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Properties File
The CT-RAMP software that executes the demand model portion of the SANDAG travel model is controlled by a standard Java control or properties file (see System Design for an overview of the model components). The table below identifies, describes, and provides an example for each of the variables expected to be in the properties file by the CT-RAMP software. After initially configuring the travel model (see Setup and Configuration for details), only a handful of these properties will be modified for a typical scenario analysis. The primary use for many of the properties is to facilitate software execution when calibrating the travel model and/or to locate and fix software bugs. Comments preceded with a pound (#) sign are ignored by the Java software.
Purpose | Expected Data Type | Example Value | Purpose |
version | String | ABM version | |
Cluster Properties | |||
RunModel.MatrixServerAddress | String | | Matrix server address |
RunModel.MatrixServerPort | Integer | 1191 | Matrix server port number |
RunModel.HouseholdServerAddress | String | | Household server address |
RunModel.HouseholdServerPort | Integer | 1129 | Household server port number |
Run Properties: Model Component Switches | |||
sample_rate | String | 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 | CT-RAMP Sample rate |
convergence | Float | 0.0005 | Highway assignment convergence criteria |
RunModel.skipCopyWarmupTripTables | Boolean | false | Skip copying warm start trip tables to output folder |
RunModel.skipCopyBikeLogsum | Boolean | false | Skip copying bike logsum |
RunModel.skipBikeLogsum | Boolean | false | Skip creating bike logsum |
RunModel.skipCopyWalkImpedance | Boolean | false | Skip copying walk impedance to output folder |
RunModel.skipWalkLogsum | Boolean | false | Skip creating walk logsum in output folder |
RunModel.skipBuildHwyNetwork | Boolean | false | Skip building highway network |
RunModel.skipBuildTransitNetwork | Boolean | false | Skip building transit network |
RunModel.startFromIteration | Integer | 1 | Iteration to start a model run from |
RunModel.skipHighwayAssignment | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip highway assignment |
RunModel.skipHighwaySkimming | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip highway skimming |
RunModel.skipTransitSkimming | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip transit skimming |
RunModel.skipCoreABM | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip ABM core model (CT-RAMP and internal-external model) |
RunModel.skipOtherSimulateModel | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip non-core simulated models (airport models cross-border modeland visitor model) |
RunModel.skipSpecialEventModel | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip special event model |
RunModel.skipCTM | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip commercial travel model |
RunModel.skipEI | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip external-internal model |
RunModel.skipTruck | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip truck model |
RunModel.skipTripTableCreation | Boolean | false, false, false | Skip creating trip tables |
RunModel.skipFinalHighwayAssignment | Boolean | false | Skip final highway assignment |
RunModel.skipFinalTransitAssignment | Boolean | false | Skip final transit assignment |
RunModel.collapseOnOffByRoute | Boolean | false | Skip collapsing transit on-off by route tables |
RunModel.skipFinalHighwaySkimming | Boolean | false | Skip final highway skimming |
RunModel.skipFinalTransitSkimming | Boolean | false | Skip final transit skimming |
RunModel.skipLUZSkimCreation | Boolean | true | Skip creating land use skims |
RunModel.skipDataExport | Boolean | false | Skip data exporting |
RunModel.skipDataLoadRequest | Boolean | false | Skip data loading request |
RunModel.skipDeleteIntermediateFiles | Boolean | false | Skip deleting intermediate files |
RunModel.MatrixPrecision | Float | 0.0005 | Matrix precision |
RunModel.minSpaceOnC | Integer | 50 | Minimum space (MB) on C drive |
Logging Properties | |||
Trace | Boolean | false | True or False whether to trace zones |
Trace.otaz | Integer | 1638 | Specify which origin taz to trace |
Trace.dtaz | Integer | 2447 | Specify which destination taz to trace |
Seek | Boolean | false | True or False whether to seek households |
Process.Debug.HHs.Only | Boolean | false | True of False whether to debug households |
Debug.Trace.HouseholdIdList | String | 566425 | Specify which household IDs to trace |
internalExternal.seek | Boolean | false | True or false to seek Internal External trip model |
internalExternal.trace | Integer | 1 | Specify what zone to trace for internal external trip model |
crossBorder.seek | Boolean | false | True or False to seek Cross Border Model |
crossBorder.trace | Integer | 12 | Specify what zone to trace for Cross Border model |
visitor.seek | Boolean | false | True or False to seek Visitor Model |
visitor.trace | Integer | 742 | Specify what zone to trace for Visitor model |
specialEvent.seek | Boolean | false | True of false to see special event model |
specialEvent.trace | Integer | 5855 | Specify what zone to trace for special event model |
tripTable.trace | Integer | 4384 | Trace trip table creation by TAZ (to/from). This only applies to SD resident model. |
RunModel.LogResults | Boolean | true | Log results into a text file |
Path Properties | |||
Project.Directory | String | %project.folder%/ | Project.Directory |
generic.path | String | %project.folder%/input/ | Inputs folder |
scenario.path | String | %project.folder%/ | scenario folder |
skims.path | String | %project.folder%/output/ | outputs folder |
uec.path | String | %project.folder%/uec/ | UEC folder |
report.path | String | %project.folder%/report/ | Report folder |
Visitor.run.concurrent | Boolean | false | True or false to run visitor model concurrently |
Visitor.concurrent.parallelism | Integer | 5 | Number of threads for visitor model |
Scenario Properties | |||
mgra.socec.file | String | input/mgra13_based_input${year}.csv | location of mgra land use file |
scenarioYear | String | ${year} | Scenario year |
aoc.fuel | String | ${aoc.fuel} | Auto operating costs: Fuel cost |
aoc.maintenance | String | ${aoc.maintenance} | Auto operating costs: Maintenance cost |
crossBorder.run.concurrent | Boolean | True | Cross border model is run using Java 7 Fork\Join Framework. |
crossBorder.concurrent.parallelism | Integer | 8 | Parallelism controls number of simultaneous threads |
crossBorder.tours | Integer | ${crossBorder.tours | Number of tours |
crossBorder.sentriShare | Float | 0.1826 | Share of tours that are SENTRI |
visitor.hotel.occupancyRate | Float | 0.7 | specify Hotel occupancy rate |
visitor.household.occupancyRate | Float | 0.018 | Specify household/residential occupancy rate |
visitor.hotel.businessPercent | Float | 0.3 | Specify proportion of hotel visitors on business trip |
visitor.household.businessPercent | Float | 0.04 | Specify proportion of household/residential visitors on business trip |
airport.SAN.enplanements | Long Integer | ${airport.SAN.enplanements} | Specify number of enplanements for SAN airport |
airport.SAN.connecting | Long Integer | ${airport.SAN.connecting} | Specify number of connecting flights (transfers) for SAN airport |
airport.SAN.annualizationFactor | Integer | 365 | Specify annualization factor for SAN airport |
airport.SAN.averageSize | Float | 1.7 | Specify travel average party size for SAN airport |
airport.SAN.airportMgra | Integer | ${airport.SAN.airportMgra} | Specify SAN Airport MGRA # |
Airport.CBX.enplanements | Long Integer | ${airport.CBX .enplanements} | Specify number of enplanements for CBX airport |
Airport.CBX.connecting | Long Integer | ${airport.CBX .connecting} | Specify number of connecting flights (transfers) for CBX airport |
airport.CBX.annualizationFactor | Integer | 365 | Specify annualization factor for CBX airport |
airport.CBX.averageSize | Float | 2.2 | Specify travel average party size for CBX airport |
airport.CBX.airportMgra | Integer | ${airport.CBX .airportMgra} | Specify CBX Airport MGRA # |
truck.FFyear | Integer | ${year} | Specify the year that the truck model is being run for |
Core Model Run Properties: Control Steps Run in Core Model | |||
Model.Random.Seed | Integer | 1 | Starting value for model random seed number (added to household IDs to create unique random number for each household) |
RunModel.Clear.MatrixMgr.At.Start | Boolean | false | Clear matrix manager at the start of run |
UsualWorkLocationChoice.ShadowPrice.Input.File | String | input/ ${workShadowPricing.iteration} | File Name Work Location shadow price |
