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Mode Choice Diagnostic Tool

Cundo Arellano edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 12 revisions

The mode choice diagnostic tool is intended to help analyze SANDAG's activity-based travel model mode choice results. The tool runs a diagnostic synthetic population covering user-defined origin MAZs (i.e. MGRAs) through the activity-based model in order to visualize tour mode choice probabilities and utilities for a target market population. The synthetic population is generated to cover several user-defined key market segment attributes (e.g. auto ownership, income, educational attainment) and uses default values for other market attributes (e.g. employment statuses, number of persons per household). A file of representative tours (work, shopping) is generated for the synthetic population with pre-determined schedules and destinations. The destination MAZs of interest are user-defined. The activity-based model reads in these generated household, person and tour files and outputs tour mode choice probabilities and utilities for each tour and destination. Finally, a Jupyter Notebook based Python diagnostic visualizer plots, maps and charts results and allows users to query results for sample households, persons, tours and destinations. The following sections describe the setup and application of this tool:

Mode Choice Diagnostic Tool Implementation

The mode choice diagnostic tool is broken up into 2 main components: a stand-alone mode choice diagnostic Emme tool and a stand-alone diagnostic visualizer.

The stand-alone mode choice diagnostic Emme tool was created using Python and utilizes the pandas and yaml packages to generate the synthetic population. There are 3 main inputs to stand-alone Emme tool: a list of origin MAZs, a list of destination MAZs and a configuration file.

When creating a scenario folder, a mode choice diagnostic (mcd) directory is created within the scenario directory's input directory. The input/mcd directory will contain the 3 input files (listed above), which users can edit. After a successful mode choice diagnostic run, an mcd directory will be created within the scenario directory's output directory. The output/mcd directory will be populated with the output synthetic population files and the final tour mode choice file.

Process Overview

The mode choice diagnostic tool consists of the following procedures:

1. Generate Synthetic Population:

First, the mode choice diagnostic tool generates a synthetic population using the specified target market attributes from the configuration file along with the list of specified origin and destination MAZs. The resulting synthetic population files are output to the output/mcd directory.

2. Copy and Edit Properties File:

Next, the mode choice diagnostic tool reads the main SANDAG AB Model properties file, modifies a number of property tokens so that it is compatible with the mode choice diagnostic tool, and then saves a copy of the properties file as The new properties file is saved in the same directory as the original properties file (conf directory).

3. Run Mode Choice:

Next, the activity-based model reads in the newly generated synthetic population files and outputs tour mode choice probabilities and utilities for each tour and destination. The resulting tour file, along with other mode choice outputs, are output to the output/mcd directory.

4. Diagnostic Visualizer:

Configuring the Mode Choice Diagnostic Tool

Configuring the mode choice diagnostic tool involves specifying target market attributes along with desired origin and destination MAZs.

Specifying Target Market Attributes

Users may specify attributes for household, person and tour files that will be used to create synthetic population files for target market segments. The target market attributes are set via the input/mcd/syn_pop_attributes.yaml configuration file. Upon scenario creation, the configuration file is populated with default attributes for the mentioned files.

It should be noted that not all synthetic population file attributes may be set. Attributes such as total number of household members or employment statuses are kept as pre-defined fixed values.

Household Attributes

The resulting target households will be generated using all possible combinations of the household attribute values listed in the table below. For each household attribute, users must specify all desired category values of said attribute so that they are included in the output household files.

Attribute Description
hinc Household income(s)
veh Number of vehicles in household(s)
hht Household/family type(s):
0 = Not in universe (vacant or GQ)
1 = Family household: married-couple
2 = Family household: male householder, no wife present
3 = Family household: female householder, no husband present
4 = Nonfamily household: male householder, living alone
5 = Nonfamily household: male householder, not living alone
6 = Nonfamily household: female householder, living alone
7 = Nonfamily household: female householder, not living alone
bldgsz Building size(s) - Number of Units in Structure & Quality:
1 = Mobile home or trailer
2 = One-family house detached
3 = One-family house attached
4 = 2 Apartments
5 = 3-4 Apartments
6 = 5-9 Apartments
7 = 10-19 Apartments
8 = 20-49 Apartments
9 = 50 or more apartments
10 = Boad, RV, van, etc.
unittype Household unit type(s):
0 = Non-GQ Household
1 = GQ Household

Person Attributes

Each household has a fixed number of persons (2) where the first person is a worker and the second a non-worker. Therefore, person attributes must contain exactly 2 values (1 for each household member) where the first value corresponds to the worker and the second to the non-worker.

Attribute Description
age Age of person
sex Gender of person
1 = Male
2 = Female
miltary Military status of person:
0 = N/A Less than 17 Years Old
1 = Yes, Now on Active Duty
2 = Yes, on Active Duty in Past, but Not Now
3 = No, Training for Reserves/National Guard Only
4 = No, Never Served in the Military
grade School grade of person:
0 = N/A (not attending school)
1 = Nursery school/preschool
2 = Kindergarten
3 = Grade 1 to grade 4
4 = Grade 5 to grade 8
5 = Grade 9 to grade 12
6 = College undergraduate
7 = Graduate or professional school
educ Educational attainment:
0 = N/A (Under 3 years)
1 = No schooling completed
2 = Nursery school to 4th grade
3 = 5th grade or 6th grade
4 = 7th grade or 8th grade
5 = 9th grade
6 = 10th grade
7 = 11th grade
8 = 12th grade no diploma
9 = High school graduate
10 = Some college but less than 1 year
11 = One or more years of college no degree
12 = Associate degree
13 = Bacehlor's degree
14 = Master's degree
15 = Professional degree
16 = Doctorate degree

Tour Attributes

Like person attributes, tour attributes must contain exactly 2 values (1 for each household member) where the first value corresponds to the worker and the second to the non-worker.

Attribute Description
start_period Start Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
end_period End Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
av_avail Autonomous vehicle availability for the tour:
0 = No
1 = Yes

Specifying Origin and Destination MAZs

In addition to target market synthetic population attributes, users may specify both the desired origin and destination MAZs via the input/mcd/origin_mgra.csv and input/mcd/destination_mgra.csv files, respectively. All specified origin MAZs will be populated with the target market households and persons. Every household worker will have a mandatory work tour destined to each of the specified destination MAZs. Similarly, every non-worker will have a non-mandatory shop tour destined to the same MAZ as the worker.

Running the Mode Choice Diagnostic Tool

Users may launch the stand-alone mode choice diagnostic Emme tool via the Emme Modeller interface (as described in Run the Model). Within the Emme Modeller, the mode choice diagnostic GUI may be accessed via SANDAG toolbox > Diagnostic > Mode choice diagnostic. To commence the tool, users simply need to click on Run, as is shown in the figure below.

Visualizing the Mode Choice Diagnostic Results

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