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Output Files

Cundo Arellano edited this page May 26, 2020 · 28 revisions

The table below contains brief descriptions of the output files from the SANDAG travel model. See Output Files Data Dictionary for more details on all variables in each output file.

Output Files Contents

File Name Description File Type
traffic_skims_[tod].omx Highway Impedance matrices for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM,EV) OMX
transit_skims.omx Transit Impedance matrix OMX
Imp*hdn_MD_DU.txt Commercial vehicle mid-day skims for non-toll and 3 classes (LHDN, MHDN, HHDN) TXT
Imp*hdt_MD_DU.txt Commercial vehicle mid-day skims for toll and 3 classes (LHDT, MHDT, HHDT) TXT
Impldn_MD_DU.txt TXT
Impldt_MD_Dist.txt TXT
Impldt_MD_DU.txt TXT
Impldt_MD_Time.txt TXT
Demand Outputs
aoResults_pre.csv Pre-Auto-ownership output file CSV
aoResults.csv Post-Auto-ownership output file CSV
wsLocResults_[iteration].csv Work and school location output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
householdData_[iteration].csv Household output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
personData_[iteration].csv Person output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
indivTourData_[iteration].csv Individual tour output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
jointTourData_[iteration].csv Joint tour output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
indivTripData_[iteration].csv Individual trip output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
jointTripData_[iteration].csv Joint trip output file for each iteration (iteration = 1, 2, 3) CSV
airport_out.CBX.csv CBX airport model data list output file CSV
airport_out.SAN.csv SAN airport model data list output file CSV
crossBorderTours.csv Cross border tour list output file CSV
CrossBorderTrips.csv Cross border trip list output file CSV
visitorTours.csv Visitor tour list output file CSV
visitorTrips.csv Visitor trip list output file CSV
internalExternalTrips.csv Internal External trip list output file CSV
TNCTrips.csv TNC trips with routing information CSV
householdAVTrips Household autonomous vehicle trips CSV
Gen and trip sum.csv Commercial vehicle trips CSV
bikeMgraLogsum.csv CSV
bikeTazLogsum.csv CSV
CBDByMGRA_Vehicles.csv Number of vehicles of each MGRA in CBD, by 5 time periods CSV
PNRByTAP_Vehicles.csv Park and Ride by each TAP, and by 5 time period CSV
mgraParkingCost.csv Weighted average parking cost of each MGRA CSV
Demand Matrices
autoTrips_[tod]_[vot].omx Residential Auto Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and three value of time bins (vot = low, med, high) OMX
tranTrips_[tod].omx Residential Transit Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
nmotTrips_[tod].omx Residential Non-motorized Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
othrTrips_[tod].omx Residential Other Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
autoAirportTrips.CBX_[tod]_[vot].omx Output CBX airport auto trip tables 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and three value-of-time bins (vot = low, med, high) OMX
[mode]AirportTrips.CBX_[tod].omx Output CBX airport trip tables by 3 non-auto modes (mode = tran (transit), nmot (non-motorized), othr (other)) and 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
autoAirportTrips.SAN_[tod]_[vot].omx Output SAN airport auto trip tables 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and three value-of-time bins (vot = low, med, high) OMX
[mode]AirportTrips.SAN_[tod].omx Output SAN airport trip tables by 3 non-auto modes (mode = tran (transit), nmot (non-motorized), othr (other)) and 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
autoCrossBorderTrips_[tod]_[vot].omx Output Cross Border auto trip tables by 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and three value-of-time bins (vot = low, med, high) OMX
[mode]CrossBorderTrips_[tod].omx Output Cross Border trip tables by 3 non-auto modes (mode = tran (transit), nmot (non-motorized), othr (other)) and 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
autoVisitorTrips_[tod]_[vot].omx Output Visitor auto trip tables by 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and three value-of-time bins (vot = low, med, high). OMX
[mode]VisitorTrips_[tod].omx Output Visitor auto trip tables by 3 non-auto modes (mode = tran (transit), nmot (non-motorized), othr (other)) and 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
[mode]InternalExternalTrips_[tod]_[vot].omx Output Internal External trip tables by 4 modes (mode = auto, tran (transit), nmot (non-motorized), othr (other)) and 5 time periods: XX= EA, AM, MD, PM, EV. OMX
[mode]InternalExternalTrips_[tod].omx Output Internal External trip tables by 3 non-auto modes (mode = tran (transit), nmot (non-motorized), othr (other)) and 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
TNCVehicleTrips_[tod].omx Output TNC demand from the TNC fleet model by 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
emptyAVTrips.omx Empty autonomous vehicle demand OMX
trip_[tod].omx Total Trip tables to assign to the highway network by 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) OMX
Hwyload_sid1.shp SHP
tapLines.csv CSV
Temp_tazdata_cvm.csv CSV
EMFAC2014-SANDAG-[YEAR]-[SERVER]-[SEASON]-[YEAR].xls The output emission result form EMFAC2014 XLS
EMFAC2014-SANDAG-[YEAR]_[SERVER]-[SEASON]-[YEAR]_planning_[DATETIMESTAMP].xls The output emission result from EMFAC2014 XLS
EMFAC2014-SANDAG-[YEAR]-[SERVER]-[SEASON]-[YEAR]-sb375.xls The output emission result form EMFAC2014 XLS
EMFAC2017-SANDAG-[YEAR]-[SERVER]-[SEASON]-[YEAR]-sb375.xls The output emission result form EMFAC2017 XLS
EMFAC2017-SANDAG-[YEAR]-[SERVER]-[SEASON]-[YEAR]-sb375_sb375_[DATESTAMP].xls The output emission result form EMFAC2017 XLS
ShadowPricingOutput_school_10.csv CSV
ShadowPricingOutput_work_10.csv CSV
Trip_[actor type]_[tod].csv FILL IN DESCRIPTION HERE ... by 7 actor types (actor type = FA, GO, IN, RE, SV, TH, WH) and 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) CSV
TripMatrices.csv CSV
walkMgraEquivMinutes.csv CSV
walkMgraTapEquivMinutes.csv CSV

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