alternatives in best transit path
utility.bestTransitPath.maxPathsPerSkimSetForLogsum String 1, 1, 1 Maximum number of paths per skims set to use for logsum (by iteration?)
utility.bestTransitPath.nesting.coeff Float 0.24 Nesting coefficient String AutoSkims.xls File name of Auto Skims UEC Integer 0 Auto Skims data page Integer 1 Auto skims Early AM utility page Integer 2 Auto skims AM utility page Integer 3 Auto skims MD utility page Integer 4 Auto skims PM utility page Integer 5 Auto skims Evening utility page
taz.distance.uec.file String tazDistance.xls File name of TAZ Distance UEC Integer 0 TAZ Distance UEC data page Integer 1 TAZ Distance UEC Early AM utility page Integer 2 TAZ Distance UEC AM utility page Integer 3 TAZ Distance UEC MD utility page Integer 4 TAZ Distance UEC PM utility page Integer 5 TAZ Distance UEC Evening utility page Integer 6 Integer 7 Integer 8 Integer 9 Integer 10
skim.walk.transit.walk.uec.file String WalkTransitWalkSkims.xls File name of Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC Integer 0 Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC data page Integer 1 Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC skim page
skim.walk.transit.walk.skims Integer 13 String WalkTransitDriveSkims.xls File name of Walk Transit Drive Skims UEC Integer 0 Walk Transit Drive Skims UEC data page Integer 1 Walk Transit Drive Skims UEC skim page Integer 13 String DriveTransitWalkSkims.xls File name of Drive Transit Walk Skims UEC Integer 0 Drive Transit Walk Skims UEC data page Integer 1 Drive Transit Walk Skims UEC skim page Integer 13
IE Model Settings
Run as part of CT-RAMP
RunModel.InternalExternal Boolean true True or False to run the Internal to External model
ie.uec.file String InternalExternalTripChoice.xls File name of Internal to External Trip choice UEC Integer 0 Internal External Trip Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Internal External Trip Choice UEC utility page
ie.logsum.distance.coeff Float -0.05 Internal External Trip choice logsum distance coefficient
external.tazs String 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Listing of external station TAZs
internalExternal.dc.uec.file String InternalExternalDestinationChoice.xls File name of Internal External Destination choice UEC Integer 0 Internal External Destination Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Internal External Destination Choice UEC utility page
internalExternal.dc.uec.alts.file String InternalExternalDestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv File name of internal external destination choice alternatives
internalExternal.tour.tod.file String input/internalExternal_tourTOD.csv File location/name of internal external TOD proportions String internalExternalTripModeChoice.xls File name of internal external Trip Mode choice UEC Integer 0 Internal External Trip Mode choice UEC data page Integer 1 Internal External Trip Mode choice UEC utility page
internalExternal.trip.output.file String output/internalExternalTrips.csv File location/name of internal external resulting trips
internalExternal.results.autoTripMatrix String output/autoInternalExternalTrips File location/name of internal external resulting auto trips
internalExternal.results.nMotTripMatrix String output/nmotInternalExternalTrips File location/name of internal external resulting non-motorized trips
internalExternal.results.tranTripMatrix String output/tranInternalExternalTrips File location/name of internal external resulting transit trips
internalExternal.results.othrTripMatrix String output/othrInternalExternalTrips File location/name of internal external resulting other modes trips
Cross-Border Model Settings Integer 93730 Control Total: number of tours in the cross border model
crossBorder.sentriShare Float 0.1826 Share of Sentri users
crossBorder.purpose.nonsentri.file String input/crossBorder_tourPurpose_nonSENTRI.csv File location/name of cross border non-sentri shares by tour purpose
crossBorder.purpose.sentri.file String input/crossBorder_tourPurpose_SENTRI.csv File location/name of cross border sentri shares by tour purpose
crossBorder.tour.tod.file String input/crossBorder_tourEntryAndReturn.csv File location/name of cross border tour time of day proportions
crossBorder.dc.soa.uec.file String CrossBorderDestinationChoiceSample.xls File name of cross border destination choice Sample of alternatives UEC Integer 0 Cross Border Destination Choice SOA UEC data page Integer 1 Cross Border Destination Choice SOA UEC utility page Integer 2 Cross Border Destination Choice SOA UEC Size terms page
crossborder.dc.soa.alts.file String CrossBorderDestinationChoiceSoaAlternatives.csv CrossBorderDestinationChoiceSoaAlternatives2010.csv File name of cross border destination choice Sample of alternatives from and to point of entry and exits (MGRA)
crossBorder.dc.uec.file String CrossBorderDestinationChoice.xls CrossBorderDestinationChoice2010.xls File name of Cross Border Destination Choice UEC Integer 0 Cross Border Destination Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Cross Border Destination Choice UEC utility page
crossborder.dc.alts.file String CrossBorderDestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv File name of Cross Border destination choice alternatives
crossBorder.dc.colonia.file String input/crossBorder_supercolonia.csv File location/name of Cross Border Super Colonia input file (population distance to border, etc.)