UsualSchoolLocationChoice.ShadowPrice.Input.File | String | input/ ${schoolShadowPricing.iteration} | File Name School Location shadow price |
uwsl.ShadowPricing.Work.MaximumIterations | Integer | 1 | maximum number of iterations for work shadow price |
uwsl.ShadowPricing.School.MaximumIterations | Integer | 1 | maximum number of iterations for school shadow price |
uwsl.ShadowPricing.OutputFile | String | output/ShadowPricingOutput.csv | output file name for shadow price |
uwsl.run.workLocChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component |
uwsl.run.schoolLocChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component |
uwsl.write.results | Boolean | true | True of False whether to write out usual work and school location results |
uwsl.use.new.soa | Boolean | false | true or false whether to use new soa for the work/school DC model |
nmdc.use.new.soa | Boolean | false | true or false whether to use new soa for the non-mandatory DC models |
slc.use.new.soa | Boolean | false | true or false whether to use new soa for the stop location choice models |
distributedTimeCoefficients | Boolean | True | True or false whether to use distributed time coefficients |
timeDistribution.mean.work | Float | 1.0 | Mean of time distribution for work purpose |
timeDistribution.standardDeviation.work | Float | 0.7 | Standard deviation of time distribution for work purpose |
timeDistribution.mean.nonWork | Float | 1.0 | Mean of time distribution for non-work purpose |
timeDistribution.standardDeviation.nonWork | Float | 0.6 | Standard deviation of time distribution for non-work purpose |
timeDistribution.randomSeed | Integer | 2301832 | Random seed |
valueOfTime.threshold.low | Float | 8.81 | Lower threshold of value of time ($/hr) for skimming assignment modes choice and trip tables |
valueOfTime.threshold.med | Float | 18.00 | Medium threshold of value of time ($/hr) for skimming assignment modes choice and trip tables |
TourModeChoice.Save.UtilsAndProbs | Boolean | true | Save utilities and probabilities in tour mode choice output files |
distributed.task.packet.size | Integer | 200 | Distributed task packet size |
RunModel.RestartWithHhServer | String | none | model can be restarted with certain files already generated. Values include 'none' (run whole model), 'uwsl', 'ao', 'stf' |
RunModel.PreAutoOwnership | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.UsualWorkAndSchoolLocationChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.AutoOwnership | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.TransponderChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet |
RunModel.FreeParking | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet |
RunModel.CoordinatedDailyActivityPattern | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet |
RunModel.IndividualMandatoryTourFrequency | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet |
RunModel.MandatoryTourModeChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet |
RunModel.MandatoryTourDepartureTimeAndDuration | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component– not functional yet |
RunModel.SchoolEscortModel | Boolean | true | True or false whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.JointTourFrequency | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.JointTourLocationChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.JointTourDepartureTimeAndDuration | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.JointTourModeChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequency | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourLocationChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourDepartureTimeAndDuration | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.IndividualNonMandatoryTourModeChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourFrequency | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourLocationChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourDepartureTimeAndDuration | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.AtWorkSubTourModeChoice | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.StopFrequency | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
RunModel.StopLocation | Boolean | true | True or False whether to run this model component – not functional yet |
Input Properties | |||
PopulationSynthesizer.InputToCTRAMP.HouseholdFile | String | input/households.csv | Location of popsyn households.csv file |
PopulationSynthesizer.InputToCTRAMP.PersonFile | String | input/persons.csv | Location of popsyn persons.csv file |
PopulationSynthesizer.OccupCodes | String | input/pecas_occ_occsoc.csv | Location of popsyn pecas_occ_occsoc.csv file |
PopulationSynthesizer.IndustryCodes | String | input/activity_code_indcen.csv | Location of popsyn activity_code_indcen.csv file |
PopulationSynthesizer.MilitaryIndustryRange | 9670, 9870 | Used to recode military occupation. This is necessary because military workers identify themselves as non-military occupations. | |
mgra.wlkacc.taps.and.distance.file (not in the inputs) | String | input/mgra_tap_walk.prn | Location of walk access and distance file |
taz.driveaccess.taps.file | String | input/accessam.csv | Location of drive access file |
tap.ptype.file | String | input/tap.ptype | Location of ptype file |
mgra.walkdistance.file (not in the inputs) | String | input/mgra_mgra_walk.prn | Location of mgra walk distance file |
taz.parkingtype.file | String | input/zone.park | Location of parking type file |
taz.terminal.time.file | String | input/zone.term | Location of zonal terminal time file |
Maz.tap.tapLines | String | Output/tapLines.csv | Location of tap lines file |
Output Properties | |||
Results.WriteDataToFiles | Boolean | true | Write data to files |
Results.HouseholdDataFile | String | output/householdData.csv | Output name of household data file |
Results.PersonDataFile | String | output/personData.csv | Output name of person data file |
Results.IndivTourDataFile | String | output/indivTourData.csv | Output name of individual tour data file |
Results.JointTourDataFile | String | output/jointTourData.csv | Output name of joint tour data file |
Results.IndivTripDataFile | String | output/indivTripData.csv | Output name of individual trip data file |
Results.JointTripDataFile | String | output/jointTripData.csv | Output name of joint trip data file |
Results.WriteDataToDatabase | Boolean | false | Write data to a database |
Results.HouseholdTable | String | household_data | Output name of household data file in database |
Results.PersonTable | String | person_data | Output name of person data file in database |
Results.IndivTourTable | String | indiv_tour_data | Output name of individual tour data file in database |
Results.JointTourTable | String | joint_tour_data | Output name of joint tour data file in database |
Results.IndivTripTable | String | indiv_trip_data | Output name of individual trip data file in database |
Results.JointTripTable | String | joint_trip_data | Output name of joint trip data file in database |
Results.AutoTripMatrix | String | output/autoTrips | Output name of auto trip matrix |
Results.TranTripMatrix | String | output/tranTrips | Output name of transit trip matrix |
Results.NMotTripMatrix | String | output/nmotTrips | Output name of non-motorized trip matrix |
Results.OthrTripMatrix | String | output/othrTrips | Output name of other modes trip matrix |
Results.PNRFile | String | output/PNRByTAP_Vehicles.csv | Output name of PNR by TAP Vehicle Trip file |
Results.CBDFile | String | output/CBDByMGRA_Vehicles.csv | Output name of CBD by MGRA Vehicle Trip file |
Results.MatrixType | String | OMX | Matrix type for trip tables |
Results.AutoOwnership | String | output/aoResults.csv | Auto ownership output file name and location |
read.pre.ao.results | Boolean | false | Read in the old pre-auto ownership results file |
read.pre.ao.filename | String | output/aoResults_pre.csv | Pre auto ownership output file name and location |
Results.UsualWorkAndSchoolLocationChoice | String | output/wsLocResults.csv | Usual work and school location output file name and location |
read.uwsl.results | Boolean | false | Read in the old uwsl results |
read.uwsl.filename | String | output/wsLocResults_1.csv | Old uwsl result file name and location to read in |
Core Model UECs | |||
acc.uec.file | String | %project.folder%/uec/Accessibilities.xls | Accessibilities.xls location |
acc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Accessibilities data page |
acc.sov.offpeak.page | Integer | 1 | Accessibilities SOV offpeak |
acc.sov.peak.page | Integer | 2 | Accessibilities SOV peak |
acc.hov.offpeak.page | Integer | 3 | Accessibilities HOV offpeak |
acc.hov.peak.page | Integer | 4 | Accessibilities HOV peak |
acc.nonmotorized.page | Integer | 5 | Accessibilities non-motorized |
