Releases: Resinchem/Robot-Car-Timer
Version 0.25
New Features
- Added new race management page to web interface.
See the Wiki for more information on using this new page.
- The timer display now shows the current IP address of the controller during the boot process. Obtaining assigned IP address via router is no longer necessary.
Other Fixes and Changes
- Fix for SoftAP that maintained prior IP address when changing WiFi after board reset
- Updated how globals are defined so they only need to be changed in one place in source code
Breaking Changes
Initial Installation
To install on a new ESP32 for the first time, please follow the instructions provided in the Initial Installation and First Time Setup sections of the Wiki.
Upgrading from a Prior Version (v0.21 or later)
Download the .bin file below and simply use the web settings Firmware Upgrade option to install the downloaded .bin file. Your configuration file and local settings should not be changed or overwritten. New features and changes will be available immediate after the board reboots.
Upgrading from versions prior to v0.21
Version 0.21 implemented a number of configuration file changes that require a full reset of the controller after upgrading. See the v0.21 Release Notes and complete the post upgrade steps covered there if you are upgrading to this version from v0.20 or earlier.
No-WiFi version
The non-WiFi version of the firmware is no longer supported. If you truly need a version that does not require or use WiFi, please see Version 0.21, which was the last release for the -noWiFi version.
Version 0.24
This is a small maintenance release with fixes only.
New Features
Other Fixes and Changes
• Small fix for rare situations where changing the LED brightness via web settings would cause crash/system reboot.
Breaking Changes
Initial Installation
To install on a new ESP32 for the first time, please follow the instructions provided in the Initial Installation and First Time Setup sections of the Wiki.
Upgrading from a Prior Version (v0.21 or later)
Download the .bin file below and simply use the web settings Firmware Upgrade option to install the downloaded .bin file. Your configuration file and local settings should not be changed or overwritten. New features and changes will be available immediate after the board reboots.
Upgrading from versions prior to v0.21
Version 0.21 implemented a number of configuration file changes that require a full reset of the controller after upgrading. See the v0.21 Release Notes and complete the post upgrade steps covered there if you are upgrading to this version from v0.20 or earlier.
No-WiFi version
The non-WiFi version of the firmware is no longer supported. If you truly need a version that does not require or use WiFi, please see Version 0.21, which was the last release for the -noWiFi version.
Version 0.23
This is a small maintenance release to fix some situations where random false triggers of the sensors are occurring.
New Features
- Added new sensor debounce setttings to main web settings page.
These values will generally not need to be changed unless you are receiving random triggers. Please see the Wiki/User Guide for more information before making changes to the default values of 2. Improper use may introduce timing inaccuracies or other sensor issues.
Other Fixes and Changes
- Minor changes to the web settings page layout and content
Breaking Changes
Initial Installation
To install on a new ESP32 for the first time, please follow the instructions provided in the Initial Installation and First Time Setup sections of the Wiki.
Upgrading from a Prior Version (v0.21 or later)
Download the .bin file below and simply use the web settings Firmware Upgrade option to install the downloaded .bin file. Your configuration file and local settings should not be changed or overwritten. New features and changes will be available immediate after the board reboots.
Upgrading from versions prior to v0.21
Version 0.21 implemented a number of configuration file changes that require a full reset of the controller after upgrading. See the v0.21 Release Notes and complete the post upgrade steps covered there if you are upgrading to this version from v0.20 or earlier.
No-WiFi version
The non-WiFi version of the firmware is no longer supported. If you truly need a version that does not require or use WiFi, please see Version 0.21, which was the last release for the -noWiFi version.
Version 0.22
New Features
- Added button under Controller commands on web settings page to launch Arduino OTA mode without needing to remember and use the URL command.
- Added user guide document to /docs folder. Current as of this release, but may not be updated for future versions. Always check the wiki for latest information. Document must be downloaded and/or opened locally outside of Github for links within the document to work.
Other Fixes and Changes
- Updated OTA Page to match format/responsiveness of other pages
- Changed "Warning" to red under reset all command.