crossBorder.dc.colonia.distance.parameter Float -0.19 Cross Border model colonia distance coefficient
crossBorder.dc.soa.sampleRate Integer 30 Cross Border model Sample Size String CrossBorderTourModeChoice.xls File name of Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC Integer 0 Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC for Mandatory Tour Purposes utility page Integer 2 Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC for Non-Mandatory Tour Purposes utility page
crossBorder.poe.waittime.file String input/crossBorder_pointOfEntryWaitTime.csv File location/name of Cross Border point of entry wait times String CrossBorderTripModeChoice.xls File name Cross Border Trip Mode Choice UEC Integer 0 Cross Border Trip Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Cross Border Trip Mode Choice UEC utility page
crossBorder.stop.frequency.file String input/crossBorder_stopFrequency.csv File location/name of Cross Border Stop Frequency proportions
crossBorder.stop.purpose.file String input/crossBorder_stopPurpose.csv File location/name of Cross Border Stop Purpose proportions
crossBorder.slc.soa.uec.file String CrossBorderStopLocationChoiceSample.xls File name of Cross Border Stop Location Choice Sample of alternatives UEC Integer 0 Cross Border Stop Location Choice SOA UEC data page Integer 1 Cross Border Stop Location Choice SOA UEC utility page
crossBorder.slc.soa.alts.file String SoaTazDistAlts.csv File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs
crossBorder.slc.uec.file String CrossBorderStopLocationChoice.xls File name of Cross Border Stop Location Choice UEC Integer 0 Cross Border Stop Location Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Cross Border Stop Location Choice UEC utility page
crossBorder.stop.outbound.duration.file String input/crossBorder_outboundStopDuration.csv File location/name of Cross Border Stop Outbound duration proportions
crossBorder.stop.inbound.duration.file String input/crossBorder_inboundStopDuration.csv File location/name of Cross Border Stop Inbound duration proportions
crossBorder.tour.output.file String output/crossBorderTours.csv File location/name of Cross border tour output file
crossBorder.trip.output.file String output/crossBorderTrips.csv File location/name of Cross Border trip output file
crossBorder.results.autoTripMatrix String output/autoCrossBorderTrips File location/name of Cross Border auto trips
crossBorder.results.nMotTripMatrix String output/nmotCrossBorderTrips File location/name of Cross Border non-motorized trips
crossBorder.results.tranTripMatrix String output/tranCrossBorderTrips File location/name of Cross Border transit trips
crossBorder.results.othrTripMatrix String output/othrCrossBorderTrips File location/name of Cross Border other modes trips
Visitor Model Settings String input/visitor_businessFrequency.csv File location/name of visitors on business trip tour frequency proportions
visitor.personal.tour.file String input/visitor_personalFrequency.csv File location/name of visitors on personal trip tour frequency proportions
visitor.partySize.file String input/visitor_partySize.csv File location/name of visitor proportion of trips by tour purpose and party size
visitor.autoAvailable.file String input/visitor_autoAvailable.csv File location/name of visitor's auto availability by tour purpose
visitor.income.file String input/visitor_income.csv File location/name of visitor's income proportion by tour purpose
visitor.dc.soa.uec.file String VisitorDestinationChoiceSample.xls File name of Visitor Destination choice sample UEC Integer 0 Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC data page Integer 1 Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Work Tour utility page Integer 2 Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Recreation Tour utility page Integer 3 Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Dining Tour utility page Integer 4 Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Size Terms utility page
visitor.dc.soa.alts.file String SoaTazDistAlts.csv File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs
visitor.dc.uec.file String VisitorDestinationChoice.xls File name of Visitor Destination Choice UEC Integer 0 Visitor Destination Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Visitor Destination Choice UEC Work Tour utility page Integer 2 Visitor Destination Choice UEC Recreation Tour utility page Integer 3 Visitor Destination Choice UEC Dining Tour utility page
visitor.tour.tod.file String input/visitor_tourTOD.csv File location/name of Visitor Tour TOD proportions String VisitorTourModeChoice.xls File name of Visitor Tour Mode choice UEC Integer 0 Visitor Tour Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Visitor Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page
visitor.stop.frequency.file String input/visitor_stopFrequency.csv File location/name of Visitor Stop Frequency proportions