acc.constants.page | Integer | 6 | Accessibilities constants |
acc.sizeTerm.page | Integer | 7 | Accessibilities size terms |
acc.schoolSizeTerm.page | Integer | 8 | Accessibilities school size terms |
acc.workerSizeTerm.page | Integer | 9 | Accessibilities worker size terms |
acc.dcUtility.uec.file | String | %project.folder%/uec/Accessibilities_DC.xls | Accessibilities_DC.xls location |
acc.dcUtility.data.page | Integer | 0 | DC Accessibilities data page |
acc.dcUtility.page | Integer | 1 | DC Accessibilities utility page |
acc.output.file | String | input/accessibilities.csv | accessibilities.csv location |
lu.acc.dcUtility.uec.file | String | %project.folder%/uec/Accessibilities_LU_DC.xls | Accessibilities_LU_DC.xls location |
lu.acc.dcUtility.data.page | Integer | 0 | LU DC Accessibilities data page |
lu.acc.dcUtility.page | Integer | 1 | LU DC Accessibilities utility page |
lu.accessibility.alts.file | String | Acc_LU_alts.csv | LU Accessibilities alternatives |
lu.acc.output.file | String | output/luAccessibilities.csv | luAccessibilities.csv location |
lu.acc.mc.logsums.output.file | String | output/luLogsums.csv | luLogsums.csv location |
lu.acc.simple.averaging.method | Boolean | true | "# set either or both averaging methods to be used to write LU accessibilities files and also requires command line parameter ""-luAcc true"" and acc.read.input.file = false" |
lu.acc.logit.averaging.method | Boolean | true | "# set either or both averaging methods to be used to write LU accessibilities files and also requires command line parameter ""-luAcc true"" and acc.read.input.file = false" |
accessibility.alts.file | String | Acc_alts.csv | Accessibilities alternatives |
acc.mandatory.uec.file | String | %project.folder%/uec/MandatoryAccess.xls | MandatoryAccess.xls location |
acc.mandatory.data.page | Integer | 0 | Mandatory Access data page |
acc.mandatory.auto.page | Integer | 1 | Mandatory Access auto page |
acc.mandatory.autoLogsum.page | Integer | 2 | Mandatory Access autoLogsum page |
acc.mandatory.bestWalkTransit.page | Integer | 3 | Mandatory Access best Walk Transit page |
acc.mandatory.bestDriveTransit.page | Integer | 4 | Mandatory Access best Drive Transit page |
acc.mandatory.transitLogsum.page | Integer | 5 | Mandatory Access transit logsum page |
ao.uec.file | String | AutoOwnership.xls | File name of auto ownership UEC |
ao.data.page | Integer | 0 | Auto ownership UEC data page |
ao.model.page | Integer | 1 | Auto ownership UEC utility page |
uwsl.dc.uec.file | String | TourDestinationChoice.xls | File Name of Tour Destination Choice UEC |
uwsl.dc2.uec.file | String | TourDestinationChoice2.xls | File Name of Tour Destination Choice 2 UEC |
uwsl.soa.uec.file | String | DestinationChoiceAlternativeSample.xls | File Name of Destination Choice Alternative Sample UEC |
uwsl.soa.alts.file | String | DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv | File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed) |
uwsl.work.soa.SampleSize | Integer | 30 | Sample size of Work Destination Choice |
uwsl.school.soa.SampleSize | Integer | 30 | Sample size of School Destination Choice |
work.soa.uec.file | String | TourDcSoaDistance.xls | File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for Work Purpose includes TAZ Size in the expressions |
work.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | Work Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
work.soa.uec.model | Integer | 1 | Work Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
univ.soa.uec.file | String | TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls | File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for university and then multiplied by the university segment size terms |
univ.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | University Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
univ.soa.uec.model | Integer | 1 | University Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
hs.soa.uec.file | String | TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls | File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for high school and then multiplied by the high school segment size terms |
hs.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | High School Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
hs.soa.uec.model | Integer | 2 | High School Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
gs.soa.uec.file | String | TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls | File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for grade school and then multiplied by the grade school segment size terms |
gs.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | Grade School Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
gs.soa.uec.model | Integer | 3 | Grade School Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
ps.soa.uec.file | String | TourDcSoaDistanceNoSchoolSize.xls | File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for preschool and then multiplied by the preschool segment size terms |
ps.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | Preschool Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
ps.soa.uec.model | Integer | 4 | Preschool Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
tc.choice.avgtts.file | String | input/temporaryStaticInputs.csv | File name of average travel times for transponder ownership |
tc.uec.file | String | TransponderOwnership.xls | File name of transponder ownership UEC |
tc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Transponder ownership UEC data page |
tc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Transponder ownership UEC utility page |
fp.uec.file | String | ParkingProvision.xls | File name of parking provision UEC |
fp.data.page | Integer | 0 | Parking Provision UEC data page |
fp.model.page | Integer | 1 | Parking Provision UEC utility page |
cdap.uec.file | String | CoordinatedDailyActivityPattern.xls | File name of CDAP UEC |
cdap.data.page | Integer | 0 | CDAP UEC data page |
cdap.one.person.page | Integer | 1 | CDAP UEC utility for one person page |
cdap.two.person.page | Integer | 2 | CDAP UEC utility for 2 persons page |
cdap.three.person.page | Integer | 3 | CDAP UEC utility for 3 persons page |
cdap.all.person.page | Integer | 4 | CDAP UEC utility for All member interation page |
cdap.joint.page | Integer | 5 | CDAP UEC utility for joint tours page |
imtf.uec.file | String | MandatoryTourFrequency.xls | File name of Mandatory tour frequency UEC |
imtf.data.page | Integer | 0 | Mandatory tour frequency UEC data page |
imtf.model.page | Integer | 1 | mandatory tour frequency UEC utility page |
nonSchool.soa.uec.file | String | TourDcSoaDistance.xls | File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for Non Work/School Purposes includes TAZ Size in the expressions |
escort.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | Escort Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
escort.soa.uec.model | Integer | 2 | Escort Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
other.nonman.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | Other Non-mandatory Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
other.nonman.soa.uec.model | Integer | 3 | Other Non-mandatory Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
atwork.soa.uec.data | Integer | 0 | At-Work Sub-Tour Distance SOA UEC data page |
atwork.soa.uec.model | Integer | 4 | At-Work Sub-Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page |
soa.taz.dist.alts.file | String | SoaTazDistAlts.csv | File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs |
nmdc.dist.alts.file | String | NonMandatoryTlcAlternatives.csv | File name of non-mandatory tour alternatives |
nmdc.soa.alts.file | String | DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv | File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed) |
nmdc.soa.SampleSize | Integer | 30 | Sample size of non-mandatory Destination choice |
nmdc.uec.file2 | String | TourDestinationChoice2.xls | File Name of Tour Destination Choice 2 UEC |
nmdc.uec.file | String | TourDestinationChoice.xls | File Name of Tour Destination Choice UEC |
nmdc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Non-mandatory Tour DC UEC data page |
nmdc.escort.model.page | Integer | 7 | Escort Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.shop.model.page | Integer | 8 | Shop Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.maint.model.page | Integer | 9 | Maintenance Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.eat.model.page | Integer | 10 | Eating Out Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.visit.model.page | Integer | 11 | Visiting Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.discr.model.page | Integer | 12 | Discretionary Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.atwork.model.page | Integer | 13 | At-Work Sub-Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.uec.file | String | DestinationChoiceAlternativeSample.xls | File Name of Destination Choice Alternative Sample UEC |
