Download the releases for your platform or build the source code by yourself.
Startup process with configuration file
./Tomahawk -c tomahawk.conf
You can also pass params in command line if you don't like using configuration files
./Tomahawk --level info --port 6301 --http 6201 --id node_1 --quorum 2 \
However, you can use command line params and configuration file params at the same time. Just remember the params from command line have higher priority than configuration file, this means the params you given in command line will cover the values from the configuration file.
Priority: Command Line > Configuration File > Default Values
Show help messages with
./Tomahawk -h
A shell script has been provided for convenience, is a convenient way to start and stop Tomahawk daemon. For example, you can start a daemon by Tomahawk_linux_amd64
and params -c tomahawk.conf --id node_1 --level info
./ -f Tomahawk_linux_amd64 -p "-c tomahawk.conf --id node_1 --level info"
Show help messages with
./ -h
Save data
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"key": "city", "value": "Nanjing"}' \
or saving data list
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '[{"key": "city", "value": "Nanjing"}, {"key": "province", "value": "Jiangsu"}]' \
Query data
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:6202/entries?key=city'
Show nodes info
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:6202/status'
- Data persistence
- Data compression and snapshot creation
- More tests for special situations