DCMD is a command handler for discord-connector, similar to ZCMD this handler gives you more control in your commands.
Special thanks to:
maddinat0r - Author of discord-connector https://github.com/maddinat0r/samp-discord-connector
Y_Less - Author of y_va https://github.com/pawn-lang/YSI-Includes
Zeex - For the inspiration with zcmd.
Before install DCMD you need to install samp-discord-connector. https://github.com/maddinat0r/samp-discord-connector Please, make sure to include your bot token line in server.cfg.
Optional: using the include y_va.inc from Y_less can enable the use of format in functions likeSendDiscord(DCC_Channel:channel, const text[], {Float, _}:...)
orSendPrivateMessage(DCC_User:user, const message[], {Float, _}:...)
https://github.com/pawn-lang/YSI-Includes -
Installation of DCMD
Download the release and copy the file dcmd.inc into your includes folder pawno/includes. After that you need to add this line in the gamemode/filterscript.
#include <dcmd>
For more examples see the file example.pwn
DCMD:prefix(DCC_Message:message, params[]){ //With this command you can change the prefix of the commands. Default is "!"
if(sscanf(params, "s[6]", params[0])) return SendDiscord(GetChannel(message), "Use: %sprefix (Prefix)", prefix);
else if(strcmp(params[0], prefix) == 0) return SendDiscord(GetChannel(message), ":fleur_de_lis: The prefix already is `%s`!", prefix);
else if(SetPrefix(params[0]) == 0) return SendDiscord(GetChannel(message), ":negative_squared_cross_mark: Invalid prefix!");
SendDiscord(GetChannel(message), ":white_check_mark: The prefix has been changed to \"%s\"", prefix);
return 1;