nmdc.soa.data.page | Integer | 0 | Non-mandatory TOUR SOA UEC data page |
nmdc.soa.escort.model.page | Integer | 6 | Escort TOUR SOA UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.shop.model.page | Integer | 7 | Shop TOUR SOA UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.maint.model.page | Integer | 7 | Maintenance TOUR SOA UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.eat.model.page | Integer | 7 | Eating Out TOUR SOA UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.visit.model.page | Integer | 7 | Visiting TOUR SOA UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.discr.model.page | Integer | 7 | Discretionary TOUR SOA UEC utility page |
nmdc.soa.atwork.model.page | Integer | 8 | At-Work Sub-Tour SOA UEC utility page |
school.escort.uec.filename | String | SchoolEscorting.xls | File name of school escorting UEC |
school.escort.alts.file | String | SchoolEscortingAlts.csv | File name of school escorting alternatives |
school.escort.data.sheet | Integer | 0 | School escorting UEC data sheet index |
school.escort.outbound.model.sheet | Integer | 1 | School escorting UEC outbound model sheet index |
school.escort.inbound.conditonal.model.sheet | Integer | 2 | School escorting UEC inbound conditional model sheet index |
school.escort.outbound.conditonal.model.sheet | Integer | 3 | School escorting UEC outbound conditional model sheet index |
school.escort.RNG.offset | Integer | 384571483 | |
tourModeChoice.uec.file | String | TourModeChoice.xls | File name of Tour Mode choice UEC |
tourModeChoice.maint.model.page | Integer | 4 | Maintenance Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page |
tourModeChoice.discr.model.page | Integer | 5 | Discretionary Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page |
tourModeChoice.atwork.model.page | Integer | 6 | At-Work Sub-Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page |
tour.utility.ivt.coeffs | String | -0.016, -0.016, -0.01, -0.017, -0.015, -0.032 | Tour utility in-vehicle time coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based) |
tour.utility.income.coeffs | String | -0.625, -0.262, -0.262, -0.262, -0.262, -0.262, | Tour utility income coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based) |
tour.utility.income.exponents | String | 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 | Tour utility income exponents by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based) |
departTime.uec.file | String | TourDepartureAndDuration.xls | File name of Tour TOD Choice UEC |
departTime.data.page | Integer | 0 | Tour TOD Choice UEC data page |
departTime.work.page | Integer | 1 | Work Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.univ.page | Integer | 2 | University Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.school.page | Integer | 3 | School Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.escort.page | Integer | 4 | Escort Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.shop.page | Integer | 5 | Shop Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.maint.page | Integer | 6 | Maintenance Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.eat.page | Integer | 7 | Eating Out Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.visit.page | Integer | 8 | Visiting Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.discr.page | Integer | 9 | Discretionary Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.atwork.page | Integer | 10 | At-Work Sub-Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page |
departTime.alts.file | String | DepartureTimeAndDurationAlternatives.csv | File name of Departure time and duration alternatives |
jtfcp.uec.file | String | JointTourFrequency.xls | File name of Joint Tour Frequency UEC |
jtfcp.alternatives.file | String | JointAlternatives.csv | File name of joint tour alternatives by purpose and party composition combinations |
jtfcp.data.page | Integer | 0 | Joint Tour Frequency UEC data page |
jtfcp.freq.comp.page | Integer | 1 | Joint Tour Frequency UEC utility composition page |
jtfcp.participate.page | Integer | 2 | Joint Tour Frequency UEC utility participation page |
inmtf.uec.file | String | NonMandatoryIndividualTourFrequency.xls | File name of Individual non-mandatory tour frequency UEC |
inmtf.FrequencyExtension.ProbabilityFile | String | IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequencyExtensionProbabilities_p1.csv | File name of Individual non-mandatory tour frequency extension probabilities |
IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequency.AlternativesList.InputFile | String | IndividualNonMandatoryTourFrequencyAlternatives.csv | File name of individual non-mandatory tour frequency alternatives (combinations) |
inmtf.data.page | Integer | 0 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC data page |
inmtf.perstype1.page | Integer | 1 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Full time workers page |
inmtf.perstype2.page | Integer | 2 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Part time workers page |
inmtf.perstype3.page | Integer | 3 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for University students page |
inmtf.perstype4.page | Integer | 4 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Non-workers page |
inmtf.perstype5.page | Integer | 5 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Retirees page |
inmtf.perstype6.page | Integer | 6 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Driving students page |
inmtf.perstype7.page | Integer | 7 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Pre-driving students page |
inmtf.perstype8.page | Integer | 8 | Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Preschool students page |
awtf.uec.file | AtWorkSubtourFrequency.xls | File name of at-work sub-tour frequency UEC | |
awtf.data.page | Integer | 0 | At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency UEC Data page |
awtf.model.page | Integer | 1 | At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency UEC Utility page |
stf.uec.file | String | StopFrequency.xls | File name of Stop Frequency UEC |
stf.purposeLookup.proportions | String | StopPurposeLookupProportions.csv | File name of Stop Purpose Lookup proportions |
stf.data.page | Integer | 0 | Stop Frequency UEC data page |
stf.work.page | Integer | 1 | Stop Frequency for Work Tour UEC utility page |
stf.univ.page | Integer | 2 | Stop Frequency for University Tour UEC utility page |
stf.school.page | Integer | 3 | Stop Frequency for School Tour UEC utility page |
stf.escort.page | Integer | 4 | Stop Frequency for Escort Tour UEC utility page |
stf.shop.page | Integer | 5 | Stop Frequency for Shop Tour UEC utility page |
stf.maint.page | Integer | 6 | Stop Frequency for Maintenance Tour UEC utility page |
stf.eat.page | Integer | 7 | Stop Frequency for Eating Out Tour UEC utility page |
stf.visit.page | Integer | 8 | Stop Frequency for Visiting Tour UEC utility page |
stf.discr.page | Integer | 9 | Stop Frequency for Discretionary Tour UEC utility page |
stf.subtour.page | Integer | 10 | Stop Frequency for At-Work Sub-Tour UEC utility page |
slc.uec.file | String | StopLocationChoice.xls | File Name of Stop Location Choice UEC |
slc.uec.data.page | Integer | 0 | Stop Location Choice UEC data page |
slc.mandatory.uec.model.page | Integer | 1 | Stop Location Choice for Mandatory Tours UEC utility page |
slc.maintenance.uec.model.page | Integer | 2 | Stop Location Choice for Maintenance Tours UEC utility page |
slc.discretionary.uec.model.page | Integer | 3 | Stop Location Choice for Discretionary Tours UEC utility page |
slc.alts.file | String | SlcAlternatives.csv | File name of stop location choice alternatives |
slc.soa.uec.file - (duplicate. the same file is available for slc.soa.size.uec.file) | String | SlcSoaSize.xl | File name of SOA UEC to the stop location choice |
slc.soa.alts.file | String | DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv | File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed) |
auto.slc.soa.distance.uec.file | String | SlcSoaDistanceUtility.xls | File name of Stop Location Sample of Alternatives Choice UEC for tour modes other than walk or bike - for transit, availability of stop for transit is set in java code |
auto.slc.soa.distance.data.page | Integer | 0 | Stop Location SOA Choice UEC data page |
auto.slc.soa.distance.model.page | Integer | 1 | Stop Location SOA Choice UEC utility page |
slc.soa.size.uec.file | String | SlcSoaSize.xls | File Name of Stop Location Choice Size Terms UEC |
slc.soa.size.uec.data.page | Integer | 0 | Stop Location Choice Size terms UEC data page |
