Here are all of my userstyles. Neato!
The high priority ones are
- Darklearning (my school's moodle server)
- JavaDarks (Javadocs, but just the reference sheets)
Those will always be maintained with a pretty high standard because I'm using the sites all the time and/or they're not too complicated.
Then, there are the mid-priority ones:
- Eutropia (
- Spacious Mastodon (fixes some spacing in mastodon)
- Elearning slot remover (removes expired time slots in my school's moodle server)
- DarkArch ( except for gitlab and the wiki)
- Telegram Käfer (telegram bug tracker)
I use those websites either not at all or not that much, so issues have to be reported by the user.
And the abandoned styles:
- Dark BourgyMan (; no new content, so I'm abandoning it)
- Dark Grimm (; Abandoned, but the website hardly changes so it'll continue to work just fine)
- Dark Stylebase ( is dead)
- Dark Github Inputs (nowadays redundant)
Abandoned means: to get something fixed, a pull request would have to be opened. I probably won't add anything to those.
Lastly, the broken styles:
- Black Tea (Gitea; I don't use it anymore and it isn't finished)
- Darkowa (Outlook web-app; The website is really complicated to style, so this style is very much shit. I pretty much just gave up.)
- DudenAwesome (also a really complicated website, and not important enough for me personally)
You'll need a browser extension that supports userstyles, the one I use (and the one the style is written and tested with) is Stylus. Download it here for Firefox, Chrome or Opera
Then you can add the style to Stylus by opening the raw .user.css file of the style. The master branch contains the stable versions, and the development versions are in the style's respective branches. Most styles have many customisation settings, so you can customize the style without even looking into the code too!
If you want to submit a completely new style, open a discussion in the discussion tab please :)
If you want to add something to an existing style, you can just open a pull request.
If you find a problem with one of my styles, please open an issue! I will mention your help in the release notes.