This repository contains some of my mini-projects designed for my own purposes and needs – or, as the name says, just for fun! :)
Assembler, C, C++, C#, Go, JS, VBA, Free Pascal, Python.
- AliAsM – this code expands GAS (GNU Assembler) with new metacommand “alias” to make self-styled macros. Example: Improved Euler Method applied for Kolmogorov equations for Markov process parameters identification.
- DAISYGen7 – the program to convert ordinary audiobooks into DAISY-compatible format.
- Education\HTMLQuiz – special quiz written for students to test their HTML/JS/CSS skills.
- Education\SeaShore – battleship game for students with strict rules, where the goal is to write proper JS bot for the game environment; misplaced ships and unwise (a priori useless) shots lead to penalty (negative) points, the reward (positive points) is provided for every effective action (like hitting enemy ship).
- Excel_MD – MultiDimensional Excel document (“deep” cells).
- GRoadHog – this set of tools converts/recovers files into/from a bunch of CSVs used to upload the arbitrary info to the Google Drive for free (as Google Docs).
- Utils\Graphics\imgb64 – this program converts a picture to base64 format.
- Utils\Graphics\Stretch – the utility to stretch a picture (useful for thumbnails).
- Utils\Sqlite3.Go – my own SQLite3 binding for Golang.
- Utils\Store – the utility allowing to produce self-extractable executable with relative path extraction.
- Hackaton-drafts\IntelligentSearch – a draft of the hackaton project (in Russian): concept of Wikidata and Wolfram Alpha databases merging.
- Hackaton-drafts\PhotoHack – another draft of the hackaton project (in Russian): example of the photo filter concept with the photo objects disassembling in 3D.
- UEF – ML projects implemented during the UEF (University of Eastern Finland) Summer School (with pretty detailed reports inside for both projects), as well as learning diaries with answers for the provided questions (related to lectures).