visitor.stop.purpose.file String input/visitor_stopPurpose.csv File location/name of Visitor Stop Purpose proportions
visitor.stop.outbound.duration.file String input/visitor_outboundStopDuration.csv File location/name of Visitor Outbound Stop Duration proportions
visitor.stop.inbound.duration.file String input/visitor_inboundStopDuration.csv File location/name of Visitor Inbound Stop Duration proportions
visitor.slc.soa.uec.file String VisitorStopLocationChoiceSample.xls File name of Visitor Stop Location Choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Integer 0 Visitor Stop Location Choice SOA UEC data page Integer 1 Visitor Stop Location Choice SOA UEC utility page
visitor.slc.uec.file String VisitorStopLocationChoice.xls File name of Visitor Stop Location Choice UEC Integer 0 Visitor Stop Location Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Visitor Stop Location Choice UEC utility page String VisitorTripModeChoice.xls File name of Visitor Trip Mode Choice UEC Integer 0 Visitor Trip Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Visitor Trip Mode Choice UEC utility page
visitor.micromobility.uec.file String VisitorMicromobilityChoice.xls Integer 0 Integer 1
visitor.tour.output.file String output/visitorTours.csv File location/name of visitor tour output file
visitor.trip.output.file String output/visitorTrips.csv File location/name of visitor trip output file
visitor.results.autoTripMatrix String output/autoVisitorTrips File location/name of visitor auto trips output file
visitor.results.nMotTripMatrix String output/nmotVisitorTrips File location/name of visitor non-motorized trips output file
visitor.results.tranTripMatrix String output/tranVisitorTrips File location/name of visitor transit trips output file
visitor.results.othrTripMatrix String output/othrVisitorTrips File location/name of visitor other modes trips output file
visitor.uec.file String VisitorSize.xls File name for visitor size UEC file (for visitor estimation only) Integer 0 Visitor UEC data page (for visitor estimation only) Integer 1 Visitor UEC size terms page (for visitor estimation only)
SAN Airport Model Settings
airport.SAN.purpose.file String input/airport_purpose.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model tour purpose proportions
airport.SAN.size.file String input/airport_party.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by party size and tour purpose
airport.SAN.duration.file String input/airport_nights.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by number of nights and tour purpose
airport.SAN.income.file String input/airport_income.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by income group and tour purpose
airport.SAN.departureTime.file String input/airport_departure.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by departure time and tour purpose
airport.SAN.arrivalTime.file String input/airport_arrival.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by arrival time and tour purpose
airport.SAN.output.file String output/airport_out.SAN.csv File location/name of Airport model output
airport.SAN.dc.uec.file String AirportDestinationChoice.SAN.xls File name of Airport Destination Choice UEC Integer 0 Airport Destination Choice UEC data page Integer 5 Airport Destination Choice UEC size terms page Integer 1 Airport Destination Choice UEC Resident business segment utility page Integer 2 Airport Destination Choice UEC Resident personal segment utility page Integer 3 Airport Destination Choice UEC Visitor business segment utility page Integer 4 Airport Destination Choice UEC Visitor personal segment utility page String AirportModeChoice.SAN.xls File name of Airport Mode choice UEC Integer 0 Airport Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Airport Mode Choice UEC Drive Alone utility page Integer 2 Airport Mode Choice UEC Shared Ride 2 utility page Integer 3 Airport Mode Choice UEC Shared Ride 3+ utility page Integer 4 Airport Mode Choice UEC Transit utility page Integer 5 Airport Mode Choice UEC Arrival Mode utility page
airport.SAN.externalStationFile String uec/InternalExternalDestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv
airport.SAN.results.autoTripMatrix String output/autoAirportTrips.SAN File location/name of Airport Auto Trips output file
airport.SAN.results.nMotTripMatrix String output/nmotAirportTrips.SAN File location/name of Airport non-motorized Trips output file
airport.SAN.results.tranTripMatrix String output/tranAirportTrips.SAN File location/name of Airport transit Trips output file
airport.SAN.results.othrTripMatrix String output/othrAirportTrips.SAN File location/name of Airport other modes Trips output file
CBX Airport Model Settings
airport.CBX.purpose.file String input/airport_purpose.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model tour purpose proportions
airport.CBX.size.file String input/airport_party.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by party size and tour purpose
airport.CBX.duration.file String input/airport_nights.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by number of nights and tour purpose
airport.CBX.income.file String input/airport_income.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by income group and tour purpose
airport.CBX.departureTime.file String input/airport_departure.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by departure time and tour purpose
airport.CBX.arrivalTime.file String input/airport_arrival.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by arrival time and tour purpose
airport.CBX.output.file String output/airport_out.CBX.csv File location/name of Airport model output
airport.CBX.dc.uec.file String AirportDestinationChoice.CBX.xls File name of Airport Destination Choice UEC Integer 0 Airport Destination Choice UEC data page Integer 5 Airport Destination Choice UEC size terms page Integer 1 Airport Destination Choice UEC Resident business segment utility page Integer 2 Airport Destination Choice UEC Resident personal segment utility page Integer 3 Airport Destination Choice UEC Visitor business segment utility page Integer 4 Airport Destination Choice UEC Visitor personal segment utility page String AirportModeChoice.CBX.xls File name of Airport Mode choice UEC Integer 0 Airport Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Airport Mode Choice UEC Drive Alone utility page Integer 2 Airport Mode Choice UEC Shared Ride 2 utility page Integer 3 Airport Mode Choice UEC Shared Ride 3+ utility page Integer 4 Airport Mode Choice UEC Transit utility page Integer 5 Airport Mode Choice UEC Arrival Mode utility page
airport.CBX.externalStationFile String uec/InternalExternalDestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv
airport.CBX.results.autoTripMatrix String output/autoAirportTrips.CBX File location/name of Airport Auto Trips output file
airport.CBX.results.nMotTripMatrix String output/nmotAirportTrips.CBX File location/name of Airport non-motorized Trips output file
airport.CBX.results.tranTripMatrix String output/tranAirportTrips.CBX File location/name of Airport transit Trips output file
airport.CBX.results.othrTripMatrix String output/othrAirportTrips.CBX File location/name of Airport other modes Trips output file
Truck Model Settings
truck.DFyear String 2008 , 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050 These are the years that there is truck model data for
truck.luOverRide Boolean False Setting that is based upon the old truck model code. It should always be set to false. Allows one to override the land-use data with a different file called “lu.csv”
Commercial Vehicle Model Settings
cvm.scale_factor Integer 1
cvm.scale_light Integer 1,2,3,2,1
cvm.scale_medium Integer 1,1,1,1,1
cvm.scale_heavy Integer 1,1,1,1,1
cvm.share_light Float 0.04
cvm.share_medium Float 0.64
cvm.share_heavy Integer 0
Report Section
Report.exportData Boolean True
Report.iteration 3
Report.tables taztotap, indivtrips, jointtrips, airporttrips, cbtrips, visitortours, visitortrips, ietrip, commtrip, eetrip, eitrip, tazskim, tapskim, trucktrip
Trip Table Settings
occ3plus.purpose.Work Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Work Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.University Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for University Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.School Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for School Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Escort Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Escort Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Shop Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Shop Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Maintenance Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Maintenance Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.EatingOut Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Eating Out Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Visiting Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Visiting Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Discretionary Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Discretionary Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.WorkBased Float 3.34 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Discretionary Purpose
Active Transportation Model Settings
active.node.file %project.folder%/input/SANDAG_Bike_NODE.dbf Determine which DBF file the model reads to obtain data on nodes in the active transportation network. NodeLev_ID Determines which column in the node file is the unique identifier
active.node.fieldnames mgra, taz, x, y, tap, signalized Together, determine mapping between java SandagBikeNode object fields and node DBF file columns
active.node.columns MGRA, TAZ, XCOORD, YCOORD, TAP, Signal
active.edge.file %project.folder%/input/SANDAG_Bike_NET.dbf Determines which DBF file the model reads to obtain data on edges in the active transportation network.
