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Releases: Riimu/Kit-PHPEncoder

Version 2.4.2

10 Dec 18:13
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  • Added tests to ensure PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Changed export type object conversion have more consistent index order

Version 2.4.1

29 Nov 17:00
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  • Migrated to Github actions for CI
  • Added automated builds to test for PHP versions from 5.6 to 8.0

Version 2.4.0

03 Jul 12:47
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  • Added string.classes option, which allows to define an array of classes or
    namespaces to encode using the ::class format, when encountered as strings
  • Added string.imports options, which allows to define the used imports to write
    the ::class format strings using shorter imported notation
  • Support for HHVM has been dropped, as HHVM no longer aims for PHP compatibility
  • Added travis builds for PHP 7.2
  • Change some rules in the used coding standard

Version 2.3.0

15 Jul 09:07
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  • Added string.utf8 option which causes the string encoder to escape all
    valid multibyte UTF-8 characters using the PHP7 unicode code point syntax.
  • Added string.binary option which causes the string encoder to encode all
    non UTF-8 strings using a base64_encode().
  • Added integer.type option that accepts values binary, octal, decimal
    or hexadecimal which can be used to change the output syntax of integers.
  • Added hex.capitalize option that causes all hexadecimal character in
    output to appear in upper case
  • Added float.export option that forces float encoder to use var_export
    for encoding floating point numbers
  • Float encoder now delegates integer encoding to the integer encoder (to
    allow different integer types).

Version 2.2.0

08 Jul 18:10
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  • Increase the minimum PHP version requirement to 5.6
  • Update to latest coding standards
  • Update tests to work with PHPUnit 6
  • Update travis build to test for PHP 7.1

Version 2.1.3

08 Nov 09:21
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  • Ensure the tests run on both HHVM and PHP7

Version 2.1.2

22 Aug 11:37
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  • The GMP encoder no longer tries to encode classes that extend the GMP class

Version 2.1.1

08 Aug 14:46
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  • Fixed object encoder not throwing an exception on some incorrect
    object.format values.
  • Fixed coding standards issues around the code and api documentation
  • Improved Travis build process

Version 2.1.0

18 Apr 10:16
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  • Encoder options with null default value will now be recognized
  • The integer encoder will now add an (int) cast in front of integers, if
    their value equals PHP_INT_MAX * -1 - 1.
  • If float.integers is set to true, the float encoder will now only encode
    floats as integers if the value is accurately represented by the float. Set
    the value to "all" to restore the previous behavior.
  • The float encoder no longer breaks if the PHP locale uses comma as a decimal
  • The float encoder now behaves slightly differently when deciding whether to
    use the exponential float notation or not.
  • The float encoder now uses serialize_precision when the option precision
    is set to false
  • Several methods will now throw an InvalidOptionException if any invalid
    encoder options have been provided

Version 2.0.2

21 Jan 18:43
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  • array.align will now respect array.omit and array.inline settings if
    all the keys in the array can be omitted.
  • Clarified documentation on how these settings are intended to work