slc.soa.size.uec.model.page | Integer | 1 | Stop Location Choice Size terms UEC utility page |
stop.depart.arrive.proportions | String | StopDepartArriveProportions.csv | File name of Stop Location Time of Day proportions |
tripModeChoice.uec.file | String | TripModeChoice.xls | File name of Trip mode choice UEC |
trip.utility.ivt.coeffs | String | -0.032, -0.032 ,-0.02, -0.034, -0.03, -0.064 | Trip utility in-vehicle time coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based) |
trip.utility.income.coeffs | String | -1.25, -0.524, -0.524, -0.524, -0.524, -0.524 | Trip utility income coefficient by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based) |
trip.utility.income.exponents | String | 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 | Trip utility income exponents by tour purpose (work, univ, school, maintenance, discretionary, work-based) |
plc.uec.file | String | ParkLocationChoice.xls | File name of Parking Location Choice UEC |
plc.uec.data.page | Integer | 0 | Parking Location Choice UEC data page |
plc.uec.model.page | Integer | 1 | Parking Location Choice UEC utility page |
plc.alts.corresp.file | String | ParkLocationAlts.csv | File name of parking location alternatives (MGRAs) |
plc.alts.file | String | ParkLocationSampleAlts.csv | File name of parking location sample of alternatives |
mgra.avg.cost.output.file | String | mgraParkingCost.csv | File name of average parking costs by MGRA |
mgra.avg.cost.dist.coeff.work | Float | -8.6 | Parking location model coefficient for walking distance to destination for Work purpose |
mgra.avg.cost.dist.coeff.other | Float | -4.9 | Parking location model coefficient for walking distance to destination for other purposes |
park.cost.reimb.mean | Float | -0.05 | Parking location model mean parking cost reimbursement |
park.cost.reimb.std.dev | Float | 0.54 | Parking location model standard deviation for parking cost reimbursement |
utility.bestTransitPath.uec.file | String | BestTransitPathUtility.xls | File name of best transit path UEC |
utility.bestTransitPath.data.page | Integer | 0 | Best Transit Path UEC data page |
utility.bestTransitPath.tapToTap.page | Integer | 1 | Best Transit Path UEC for TAP to TAP utility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.walkAccess.page | Integer | 2 | Best Transit Path UEC for walk access utility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.driveAccess.page | Integer | 3 | Best Transit Path UEC for drive access utility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.walkEgress.page | Integer | 4 | Best Transit Path UEC for walk egress utility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.driveEgress.page | Integer | 5 | Best Transit Path UEC for drive egress utility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.driveAccDisutility.page | Integer | 6 | Best Transit Path UEC for drive access disutility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.driveEgrDisutility.page | Integer | 7 | Best Transit Path UEC for drive egress disutility page |
utility.bestTransitPath.skim.sets | Integer | 3 | Number of skim sets in best transit path |
utility.bestTransitPath.alts | Integer | 4 | Number of alternatives in best transit path |
utility.bestTransitPath.maxPathsPerSkimSetForLogsum | String | 1, 1, 1 | Maximum number of paths per skims set to use for logsum (by iteration?) |
utility.bestTransitPath.nesting.coeff | Float | 0.24 | Nesting coefficient |
skims.auto.uec.file | String | AutoSkims.xls | File name of Auto Skims UEC |
skims.auto.data.page | Integer | 0 | Auto Skims data page |
skims.auto.ea.page | Integer | 1 | Auto skims Early AM utility page |
skims.auto.am.page | Integer | 2 | Auto skims AM utility page |
skims.auto.md.page | Integer | 3 | Auto skims MD utility page |
skims.auto.pm.page | Integer | 4 | Auto skims PM utility page |
skims.auto.ev.page | Integer | 5 | Auto skims Evening utility page |
taz.distance.uec.file | String | tazDistance.xls | File name of TAZ Distance UEC |
taz.distance.data.page | Integer | 0 | TAZ Distance UEC data page |
taz.od.distance.ea.page | Integer | 1 | TAZ Distance UEC Early AM utility page |
taz.od.distance.am.page | Integer | 2 | TAZ Distance UEC AM utility page |
taz.od.distance.md.page | Integer | 3 | TAZ Distance UEC MD utility page |
taz.od.distance.pm.page | Integer | 4 | TAZ Distance UEC PM utility page |
taz.od.distance.ev.page | Integer | 5 | TAZ Distance UEC Evening utility page |
skim.walk.transit.walk.uec.file | String | WalkTransitWalkSkims.xls | File name of Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC |
skim.walk.transit.walk.data.page | Integer | 0 | Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC data page |
skim.walk.transit.walk.skim.page | Integer | 1 | Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC skim page |
skim.walk.transit.walk.skims | Integer | 13 | |
skim.walk.transit.drive.uec.file | String | WalkTransitDriveSkims.xls | File name of Walk Transit Drive Skims UEC |
skim.walk.transit.drive.data.page | Integer | 0 | Walk Transit Drive Skims UEC data page |
skim.walk.transit.drive.skim.page | Integer | 1 | Walk Transit Drive Skims UEC skim page |
skim.walk.transit.drive.skims | Integer | 13 | |
skim.drive.transit.walk.uec.file | String | DriveTransitWalkSkims.xls | File name of Drive Transit Walk Skims UEC |
skim.drive.transit.walk.data.page | Integer | 0 | Drive Transit Walk Skims UEC data page |
skim.drive.transit.walk.skim.page | Integer | 1 | Drive Transit Walk Skims UEC skim page |
skim.drive.transit.walk.skims | Integer | 13 | |
IE Model Settings (Run as part of CT-RAMP) | |||
RunModel.InternalExternal | Boolean | true | True or False to run the Internal to External model |
ie.uec.file | String | InternalExternalTripChoice.xls | File name of Internal to External Trip choice UEC |
ie.data.page | Integer | 0 | Internal External Trip Choice UEC data page |
ie.model.page | Integer | 1 | Internal External Trip Choice UEC utility page |
ie.logsum.distance.coeff | Float | -0.05 | Internal External Trip choice logsum distance coefficient |
external.tazs | String | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | Listing of external station TAZs |
internalExternal.dc.uec.file | String | InternalExternalDestinationChoice.xls | File name of Internal External Destination choice UEC |
internalExternal.dc.uec.data.page | Integer | 0 | Internal External Destination Choice UEC data page |
internalExternal.dc.uec.model.page | Integer | 1 | Internal External Destination Choice UEC utility page |
internalExternal.dc.uec.alts.file | String | InternalExternalDestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv | File name of internal external destination choice alternatives |
internalExternal.tour.tod.file | String | input/internalExternal_tourTOD.csv | File location/name of internal external TOD proportions |
internalExternal.trip.mc.uec.file | String | internalExternalTripModeChoice.xls | File name of internal external Trip Mode choice UEC |
internalExternal.trip.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Internal External Trip Mode choice UEC data page |
internalExternal.trip.mc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Internal External Trip Mode choice UEC utility page |
internalExternal.trip.output.file | String | output/internalExternalTrips.csv | File location/name of internal external resulting trips |
internalExternal.results.autoTripMatrix | String | output/autoInternalExternalTrips | File location/name of internal external resulting auto trips |
internalExternal.results.nMotTripMatrix | String | output/nmotInternalExternalTrips | File location/name of internal external resulting non-motorized trips |
internalExternal.results.tranTripMatrix | String | output/tranInternalExternalTrips | File location/name of internal external resulting transit trips |
internalExternal.results.othrTripMatrix | String | output/othrInternalExternalTrips | File location/name of internal external resulting other modes trips |
crossBorder.tours | Integer | 93730 | Control Total: number of tours in the cross border model |
crossBorder.sentriShare | Float | 0.1826 | Share of Sentri users |
crossBorder.purpose.nonsentri.file | String | input/crossBorder_tourPurpose_nonSENTRI.csv | File location/name of cross border non-sentri shares by tour purpose |
crossBorder.purpose.sentri.file | String | input/crossBorder_tourPurpose_SENTRI.csv | File location/name of cross border sentri shares by tour purpose |
crossBorder.tour.tod.file | String | input/crossBorder_tourEntryAndReturn.csv | File location/name of cross border tour time of day proportions |
crossBorder.dc.soa.uec.file | String | CrossBorderDestinationChoiceSample.xls | File name of cross border destination choice Sample of alternatives UEC |
