rclnodejs v0.11.0
This release has been verified with ROS 2 Eloquent Elusor by #539.
Feature Added
- TypeScript support, #537
- Type declaration files (*.d.ts), see types/ folder
- dts generation script creates interfaces.d.ts, a collection of type aliases for all ROS msg and srv interfaces, including custom msg and srv files
- Updated README with notes for working with TypeScript.
import * as rclnodejs from 'rclnodejs';
import {std_msgs} from 'rclnodejs';
async function main() {
await rclnodejs.init();
const node = rclnodejs.createNode('messager');
const pub = node.createPublisher('std_msgs/msg/String', 'message');
const timer = node.createTimer(1000, () => {
const msg = 'hello world: ' + Date.now();
//alternatively using type aliased messages
// const msg: std_msgs.msg.String = {
// data: 'hello world (std_msg)'
// }
- Removed message generation for deprecated actions