with Android Studio, Gradle, Espresso, Robolectric, AndroidAnnotations, RoboCoP, JaCoCo
Wishes, improvements and discussions about the stuff here are welcome
#Great news: smoother integration into Android Studio, no more classpath manipulation for robolectric tests see wiki new way to configure
until next release of novodes test plugin, we use our own custom version
For gradle-android-test-plugin:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT run Scripts/install-custom-gradle-test-plugin.sh
clone, attach phone (or start emulator), run Scripts/run-tests.sh from project root
import to android studio, start development
unit tests: gradlew :UnitTestsRobolectric:testDebug
- append :UnitTestsRobolectric:jacocoTestReport for coverage report
component tests: gradlew :ComponentTestsRobolectric:testDebug
- append :ComponentTestsRobolectric:jacocoTestReport for coverage report
acceptance tests: gradlew :AndroidSample:connectedAndroidTest
- replace by :AndroidSample:connectedCheck for coverage report
###rest example Currently RestActivity example fails when no server is reachable.
- start Script/start-wiremock.sh
- kill Script/start-wiremock.sh kill
unit test Test with mocks for all class dependencies. For testing direct database operations i don't like to mock the real database. Database is fast enough for unit tests and writing cursor mocks need much effort. Database tests are done here too.
component test Put app components under test. It's your decision, what you call a component. Good approaches maybe Activities, Fragments, (any other ideas?), ...
experimental For apps designed with single activity to handle all fragments. Try writing tests as component test like you will write they in espresso. This should work and is very fast, but not suggested by google coding guides and not from the robolectric programmer.
acceptance tests Instrument your app with espresso to show that your app may handle the basic work flows correctly on one or all your device variants.
- build/index.html (should collect all reports, current is miss the AndroidSample module reports)
- UnitTestsRobolectric/build/test-report/debug/index.html (unit test)
- UnitTestsRobolectric/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html (unit test coverage)
- ComponentTestsRobolectric/build/test-report/debug/index.html (component test)
- ComponentTestsRobolectric/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html (component test coverage)
- AndroidSample/build/reports/androidTests/connected/index.html (acceptance tests)
- AndroidSample/build/reports/coverage/debug/index.html (acceptance tests coverage)
This project template is developed with AndroidStudio and will only support the newest versions.
Test run in IDE is a bit tricky: see wiki for description
- Gradle + AndroidStudio as development Enironment
- Use novoda/gradle-android-test-plugin to use Robolectric in submodule
- Robolectric for unit tests
- Mockito
- Code coverage with JaCoCo
- Code coverage with Teamcity
- Robolectric for component tests
- Code coverage with JaCoCo
- Code coverage with Teamcity
- FEST Android assertions
- Espresso for acceptance tests
- AndroidAnnotations generate dependency injection
- RoboCoP generate database management
- Shortcut: jump between test and implementation with default short cut
- Travis CI runs all test variants
- Coveralls shows unit test code coverage coveralls-gradle-plugin
- ui test coverage (is done when novoda test plguin is updated)
- ui test screen shots with spoon, include dialogs
- collect all test reports nicely
- all nice tools from Quality-Tools-for-Android (pmd, checkstyle, ..)
- improve adapter handling with https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations/wiki/Adapters-and-lists
- rest communication genrated with AndroidAnnotations
- json mapping object generated with jsonschema2pojo
- test server communication with wire mock (for component test and ui tests)
- generate database content at same time like android annotations
- in application communication events with Otto
- package-by-feature instead of package-by-layer
- Sonar for code statistics
- follow more best practices (use string.xml, ...)
- RoboCoP + SQLiteCipher
- MVVM pattern with android-binding
- There are many more interesting libraries out http://www.appbrain.com/stats/libraries/dev
- rest error handling
- (done) working setup android studio + gradle + espresso + robolectric
- (done) extended app sample with database access
- (done) test automation with code coverage
- (done) decent test coverage with unit, component and acceptance tests
- (progress) http calls with android annotations + wiremock + improve rest communication http://android-restful-pattern.blogspot.de/ https://github.com/posco2k8/rest_loader_tutorial
- (plan) more component tests
- (plan) more acceptance tests
- (plan) 3 week journey to USA west coast
- (plan) measure memory usage, i believe there is a memory leak
- (plan) fragment activity example with unit, component and acceptance tests
- (plan) example what i mean with the experimental acceptance test with robolectric
- (plan) ...
- run-tests.sh execute all test variants
- src/main/java/com/example/
- activities activity classes
- adapters data adapters with cursor loader
- fragments fragment classes
- json model classes for rest communication
- managers wraps content provider usage
- rest rest communication clients
- receivers
- services
- viewmodel model classes for your views
- src/gen/com/example/
- database (generated) database tables and helpers
- provider (generated) provider for your database content
- model (generated) helper classes to access cursor content
- src/test/java/
- com/example tests with espresso
- build/source/apt//
- com/example (generated) classes with AndroidAnnotations