crossBorder.dc.soa.data.page | Integer | 0 | Cross Border Destination Choice SOA UEC data page |
crossBorder.dc.soa.model.page | Integer | 1 | Cross Border Destination Choice SOA UEC utility page |
crossBorder.dc.soa.size.page | Integer | 2 | Cross Border Destination Choice SOA UEC Size terms page |
crossborder.dc.soa.alts.file | String | CrossBorderDestinationChoiceSoaAlternatives.csv CrossBorderDestinationChoiceSoaAlternatives2010.csv | File name of cross border destination choice Sample of alternatives from and to point of entry and exits (MGRA) |
crossBorder.dc.uec.file | String | CrossBorderDestinationChoice.xls CrossBorderDestinationChoice2010.xls | File name of Cross Border Destination Choice UEC |
crossBorder.dc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Cross Border Destination Choice UEC data page |
crossBorder.dc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Cross Border Destination Choice UEC utility page |
crossborder.dc.alts.file | String | CrossBorderDestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv | File name of Cross Border destination choice alternatives |
crossBorder.dc.colonia.file | String | input/crossBorder_supercolonia.csv | File location/name of Cross Border Super Colonia input file (population distance to border, etc.) |
crossBorder.dc.colonia.distance.parameter | Float | -0.19 | Cross Border model colonia distance coefficient |
crossBorder.dc.soa.sampleRate | Integer | 30 | Cross Border model Sample Size |
crossBorder.tour.mc.uec.file | String | CrossBorderTourModeChoice.xls | File name of Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC |
crossBorder.tour.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC data page |
crossBorder.tour.mc.mandatory.model.page | Integer | 1 | Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC for Mandatory Tour Purposes utility page |
crossBorder.tour.mc.nonmandatory.model.page | Integer | 2 | Cross Border Tour Mode Choice UEC for Non-Mandatory Tour Purposes utility page |
crossBorder.poe.waittime.file | String | input/crossBorder_pointOfEntryWaitTime.csv | File location/name of Cross Border point of entry wait times |
crossBorder.trip.mc.uec.file | String | CrossBorderTripModeChoice.xls | File name Cross Border Trip Mode Choice UEC |
crossBorder.trip.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Cross Border Trip Mode Choice UEC data page |
crossBorder.trip.mc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Cross Border Trip Mode Choice UEC utility page |
crossBorder.stop.frequency.file | String | input/crossBorder_stopFrequency.csv | File location/name of Cross Border Stop Frequency proportions |
crossBorder.stop.purpose.file | String | input/crossBorder_stopPurpose.csv | File location/name of Cross Border Stop Purpose proportions |
crossBorder.slc.soa.uec.file | String | CrossBorderStopLocationChoiceSample.xls | File name of Cross Border Stop Location Choice Sample of alternatives UEC |
crossBorder.slc.soa.data.page | Integer | 0 | Cross Border Stop Location Choice SOA UEC data page |
crossBorder.slc.soa.model.page | Integer | 1 | Cross Border Stop Location Choice SOA UEC utility page |
crossBorder.slc.soa.alts.file | String | SoaTazDistAlts.csv | File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs |
crossBorder.slc.uec.file | String | CrossBorderStopLocationChoice.xls | File name of Cross Border Stop Location Choice UEC |
crossBorder.slc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Cross Border Stop Location Choice UEC data page |
crossBorder.slc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Cross Border Stop Location Choice UEC utility page |
crossBorder.stop.outbound.duration.file | String | input/crossBorder_outboundStopDuration.csv | File location/name of Cross Border Stop Outbound duration proportions |
crossBorder.stop.inbound.duration.file | String | input/crossBorder_inboundStopDuration.csv | File location/name of Cross Border Stop Inbound duration proportions |
crossBorder.tour.output.file | String | output/crossBorderTours.csv | File location/name of Cross border tour output file |
crossBorder.trip.output.file | String | output/crossBorderTrips.csv | File location/name of Cross Border trip output file |
crossBorder.results.autoTripMatrix | String | output/autoCrossBorderTrips | File location/name of Cross Border auto trips |
crossBorder.results.nMotTripMatrix | String | output/nmotCrossBorderTrips | File location/name of Cross Border non-motorized trips |
crossBorder.results.tranTripMatrix | String | output/tranCrossBorderTrips | File location/name of Cross Border transit trips |
crossBorder.results.othrTripMatrix | String | output/othrCrossBorderTrips | File location/name of Cross Border other modes trips |
Visitor Model Settings | |||
visitor.business.tour.file | String | input/visitor_businessFrequency.csv | File location/name of visitors on business trip tour frequency proportions |
visitor.personal.tour.file | String | input/visitor_personalFrequency.csv | File location/name of visitors on personal trip tour frequency proportions |
visitor.partySize.file | String | input/visitor_partySize.csv | File location/name of visitor proportion of trips by tour purpose and party size |
visitor.autoAvailable.file | String | input/visitor_autoAvailable.csv | File location/name of visitor's auto availability by tour purpose |
visitor.income.file | String | input/visitor_income.csv | File location/name of visitor's income proportion by tour purpose |
visitor.dc.soa.uec.file | String | VisitorDestinationChoiceSample.xls | File name of Visitor Destination choice sample UEC |
visitor.dc.soa.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC data page |
visitor.dc.soa.work.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Work Tour utility page |
visitor.dc.soa.recreate.page | Integer | 2 | Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Recreation Tour utility page |
visitor.dc.soa.dining.page | Integer | 3 | Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Dining Tour utility page |
visitor.dc.soa.size.page | Integer | 4 | Visitor destination choice Sample of Alternatives UEC Size Terms utility page |
visitor.dc.soa.alts.file | String | SoaTazDistAlts.csv | File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs |
visitor.dc.uec.file | String | VisitorDestinationChoice.xls | File name of Visitor Destination Choice UEC |
visitor.dc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor Destination Choice UEC data page |
visitor.dc.work.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor Destination Choice UEC Work Tour utility page |
visitor.dc.recreate.page | Integer | 2 | Visitor Destination Choice UEC Recreation Tour utility page |
visitor.dc.dining.page | Integer | 3 | Visitor Destination Choice UEC Dining Tour utility page |
visitor.tour.tod.file | String | input/visitor_tourTOD.csv | File location/name of Visitor Tour TOD proportions |
visitor.mc.uec.file | String | VisitorTourModeChoice.xls | File name of Visitor Tour Mode choice UEC |
visitor.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor Tour Mode Choice UEC data page |
visitor.mc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page |
visitor.stop.frequency.file | String | input/visitor_stopFrequency.csv | File location/name of Visitor Stop Frequency proportions |
visitor.stop.purpose.file | String | input/visitor_stopPurpose.csv | File location/name of Visitor Stop Purpose proportions |
visitor.stop.outbound.duration.file | String | input/visitor_outboundStopDuration.csv | File location/name of Visitor Outbound Stop Duration proportions |
visitor.stop.inbound.duration.file | String | input/visitor_inboundStopDuration.csv | File location/name of Visitor Inbound Stop Duration proportions |
visitor.slc.soa.uec.file | String | VisitorStopLocationChoiceSample.xls | File name of Visitor Stop Location Choice Sample of Alternatives UEC |
visitor.slc.soa.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor Stop Location Choice SOA UEC data page |
visitor.slc.soa.model.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor Stop Location Choice SOA UEC utility page |
visitor.slc.uec.file | String | VisitorStopLocationChoice.xls | File name of Visitor Stop Location Choice UEC |
visitor.slc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor Stop Location Choice UEC data page |
visitor.slc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor Stop Location Choice UEC utility page |
visitor.trip.mc.uec.file | String | VisitorTripModeChoice.xls | File name of Visitor Trip Mode Choice UEC |
visitor.trip.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor Trip Mode Choice UEC data page |
visitor.trip.mc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor Trip Mode Choice UEC utility page |
visitor.tour.output.file | String | output/visitorTours.csv | File location/name of visitor tour output file |
