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Explore my role as an RA in analyzing White House speeches' economic impact. Discover code, resources, data management, NLP analysis, and AI modeling insights. Uncover language's power in shaping economic narratives.

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This repository contains code and resources for a project that uses NLP AI to extract economic narratives. The repository is organized into several folders: Code_From Download to Dataset, Data, Exploring_dataset, and Literature review.

Code_From Download to Dataset

This folder contains all the code and resources necessary to obtain four databases, including one that contains all speeches with their respective AI and UI indices. The following is a brief summary of each file:

  • 1_Get_speech_dataset.ipynb: This code downloads all speeches for the Trump and Biden administrations from the White House and saves them in Data/dataset1_onlyrawdatadownloaded.csv. It also saves a file called url_speeches.txt with all the links where it downloaded the speeches.

  • 1_a_urlextraction.ipynb: This file reads the file url_speeches.txt and returns the dataset. If you have a list of URLs from the White House and you want to download them, you can run this code.

  • 2_extraction_info.ipynb: This code uses NLP analysis to extract specific information from a speech, such as the location, time, speaker name, and date. It performs data cleaning, preprocessing, and feature extraction tasks using libraries such as pandas, nltk, gensim, and spacy.

  • 3_cleaning_data.ipynb: This code imports the pandas and re modules and reads a CSV file named 2_Data_after_infoextraolated.csv using pandas' read_csv() function. It defines three functions to clean the text data, and then modifies the "Main text" column of the data frame by calling these functions. The modified data frame is saved to a new CSV file named 3_Data_after_cleaningdata.csv.

  • 4_AI_analysis.ipynb: This code uses four BERT models to extract insightful information about narratives from the given dataframe:

    1. LatentDirichletAllocation model for topic extraction
    2. heBERT_sentiment_analysis for sentiment analysis that returns three indices reflecting the sentiment
    3. en_core_web_lg for thematic analysis to classify different narratives
    4. heBERT_sentiment_analysis with FED uncertainty for sentiment analysis. The output is saved in Data/4_Data_with_AI_Market_Indicies.csv.
  • 5_*.: This code is useful to prepare the data in order to be processed by the Cohmetrix software (online and offline), and then to return the dataset merging the output with the dataset.

    1. This code imports the necessary libraries and defines a function called limit_text that cleans and limits the length of a given text. It then reads a CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame, filters the DataFrame based on specific conditions, creates a folder to store text files, iterates over the filtered DataFrame, preprocesses the text, and saves each preprocessed text as a separate text file in the output folder.
    2. This code open the browser and put the text to be process in the textbox, the using AI try to tackle the captcha and after download the results
    3. Cohmetrix output to csv, given as input the folder that contains the Cohmetrix output of our dataset (in this case only for the Trump dataset) the program returns a csv that merge the dataset of trump speech and the outcome for each speech in cohmetrix


This folder contains all the datasets saved after running the respective Python code. For example, dataset 3 is the output of the code 3 in the folder Code_From Download to Dataset.


This folder contains R code to get a quick view of the dataset and the properties of the time series.

Literature review

This folder contains scientific articles that use a similar method and the citations for the AI models used in the project.


In this folder there are the output of the matlab elaboration of VAR


Explore my role as an RA in analyzing White House speeches' economic impact. Discover code, resources, data management, NLP analysis, and AI modeling insights. Uncover language's power in shaping economic narratives.