- Fixed issue where exiting OTA update without an upload left the timer and LEDs blank
- Added library versions used to the code comments/documentation
- Minor updates to web interface and documentation
- no-WiFi version dropped with this release (see v0.21 if you need a non-WiFi version).
Breaking Changes
Initial Installation
To install on a new ESP32 for the first time, please follow the instructions provided in the Initial Installation and First Time Setup sections of the Wiki.
Upgrading from a Prior Version
Download the appropriate .bin file below.
If upgrading from v0.21, simply use the web settings Firmware Upgrade option to install the downloaded .bin file. Your configuration file and local settings should not be changed or overwritten. New features and changes will be available immediate after the board reboots.
Upgrading from versions prior to v0.21
Version 0.21 implemented a number of configuration file changes that require a full reset of the controller after upgrading. See the v0.21 Release Notes and complete the post upgrade steps covered there if you are upgrading to this version from v0.20 or earlier.
Version 0.21
New Features
Full WiFi Version ONLY:
Fully updated web settings page now allows you to change all settings (except device name and WiFi Network). Settings changes can be temporary for the current session only, or written to the config file as new permanent boot up values. You no longer need to edit the source code, compile and upload with the IDE to make settings changes.
BETA: New option to upload new compiled firmware versions directly from the web settings page. No IDE or external app needed to apply new versions. Just select the new .bin file from the web settings page and flash to the controller!
These new features require a WiFi connection to the controller, so they obviously do not apply to the -NoWIFI version.
This will be the final release of the -NoWIFI version. All future versions will require a WiFi connection to function!
Other Fixes and Changes
- Miscellaneous code and inline comment clean-up (both versions)
Breaking Changes
Full WiFi Version ONLY:
- A complete rewrite of the configuration file to support web updating requires a full reset and onboarding of the controller again after applying the update. See the upgrading notes below.
Both Versions:
- Changed global settings for MAX_RACE_MINUTES to MAX_RACE_TIME, now specified in seconds instead of minutes.
Initial Installation
To install on a new ESP32 for the first time, please follow the instructions provided in the Initial Installation and First Time Setup sections of the Wiki.
Upgrading from a Prior Version
Download the appropriate .bin file below.
Full WiFi Version:
To facilitate the new web settings page, a significant change to the underlying saved configuration file was required. Because of this, it is necessary to perform a full reset of the controller after installing the new firmware. This will erase all current settings, including WiFi and device name settings! See the Wiki for full information on applying updates, but the general steps are:
- Flash the new firmware via desktop utility or via the IDE (using the IDE requires the source code, local compiling and uploaing via USB or the Arduino OTA option - see the Wiki).
- After reboot, go to the new web settings page by visiting the IP address of your controller using a browser of any device on the same WiFi network.
- Use the 'RESET ALL' option under the Controller Commands to erase the current configuration file. The controller will reboot and once again begin broadcasting the 'RaceTimer_AP' hotspot. Join the hotspot with your mobile device and re-enter your WiFi and other initial information.
- The controller will reboot again, this time joining your WiFi. You can now use the new settings page to update or change any of the other settings.
no-WIFI version: (Note: This will be the final release of the -noWIFI version!)
If you made any settings changes in the source code of the prior version, you will need to reapply those changes to the new source code, including updating the old MAX_RACE_MINUTES from minutes to the new MAX_RACE_TIME in seconds. You may then compile and upload the new version using the IDE and a USB connection.
Version 0.20
Initial Release
This is the initial release. If you just wish to install the firmware, you can download and flash the .bin file. Do note that some options and settings may require modifying the source code at this point (all settings must be edited manually in the no-wifi version). Future versions are expected to move many of the settings and options to the web interface so that source code editing is no longer necessary.
No-WiFi version
This version is only for special-use cases where the planned location does not have WiFi available (or you are unable to join). It does not contain any web interface, so all settings & options must be manually edited in the source code. In addition, OTA updates are not available in the no-WiFi version, so every update must be completed via USB cable. It is recommended that the full version be used and future updates may not include the no-WiFi version.
Please see the wiki for system requirements, initial installation and configuration information.