active.edge.anode A Determine which columns in the edge DBF contain foreign keys to the unique identifiers of the first and second nodes in the edges.
active.edge.bnode B
active.edge.directional false Determines whether the edge DBF file contains separate records for edges in the AB and BA directions.
active.edge.fieldnames functionalClass, distance, gain, bikeClass, lanes, cycleTrack, bikeBlvd, roadsegid Together, determine the mapping between java SandagBikeEdge object fields and edge DBF file columns for AB and BA direction
active.edge.columns.ab Func_Class, Distance, AB_Gain, ABBikeClas, AB_Lanes, Bike2Sep, Bike3Blvd, ROADSEGID Func_Class, Distance, BA_Gain, ABBikeClas, BA_Lanes, Bike2Sep, Bike3Blvd, ROADSEGID
active.edge.centroid.field functionalClass Together, determine which SandagBikeEdge field can be queried to determine if an edge is a centroid connector, and which value corresponds to centroid connectors
active.edge.centroid.value 10
active.edge.autospermitted.field functionalClass Together, determine which SandagBikeEdge field can be queried to determine if an edge is shared by motorized traffic, and which values allow auto travel
active.edge.autospermitted.values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
active.sample.distance.breaks 99 Together, customize path alternative sampling algorithm. distance.breaks determines the upper boundary of distance intervals for which the parameters below apply, pathsizes determines the target choice set size, accounting for path overlap, count.min determines the minimum sample count, and count.max determines the maximum sample count.
active.sample.pathsizes 2
active.sample.count.min 10
active.sample.count.max 100
active.sample.random.scale.coef 0.5 Determines the variance of the random coefficients in path generation 0.7 Determines the variance of the random link cost multiplier in path generation
active.sample.random.seeded true Determines whether random link costs should be seeded. True will cause results to be reproducible, while false can be used to evaluate simulation error.
active.sample.maxcost 998 Determines maximum cost in path search. For any node which is reachable only by a path that exceeds this cost, the path search will not consider paths extending from this node" 20.0 Determines maximum distance of bike TAZ-TAZ trips, bike MGRA-MGRA trips, walk MGRA-MGRA trips, and walk MGRA-TAP segments in miles. 2.0
active.maxdist.walk.mgra 3.0
active.maxdist.walk.tap 1.0 %project.folder%/output/ Determines output directory for writing of bike and walk logsum matrices, network assignments, and path traces.
active.output.walk %project.folder%/output/
active.coef.distcla0 0.858 Determine average of random coefficients in bicycle path generation for distance on ordinary streets (in miles), distance on Class I facilities, distance on Class II facilities, distance on Class III facilities, distance on arterials without bike lanes, distance traveling the wrong way, distance on cycle tracks, distance on bike boulevards, elevation gain (in feet), the number of turns, the number of signals (excluding right turns and through junctions), the number of un-signalized left turns from major arterials, the number of un-signalized left turns from minor arterials, the number of un-signalized crossings of major arterials, and the number of un-signalized crossings of minor arterials."
