The goal of zav (Zoning for Autonomous Vehicles) is to show the implementation of the problem instance generation and simulation experiment conducted for the project.
You can install the development version of zav from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
# note that there is a GitHub only dependency
# devtools::install_github("cuhklinlab/SWKM")
To generate a problem instance we can utilize the generate_2d_instance
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
instance <- generate_2d_instance(no_of_points = 100)
The below code chunk shows how we can utilize the solve_wkmeans
function to generate a solution for our problem instance.
solution_wkm <- solve_wkmeans(instance, no_of_centers = 5, type = "swkm")
plot_bases(solution = solution_wkm)
The below chunk shows how we can utilize the solve_ga
function to
generate a solution for our problem instance.
First we need to precalculate centroids to use as input for the GA.
centroids <- grid_centroids(instance, dimension = 5)
Having now the centroids and distances between demand points and centroids, we are able to give this as input for the GA. As a default the GA will have a maximum of 10 iterations for demonstration purposes, in reality we would have a much higher number of iterations.
solution <- solve_ga(instance, centroids, no_of_centers = 5, obj = "SAFE")
Here it is shown how you can make a simulation based on the solution just found.
simulation_result <- simulation(
solution = solution_wkm,
seed = 1,
n_replications = 1,
flight = "zoned",
queue = T,
max_dist = 1000000,
LOS = 600,
warmup = 0,
speed_agent = .25,
verbose = F