visitor.trip.output.file | String | output/visitorTrips.csv | File location/name of visitor trip output file |
visitor.results.autoTripMatrix | String | output/autoVisitorTrips | File location/name of visitor auto trips output file |
visitor.results.nMotTripMatrix | String | output/nmotVisitorTrips | File location/name of visitor non-motorized trips output file |
visitor.results.tranTripMatrix | String | output/tranVisitorTrips | File location/name of visitor transit trips output file |
visitor.results.othrTripMatrix | String | output/othrVisitorTrips | File location/name of visitor other modes trips output file |
visitor.uec.file | String | VisitorSize.xls | File name for visitor size UEC file (for visitor estimation only) |
visitor.uec.data.page | Integer | 0 | Visitor UEC data page (for visitor estimation only) |
visitor.uec.sizeTerms.page | Integer | 1 | Visitor UEC size terms page (for visitor estimation only) |
Airport Model Settings | |||
airport.purpose.file | String | input/airport_purpose.csv | File location/name of Airport model tour purpose proportions |
airport.size.file | String | input/airport_party.csv | File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by party size and tour purpose |
airport.duration.file | String | input/airport_nights.csv | File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by number of nights and tour purpose |
airport.income.file | String | input/airport_income.csv | File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by income group and tour purpose |
airport.departureTime.file | String | input/airport_departure.csv | File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by departure time and tour purpose |
airport.arrivalTime.file | String | input/airport_arrival.csv | File location/name of Airport model distribution of tours by arrival time and tour purpose |
airport.output.file | String | output/airport_out.csv | File location/name of Airport model output |
airport.results.matrixType | String | TRANSCAD | Specify resulting matrix file type |
airport.dc.uec.file | String | AirportDestinationChoice.xls | File name of Airport Destination Choice UEC |
airport.dc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Airport Destination Choice UEC data page |
airport.dc.size.page | Integer | 5 | Airport Destination Choice UEC size terms page |
airport.dc.segment1.page | Integer | 1 | Airport Destination Choice UEC Resident business segment utility page |
airport.dc.segment2.page | Integer | 2 | Airport Destination Choice UEC Resident personal segment utility page |
airport.dc.segment3.page | Integer | 3 | Airport Destination Choice UEC Visitor business segment utility page |
airport.dc.segment4.page | Integer | 4 | Airport Destination Choice UEC Visitor personal segment utility page |
airport.mc.uec.file | String | AirportModeChoice.xls | File name of Airport Mode choice UEC |
airport.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Airport Mode Choice UEC data page |
airport.mc.da.page | Integer | 1 | Airport Mode Choice UEC Drive Alone utility page |
airport.mc.s2.page | Integer | 2 | Airport Mode Choice UEC Shared Ride 2 utility page |
airport.mc.s3.page | Integer | 3 | Airport Mode Choice UEC Shared Ride 3+ utility page |
airport.mc.transit.page | Integer | 4 | Airport Mode Choice UEC Transit utility page |
airport.mc.accessMode.page | Integer | 5 | Airport Mode Choice UEC Arrival Mode utility page |
airport.results.autoTripMatrix | String | output/autoAirportTrips | File location/name of Airport Auto Trips output file |
airport.results.nMotTripMatrix | String | output/nmotAirportTrips | File location/name of Airport non-motorized Trips output file |
airport.results.tranTripMatrix | String | output/tranAirportTrips | File location/name of Airport transit Trips output file |
airport.results.othrTripMatrix | String | output/othrAirportTrips | File location/name of Airport other modes Trips output file |
Truck Model Settings | |||
truck.DFyear | String | 2008 , 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050 | These are the years that there is truck model data for |
truck.luOverRide | Boolean | False | Setting that is based upon the old truck model code. It should always be set to false. Allows one to override the land-use data with a different file called “lu.csv” |
Report Section | |||
Report.exportData | Boolean | True | |
Report.iteration | 3 | ||
Report.tables | taztotap, indivtrips, jointtrips, airporttrips, cbtrips, visitortours, visitortrips, ietrip, commtrip, eetrip, eitrip, tazskim, tapskim, trucktrip | ||
Trip Table Settings | |||
occ3plus.purpose.Work | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Work Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.University | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for University Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.School | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for School Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.Escort | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Escort Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.Shop | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Shop Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.Maintenance | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Maintenance Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.EatingOut | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Eating Out Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.Visiting | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Visiting Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.Discretionary | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Discretionary Purpose |
occ3plus.purpose.WorkBased | Float | 3.34 | Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Discretionary Purpose |
Active Transportation Model Settings | |||
active.node.file | %project.folder%/input/SANDAG_Bike_NODE.dbf | Determine which DBF file the model reads to obtain data on nodes in the active transportation network. | |
active.node.id | NodeLev_ID | Determines which column in the node file is the unique identifier | |
active.node.fieldnames | mgra, taz, x, y, tap, signalized | Together, determine mapping between java SandagBikeNode object fields and node DBF file columns | |
active.node.columns | MGRA, TAZ, XCOORD, YCOORD, TAP, Signal | ||
active.edge.file | %project.folder%/input/SANDAG_Bike_NET.dbf | Determines which DBF file the model reads to obtain data on edges in the active transportation network. | |
active.edge.anode | A | Determine which columns in the edge DBF contain foreign keys to the unique identifiers of the first and second nodes in the edges. | |
active.edge.bnode | B | ||
active.edge.directional | false | Determines whether the edge DBF file contains separate records for edges in the AB and BA directions. | |
active.edge.fieldnames | functionalClass, distance, gain, bikeClass, lanes, cycleTrack, bikeBlvd, roadsegid | Together, determine the mapping between java SandagBikeEdge object fields and edge DBF file columns for AB and BA direction | |
active.edge.columns.ab | Func_Class, Distance, AB_Gain, ABBikeClas, AB_Lanes, Bike2Sep, Bike3Blvd, ROADSEGID | ||
active.edge.columns.ba | Func_Class, Distance, BA_Gain, ABBikeClas, BA_Lanes, Bike2Sep, Bike3Blvd, ROADSEGID | ||
active.edge.centroid.field | functionalClass | Together, determine which SandagBikeEdge field can be queried to determine if an edge is a centroid connector, and which value corresponds to centroid connectors | |
active.edge.centroid.value | 10 | ||
active.edge.autospermitted.field | functionalClass | Together, determine which SandagBikeEdge field can be queried to determine if an edge is shared by motorized traffic, and which values allow auto travel | |
active.edge.autospermitted.values | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | ||
active.sample.distance.breaks | 99 | Together, customize path alternative sampling algorithm. distance.breaks determines the upper boundary of distance intervals for which the parameters below apply, pathsizes determines the target choice set size, accounting for path overlap, count.min determines the minimum sample count, and count.max determines the maximum sample count. | |
active.sample.pathsizes | 2 | ||
active.sample.count.min | 10 | ||
active.sample.count.max | 100 | ||
active.sample.random.scale.coef | 0.5 | Determines the variance of the random coefficients in path generation | |
active.sample.random.scale.link | 0.7 | Determines the variance of the random link cost multiplier in path generation | |
active.sample.random.seeded | true | Determines whether random link costs should be seeded. True will cause results to be reproducible, while false can be used to evaluate simulation error. | |