active.coef.distcla1 0.348
active.coef.distcla2 0.544
active.coef.distcla3 0.858
active.coef.dartne2 1.050
active.coef.dwrongwy 3.445
active.coef.dcyctrac 0.424
active.coef.dbikblvd 0.343
active.coef.nonscenic 0.300
active.coef.gain 0.015
active.coef.turn 0.083
active.coef.signals 0.040
active.coef.unlfrma 0.360
active.coef.unlfrmi 0.150
active.coef.untoma 0.480
active.coef.untomi 0.100
active.coef.distance.walk 20.0 Determine walk path generalized cost coefficients for distance in miles, and elevation gain in feet.
active.coef.gain.walk 0.034
active.walk.minutes.per.mile 20 Determines inverse speed of walking and biking for estimation of actual time skims. 6
active.micromobility.speed Integer 12
active.micromobility.variableCost Float 0.2
active.micromobility.fixedCost Float 1.0
active.micromobility.rentalTime Integer 1
active.micromobility.constant Integer 60
active.micromobility.vot Integer 15
micromobility.uec.file String MicromobilityChoice.xls Integer 0 Integer 1 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500 Determine the origin TAZs, MGRAs, and TAPs for which model will trace results of path generation and output node sequences to the disk. If exclusive is true, the model will only run for these origins. If false, the model will run for all origins 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15
active.trace.exclusive false
active.debug.origin 200003500 Determine the origin and destination node ids for which the model will trace the results of the bicycle path choice UEC calculations.
active.debug.destination 200003601
active.trace.outputassignmentpaths false
path.choice.uec.spreadsheet %project.folder%/uec/BikeTripPathChoice.xls Determines the file location, model, and data tabs of the bicycle path choice UEC Excel workbook.
path.choice.uec.model.sheet 1 0
path.choice.max.path.count 200
btpc.alts.file bike_path_alts.csv Determines the location of the file listing the numbers of the bicycle path choice alternatives. bikeTazLogsum.csv bikeMgraLogsum.csv Determine the ouput files for the bike TAZ logsum matrix, bike MGRA logsum matrix, walk MGRA-MGRA logsum matrix, and walk MGRA-TAP logsum matrix.
active.logsum.matrix.file.walk.mgra walkMgraEquivMinutes.csv
active.logsum.matrix.file.walk.mgratap walkMgraTapEquivMinutes.csv true Determine whether and to which file the edge, node, and traversal attributes calculated internally in Java should be written for debugging purposes. derivedBikeEdges.csv derivedBikeNodes.csv derivedBikeTraversals.csv bikeAssignmentResults.csv Determines to which file the results of the bicycle network assignment should be written.
AtTransitConsistency.xThreshold Float 1.0
AtTransitConsistency.yThreshold Float 1.0
Summit Settings String output/ File location for Summit output
summit.purpose.Work Integer 1 Specify code for Work Purpose
summit.purpose.University Integer 2 Specify code for University Purpose
summit.purpose.School Integer 3 Specify code for School Purpose
summit.purpose.Escort Integer 4 Specify code for Escort Purpose
summit.purpose.Shop Integer 4 Specify code for Shop Purpose
summit.purpose.Maintenance Integer 4 Specify code for Maintenance Purpose
summit.purpose.EatingOut Integer 5 Specify code for Eating out Purpose
summit.purpose.Visiting Integer 5 Specify code for Visiting Purpose
summit.purpose.Discretionary Integer 5 Specify code for Discretionary Purpose
summit.purpose.WorkBased Integer 6 Specify code for At-Work Sub Tour Purpose
summit.filename.1 String Work Specify file name for Work Purpose
summit.filename.2 String University Specify file name for University Purpose
summit.filename.3 String School Specify file name for School Purpose
summit.filename.4 String Maintenance Specify file name for Maintenance Purpose
summit.filename.5 String Discretionary Specify file name for Discretionary Purpose
summit.filename.6 String Workbased Specify file name for At-Work Sub tour Purpose
summit.ivt.file.1 Float -0.016 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Work Purpose
summit.ivt.file.2 Float -0.016 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for University Purpose
summit.ivt.file.3 Float -0.01 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for School Purpose
