EffortlessHire a simple web application that helps job seekers to find their dream jobs.
Here is the live link to the hosted version of the project: https://effortless-hire.netlify.app/
A responsive and user-friendly interface that works well on both mobile and desktop devices
A navbar that is mobile responsive
A featured section that shows the first four job listings and includes a "See All Jobs" button
A job details page that displays all the job details when the user clicks on the "View Details" button
A local storage feature that adds job information when the user clicks on the "Apply Now" button
An Applied Jobs page that displays all the applied jobs using localstorage data
A filter system for remote or on-site job postings on the Applied Jobs page
A 404 page for error handling
A statistics page that shows an interactive chart based on the assignment marks against the assignment number, with tooltips
A blog page that answers questions about Context API, custom hooks, useRef, and useMemo
- React
- React Dom
- React Router Dom
- React Hot Toast
- Recharts
- React Icon
- Tailwind Css
To run the project on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Porgramming-Hero-web-course/b7a9-career-hub-Rownokzahan.git
Install the dependencies: npm install
Start the development server: npm start