active.sample.maxcost | 998 | Determines maximum cost in path search. For any node which is reachable only by a path that exceeds this cost, the path search will not consider paths extending from this node" | |
active.maxdist.bike.taz | 20.0 | Determines maximum distance of bike TAZ-TAZ trips, bike MGRA-MGRA trips, walk MGRA-MGRA trips, and walk MGRA-TAP segments in miles. | |
active.maxdist.bike.mgra | 2.0 | ||
active.maxdist.walk.mgra | 3.0 | ||
active.maxdist.walk.tap | 1.0 | ||
active.output.bike | %project.folder%/output/ | Determines output directory for writing of bike and walk logsum matrices, network assignments, and path traces. | |
active.output.walk | %project.folder%/output/ | ||
active.coef.distcla0 | 0.858 | Determine average of random coefficients in bicycle path generation for distance on ordinary streets (in miles), distance on Class I facilities, distance on Class II facilities, distance on Class III facilities, distance on arterials without bike lanes, distance traveling the wrong way, distance on cycle tracks, distance on bike boulevards, elevation gain (in feet), the number of turns, the number of signals (excluding right turns and through junctions), the number of un-signalized left turns from major arterials, the number of un-signalized left turns from minor arterials, the number of un-signalized crossings of major arterials, and the number of un-signalized crossings of minor arterials." | |
active.coef.distcla1 | 0.348 | ||
active.coef.distcla2 | 0.544 | ||
active.coef.distcla3 | 0.858 | ||
active.coef.dartne2 | 1.050 | ||
active.coef.dwrongwy | 3.445 | ||
active.coef.dcyctrac | 0.424 | ||
active.coef.dbikblvd | 0.343 | ||
active.coef.nonscenic | 0.300 | ||
active.coef.gain | 0.015 | ||
active.coef.turn | 0.083 | ||
active.coef.signals | 0.040 | ||
active.coef.unlfrma | 0.360 | ||
active.coef.unlfrmi | 0.150 | ||
active.coef.untoma | 0.480 | ||
active.coef.untomi | 0.100 | ||
active.coef.distance.walk | 20.0 | Determine walk path generalized cost coefficients for distance in miles, and elevation gain in feet. | |
active.coef.gain.walk | 0.034 | ||
active.walk.minutes.per.mile | 20 | Determines inverse speed of walking and biking for estimation of actual time skims. | |
active.bike.minutes.per.mile | 6 | ||
active.trace.origins.taz | 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500 | Determine the origin TAZs, MGRAs, and TAPs for which model will trace results of path generation and output node sequences to the disk. If exclusive is true, the model will only run for these origins. If false, the model will run for all origins | |
active.trace.origins.mgra | 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000 | ||
active.trace.origins.tap | 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15 | ||
active.trace.exclusive | false | ||
active.debug.origin | 200003500 | Determine the origin and destination node ids for which the model will trace the results of the bicycle path choice UEC calculations. | |
active.debug.destination | 200003601 | ||
active.trace.outputassignmentpaths | false | ||
path.choice.uec.spreadsheet | %project.folder%/uec/BikeTripPathChoice.xls | Determines the file location, model, and data tabs of the bicycle path choice UEC Excel workbook. | |
path.choice.uec.model.sheet | 1 | ||
path.choice.uec.data.sheet | 0 | ||
path.choice.max.path.count | 200 | ||
btpc.alts.file | bike_path_alts.csv | Determines the location of the file listing the numbers of the bicycle path choice alternatives. | |
active.logsum.matrix.file.bike.taz | bikeTazLogsum.csv | ||
active.logsum.matrix.file.bike.mgra | bikeMgraLogsum.csv | Determine the ouput files for the bike TAZ logsum matrix, bike MGRA logsum matrix, walk MGRA-MGRA logsum matrix, and walk MGRA-TAP logsum matrix. | |
active.logsum.matrix.file.walk.mgra | walkMgraEquivMinutes.csv | ||
active.logsum.matrix.file.walk.mgratap | walkMgraTapEquivMinutes.csv | ||
active.bike.write.derived.network | true | Determine whether and to which file the edge, node, and traversal attributes calculated internally in Java should be written for debugging purposes. | |
active.bike.derived.network.edges | derivedBikeEdges.csv | ||
active.bike.derived.network.nodes | derivedBikeNodes.csv | ||
active.bike.derived.network.traversals | derivedBikeTraversals.csv | ||
active.assignment.file.bike | bikeAssignmentResults.csv | Determines to which file the results of the bicycle network assignment should be written. | |
Summit Settings | |||
summit.output.directory | String | output/ | File location for Summit output |
summit.purpose.Work | Integer | 1 | Specify code for Work Purpose |
summit.purpose.University | Integer | 2 | Specify code for University Purpose |
summit.purpose.School | Integer | 3 | Specify code for School Purpose |
summit.purpose.Escort | Integer | 4 | Specify code for Escort Purpose |
summit.purpose.Shop | Integer | 4 | Specify code for Shop Purpose |
summit.purpose.Maintenance | Integer | 4 | Specify code for Maintenance Purpose |
summit.purpose.EatingOut | Integer | 5 | Specify code for Eating out Purpose |
summit.purpose.Visiting | Integer | 5 | Specify code for Visiting Purpose |
summit.purpose.Discretionary | Integer | 5 | Specify code for Discretionary Purpose |
summit.purpose.WorkBased | Integer | 6 | Specify code for At-Work Sub Tour Purpose |
summit.filename.1 | String | Work | Specify file name for Work Purpose |
summit.filename.2 | String | University | Specify file name for University Purpose |
summit.filename.3 | String | School | Specify file name for School Purpose |
summit.filename.4 | String | Maintenance | Specify file name for Maintenance Purpose |
summit.filename.5 | String | Discretionary | Specify file name for Discretionary Purpose |
summit.filename.6 | String | Workbased | Specify file name for At-Work Sub tour Purpose |
summit.ivt.file.1 | Float | -0.016 | Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Work Purpose |
summit.ivt.file.2 | Float | -0.016 | Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for University Purpose |
summit.ivt.file.3 | Float | -0.01 | Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for School Purpose |
summit.ivt.file.4 | Float | -0.017 | Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Maintenance Purpose |
summit.ivt.file.5 | Float | -0.015 | Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Discretionary Purpose |
summit.ivt.file.6 | Float | -0.032 | Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for At-work Sub tour Purpose |
summit.modes | Integer | 26 | Specify number of modes in the model |
summit.mode.array | String | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 | Specify mode array; 0 for auto modes/school bus mode, 1 for walk transit, 2 for drive transit modes |
summit.upperEA | Integer | 3 | Specify upper limit code for Early AM time period |
summit.upperAM | Integer | 9 | Specify upper limit code for AM time period |
summit.upperMD | Integer | 22 | Specify upper limit code for Midday time period |
summit.upperPM | Integer | 29 | Specify upper limit code for PM time period |
Special Event Settings | |||
specialEvent.event.file | String | input/specialEvent_eventData.csv | File location/name of Special event data (MGRA, time starts/ends, attendance, parking cost, etc.) |
specialEvent.seek | Boolean | false | True or False to seek Special event model |
specialEvent.trace | Integer | 406 | Specify what zone to trace for Special event model |
specialEvent.partySize.file | String | input/specialEvent_partySize.csv | File location/name of Special event proportions by event type and party size |
specialEvent.income.file | String | input/specialEvent_income.csv | File location/name of Special event proportions by event type and income |
specialEvent.saveUtilsAndProbs | Boolean | true | True of false whether to save utilities and probabilities to output file |
specialEvent.dc.uec.file | String | SpecialEventOriginChoice.xls | File name for Special Event Origin Choice UEC |
specialEvent.dc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Special Event Orgin Choice UEC Data page |
specialEvent.dc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Special Event Orgin Choice UEC utility page |
specialEvent.dc.size.page | Integer | 2 | Special Event Orgin Choice UEC size terms page |
specialEvent.trip.mc.uec.file | String | SpecialEventTripModeChoice.xls | File name for Special Event Trip Mode Choice UEC |
specialEvent.trip.mc.data.page | Integer | 0 | Special Event Trip Mode Choice UEC data page |
specialEvent.trip.mc.model.page | Integer | 1 | Special Event Trip Mode Choice UEC utility page |
specialEvent.tour.output.file | String | output/specialEventTours.csv | File location/name for special event tours output file |
specialEvent.trip.output.file | String | output/specialEventTrips.csv | File location/name for special event trips output file |