summit.ivt.file.4 Float -0.017 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Maintenance Purpose
summit.ivt.file.5 Float -0.015 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Discretionary Purpose
summit.ivt.file.6 Float -0.032 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for At-work Sub tour Purpose
summit.modes Integer 26 Specify number of modes in the model
summit.mode.array String 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 Specify mode array; 0 for auto modes/school bus mode, 1 for walk transit, 2 for drive transit modes
summit.upperEA Integer 3 Specify upper limit code for Early AM time period
summit.upperAM Integer 9 Specify upper limit code for AM time period
summit.upperMD Integer 22 Specify upper limit code for Midday time period
summit.upperPM Integer 29 Specify upper limit code for PM time period
TAPs Creation Settings
taps.formal.premium.maxDist Float 10.0 Float 4.0
taps.formal.local.maxDist Float 4.0
taps.informal.premium.maxDist Float 4.0 Float 2.0
taps.informal.local.maxDist Float 2.0
taps.premium.modes Integer 4,5,6,7 Integer 8,9
taps.local.modes Integer 10
taps.skim String traffic_skims_AM.omx
taps.skim.dist String M_SOV_NT_M_DIST
taps.skim.time String AM_SOV_NT_M_TIME
Military Adjustment Section
RunModel.militaryCtmAdjustment Boolean true
Special Event Model Settings
specialEvent.event.file String input/specialEvent_eventData.csv File location/name of Special event data (MGRA, time starts/ends, attendance, parking cost, etc.) Boolean false True or False to seek Special event model
specialEvent.trace Integer 406 Specify what zone to trace for Special event model
specialEvent.partySize.file String input/specialEvent_partySize.csv File location/name of Special event proportions by event type and party size
specialEvent.income.file String input/specialEvent_income.csv File location/name of Special event proportions by event type and income
specialEvent.saveUtilsAndProbs Boolean true True of false whether to save utilities and probabilities to output file
specialEvent.dc.uec.file String SpecialEventOriginChoice.xls File name for Special Event Origin Choice UEC Integer 0 Special Event Orgin Choice UEC Data page Integer 1 Special Event Orgin Choice UEC utility page Integer 2 Special Event Orgin Choice UEC size terms page String SpecialEventTripModeChoice.xls File name for Special Event Trip Mode Choice UEC Integer 0 Special Event Trip Mode Choice UEC data page Integer 1 Special Event Trip Mode Choice UEC utility page
specialEvent.tour.output.file String output/specialEventTours.csv File location/name for special event tours output file
specialEvent.trip.output.file String output/specialEventTrips.csv File location/name for special event trips output file
specialEvent.results.autoTripMatrix String output/autoSpecialEventTrips
specialEvent.results.nMotTripMatrix String output/nmotSpecialEventTrips
specialEvent.results.tranTripMatrix String output/tranSpecialEventTrips
specialEvent.results.othrTripMatrix String output/othrSpecialEventTrips
Transit Shed Properties
RunModel.skipTransitShed Boolean true
transitShed.threshold Integer 30
transitShed.TOD String AM
transitShed.walkTransitTimeComponents String walkAccTime,walkEgrTime,walkAuxTime,1stWaitTime,xferWaitTime,IVTime
transitShed.driveTransitTimeComponents String drvAccTime,walkEgrTime,walkAuxTime,1stWaitTime,xferWaitTime,IVTime
Smart Signal Properties
smartSignal.factor.LC Float 1.0
smartSignal.factor.MA Float 1.0
smartSignal.factor.PA Float 1.0
ATDM Properties
atdm.factor Float 1.0
Local Drive Run Settings
RunModel.FileMask.Download String output,report,sql,logFiles
RunModel.FileMask.Upload String application,bin,input_truck,uec,output\iter*,output\*_1.csv,output\*_2.csv
Visualizer Settings
Run once after feedback loops
visualizer.reference.path String T:\\RTP\\2020RP_Fed\\final\\abm_runs\\2016 specify base (no-build) scenario directory to compare the current (build) scenario with
visualizer.output String SANDAG_Dashboard specify visualizer output file name
visualizer.reference.label String REFERENCE specify base scenario label in the visualizer String SDABM specify current (build) scenario label in the visualizer
RunModel.skipExternalExternal Boolean true, true, true

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