Shell Script for Backup your Database (on External Drive/Locally)
*can be different for other devices/operating systems than Raspberry Pi Zero W
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Install the MySQL Client (if mysql-client return error, then default-mysql-client should succeed)
sudo apt install mysql-client || sudo apt install default-mysql-client
# Navigate to the folder
cd mysql-backup
# Edit the Variables Values to your own
# /!\ Explication of Variables
DB_HOST="XXX" #=> IP Address (Your server should have MySQL Port Enable)
DB_USER="XXX" #=> MySQL User with privileges to Dump/Export Databases
DB_PASS="XXX" #=> MySQL User's Password
DB_NAME="XXX" #=> Database Name to create the Backup
EXTERNAL_DEVICE_PATH="XXX" #=> Full Path of your External Device for Backup Destination
FOLDERNAME="XXX" #=> Folder Name that will have the Backups
FILENAME="${DB_NAME}_$(date +'%d-%m-%Y').sql" #=> Your Backup File will have this name
SEND_DISCORDWEBHOOK="NO" #=> Options are: YES or NO. This will make the script send Webhooks to a Discord Channel
DISCORD_WEBHOOKURL="XXX" #=> Your Discord Webhook URL (Learn how to get here:
# Make the shell script executable
chmod u+x
# Execute the script to check if everything is Ok
# You can also check the logs of the script
cat logsBackup.txt
*can be different for other devices/operating systems than Raspberry Pi Zero W
# To let the script run periodically, we need to create a CronJob
# For it, Raspberry Pi OS (and other Linux OS) have CronJob Service incorporate, so let's setup!
# Get the full path to your script file
# Open CronTab to configure the CronJob
crontab -e
# Paste on the file, the following line:
<time_configuration> <pwd_command_result>/
### Example: 0 5 * * * /home/robertovalente/mysql-backup/
### Result: Everyday at 5AM, the script will be executed!
- Replace to when you want the file to be executed by OS (learn how to specific the time here)<pwd_command_result>
- Replace to the Output of PWD command (example: /home/robertovalente/mysql-backup)
- If you need some help, choose a contact method and send me a message: