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This system is an employee management system for Retro Rabbit Enterprise Services. This is the back end for said system and works in conjuncture with the Front End repository


Getting Started


Docker is used to run PostgreSql.

Installing Docker

  • If you don't use WSL/Ubuntu subsystem, install Docker using the Hyper-V installation

  • If this is a new installation, follow the default settings for install

  • If you get a WSL wrong version error run the following command

wsl --install
  • Make sure ports 80 and 5432 are not being used by other containers.

  • Run the below command to install Postgres container in Docker

docker run --name RGO -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespw -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Alternate ways to run PG Admin

docker run -itd --name pgadmin -e -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin -p 80:80 dpage/pgadmin4
  • Navigate to localhost:80 on your browser and login with Email: [email protected] password: admin

Environment Variables

You can either set up environment variables on visual studio or add Environment Vaiables on your machine

On Visual Studio

Right click on the RR.App and select Manage User Secretes

Image of User secretes location

Image of User secretes.json file

With the respective values in the redacted (#######) spaces

Obtain the AuthManagement values from the Auth0 Identity provider or project contributors on the Retro Rabbit team.

Add Environment Vaiables on your machine

You need to add environment variables onto your machine.

Image of System Environment Variables

Variable name Variable value
AuthManagement__Audience ########
AuthManagement__Issuer ########
AuthManagement__ClientId ########
AuthManagement__ClientSecret ########
ConnectionStrings__Default ########
NewEmployeeQueue__ConnectionString ########

With the respective values in the redacted (#######) spaces

Obtain the AuthManagement values from the Auth0 Identity provider or project contributors on the Retro Rabbit team.

Image of System Environment Variables

Add the following and simarlarly add the others from the table with their respective values.

ConnectionStrings__Default : Host=localhost:5432;Database=RGO;Username=postgres;Password=postgrespw

Image of System Environment Variables

Remember to restart Visual Studio once added/edited.


Make sure to have Git installed to run any Git command lines.

Cloning the repository

git clone ''

Make sure to checkout develop branch

git checkout develop


Launch pgAdmin. Register a new server on pgAdmin.

  • Set the Password to "postgrespw".
  • Set the Server Name to "RGO".
  • Set the Host Name to "localhost".
  1. Register New Server in pgAdmin

pgAdmin Register Server

  1. Update Server Name and Host Name

pgAdmin Server Name pgAdmin Host Name

Note: If you get login issue

  • Double check Host Name and Password
  • Check that you are only running one instance of postgres on your machine. To check: run netstat -aon on the command line and check that port 5432 is only used once.

Project Build and run

Right click on RR.App -> Dependencies -> Packages and Manage Nuget Packages. If the packages are highlighted with an exclamation mark then they still need to be restored. A popup should appear in this case and you can click "Restore".

Change from Production to Development in the drop down menu next to the play/debug button.

Note: You must have .net 7.0 as your target framework.

EF Migrations

  1. In Visual Studio->RGO-Server project/solution file. Pull up the nuget package manager console:

    Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console

  2. Change the default project to RR.UnitOfWork.

Image of Package Manager Console

  1. Run the following commands:

πŸŽ‰πŸŒŸ Congratulations! You have successfully created a database with tables!

Populating Database with Dummy Data:

  1. Make a local copy of the SEED_DUMMY.sql file In the RR.UnitOfWork Project.

    Seed Dummy

  2. Copy one of the INSERT INTO Employee, statements in the script.

    Screenshot 2024-03-12 130900

  3. Paste a new INSERT statement and populate it with your information such as your email, name, and surname. Also change the id of the record. It is important to note that the first email field should be populated with a personal or work email you're going to use to log into the RGO system, otherwise you won't have access to the system. The second email field can just be a dummy or additional email you'll make use of.

  4. Copy one of the INSERT INTO RoleAccessLink, statements in the script, change the id and roleId to the role you want to assign to yourself.

  5. Copy one of the INSERT INTO EmployeeRole, statements in the script, change the id, employeeId and roleId to the role you want to assign to yourself. employeeId should match the insert from Employee Table.

  6. Copy the SQL in the locally created script.

  7. Open pgAdmin, right-click on the RGO database, and select Query Tool. SQL Query

  8. Paste the locally created script in the query screen that pops up. Click on Execute Script. Seed Dummy Script

πŸŽ‰πŸŒŸ Congratulations! You have a fully populated the database!

Checking new user added to the DB you made

Once the query is completed successfully, you can go to the employee table and view all rows to see if you have data in the database.


Running Unit Tests

When running unit tests make sure that the database is running to accomodate for integration tests

Unit Test Coverage

With every pull request, there is a requirement to prove coverage of your code. Attached a screen shot of your code coverage to your PR description

Install the dotnet coverage tool
    dotnet tool install -g dotnet-coverage

Install the dotnet report generator tool
    dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool

Run the command to check coverage on your project
    dotnet-coverage collect -f xml -o coverage.xml dotnet test <solution/project>
    (<solution/project> can be omitted to test the entire project)

Generate report
    reportgenerator -reports:coverage.xml -targetdir:coverage/report

Navigate to the %temp% / report folder and open index.html using your prefered browser found at

Naming Conventions


Use forward slash Use forward slashes for resource hierarchy and to separate URI resources. Example: "/employee/{id}"

Use nouns, not verbs

When naming the URIs, you should use nouns to describe what the resource is and not what it does. For example: Wrong: "getEmployees/" Correct: "employees/"

Use plural nouns

This makes it clear that there is more than one resource within a collection. Using singular nouns can be confusing. For example: Wrong: "chart/{id}" Correct: "charts/{id}"

Lowercase letters

As a standard, URLs are typed in lowercase. The same applies to API URIs.

Use hyphens to separate words

When chaining words together, hyphens are the most user-friendly way and are a better choice than underscores. For example: "employee-documents/10"

Endpoint strings can be the same provided that the Request Mapping is different:

PUT "employee/{id}" GET "employee/{id}"


All variables in methods must be in camelCase

Anything referenced by a service should prefixed with an underscore, to indicate that it is a reference to a service

All Method names must be PascalCase ie: SaveEmployeeDocument(SimpleEmployeeDocumentDto employeeDocDto)

PS: When naming and endpoint, variable or method make the name as descriptive as possible. The only exception is for small scopes like a lambda.

Project URL

Runs on(.NET Web API):


No description, website, or topics provided.







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