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taflanidi committed Jul 5, 2023
1 parent 7429d5a commit ca6452f
Showing 1 changed file with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions Source/InputMask/InputMask/Classes/View/TextViewListener.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
// Project «InputMask»
// Created by Jeorge Taflanidi

#if canImport(AppKit) && canImport(Foundation)

import Foundation
import AppKit

public protocol OnMaskedTextViewChangedListener: AnyObject {
func textView(
_ textView: NSTextView,
didExtractValue value: String,
didFillMandatoryCharacters complete: Bool,
didComputeTailPlaceholder tailPlaceholder: String

open class TextViewListener: NSObject, NSTextViewDelegate {

open weak var listener: OnMaskedTextViewChangedListener?
open var onMaskedTextViewChangedCallback: ((_ textView: NSTextView, _ value: String, _ complete: Bool, _ tailPlaceholder: String) -> ())?

@IBInspectable open var primaryMaskFormat: String
@IBInspectable open var autocomplete: Bool
@IBInspectable open var autoskip: Bool
@IBInspectable open var rightToLeft: Bool

open var affineFormats: [String]
open var affinityCalculationStrategy: AffinityCalculationStrategy
open var customNotations: [Notation]

open var primaryMask: Mask {
return try! maskGetOrCreate(withFormat: primaryMaskFormat, customNotations: customNotations)

TODO: write doc
private var textBefore: String = ""

open func attachDelegateToTextView(_ textView: NSTextView) {
textView.delegate = self
textBefore = textView.string

public init(
primaryFormat: String = "",
autocomplete: Bool = true,
autoskip: Bool = false,
rightToLeft: Bool = false,
affineFormats: [String] = [],
affinityCalculationStrategy: AffinityCalculationStrategy = .wholeString,
customNotations: [Notation] = [],
onMaskedTextViewChangedCallback: ((_ textView: NSTextView, _ value: String, _ complete: Bool, _ tailPlaceholder: String) -> ())? = nil,
allowSuggestions: Bool = true
) {
self.primaryMaskFormat = primaryFormat
self.autocomplete = autocomplete
self.autoskip = autoskip
self.rightToLeft = rightToLeft
self.affineFormats = affineFormats
self.affinityCalculationStrategy = affinityCalculationStrategy
self.customNotations = customNotations
self.onMaskedTextViewChangedCallback = onMaskedTextViewChangedCallback

public override init() {
Interface Builder support
From known issue no.2:

> To reduce the size taken up by Swift metadata, convenience initializers defined in Swift now only allocate an
> object ahead of time if they’re calling a designated initializer defined in Objective-C. In most cases, this
> has no effect on your program, but if your convenience initializer is called from Objective-C, the initial
> allocation from +alloc is released without any initializer being called.
self.primaryMaskFormat = ""
self.autocomplete = true
self.autoskip = false
self.rightToLeft = false
self.affineFormats = []
self.affinityCalculationStrategy = .wholeString
self.customNotations = []
self.onMaskedTextViewChangedCallback = nil

Maximal length of the text inside the field.

- returns: Total available count of mandatory and optional characters inside the text field.
open var placeholder: String {
return primaryMask.placeholder

Minimal length of the text inside the field to fill all mandatory characters in the mask.

- returns: Minimal satisfying count of characters inside the text field.
open var acceptableTextLength: Int {
return primaryMask.acceptableTextLength

Maximal length of the text inside the field.

- returns: Total available count of mandatory and optional characters inside the text field.
open var totalTextLength: Int {
return primaryMask.totalTextLength

Minimal length of the extracted value with all mandatory characters filled.

- returns: Minimal satisfying count of characters in extracted value.
open var acceptableValueLength: Int {
return primaryMask.acceptableValueLength

Maximal length of the extracted value.

- returns: Total available count of mandatory and optional characters for extracted value.
open var totalValueLength: Int {
return primaryMask.totalValueLength

open func put(text: String, into field: NSTextView, autocomplete putAutocomplete: Bool? = nil) -> Mask.Result {
let autocomplete: Bool = putAutocomplete ?? self.autocomplete
let mask: Mask = pickMask(
forText: CaretString(
string: text,
caretPosition: text.endIndex,
caretGravity: CaretString.CaretGravity.forward(autocomplete: autocomplete)

let result: Mask.Result = mask.apply(
toText: CaretString(
string: text,
caretPosition: text.endIndex,
caretGravity: CaretString.CaretGravity.forward(autocomplete: autocomplete)

field.string = result.formattedText.string
location: result.formattedText.string.distanceFromStartIndex(to: result.formattedText.caretPosition),
length: 0

notifyOnMaskedTextChangedListeners(forTextView: field, result: result)
return result

open func pickMask(forText text: CaretString) -> Mask {
guard !affineFormats.isEmpty
else { return primaryMask }

let primaryAffinity: Int = affinityCalculationStrategy.calculateAffinity(ofMask: primaryMask, forText: text, autocomplete: autocomplete)

var masksAndAffinities: [MaskAndAffinity] = { (affineFormat: String) -> MaskAndAffinity in
let mask = try! maskGetOrCreate(withFormat: affineFormat, customNotations: customNotations)
let affinity = affinityCalculationStrategy.calculateAffinity(ofMask: mask, forText: text, autocomplete: autocomplete)
return MaskAndAffinity(mask: mask, affinity: affinity)
}.sorted { (left: MaskAndAffinity, right: MaskAndAffinity) -> Bool in
return left.affinity > right.affinity

var insertIndex: Int = -1

for (index, maskAndAffinity) in masksAndAffinities.enumerated() {
if primaryAffinity >= maskAndAffinity.affinity {
insertIndex = index

if (insertIndex >= 0) {
masksAndAffinities.insert(MaskAndAffinity(mask: primaryMask, affinity: primaryAffinity), at: insertIndex)
} else {
masksAndAffinities.append(MaskAndAffinity(mask: primaryMask, affinity: primaryAffinity))

return masksAndAffinities.first!.mask

open func notifyOnMaskedTextChangedListeners(forTextView textView: NSTextView, result: Mask.Result) {
didExtractValue: result.extractedValue,
didFillMandatoryCharacters: result.complete,
didComputeTailPlaceholder: result.tailPlaceholder
onMaskedTextViewChangedCallback?(textView, result.extractedValue, result.complete, result.tailPlaceholder)

private func maskGetOrCreate(withFormat format: String, customNotations: [Notation]) throws -> Mask {
if rightToLeft {
return try RTLMask.getOrCreate(withFormat: format, customNotations: customNotations)
return try Mask.getOrCreate(withFormat: format, customNotations: customNotations)

private struct MaskAndAffinity {
let mask: Mask
let affinity: Int

Workaround to support Interface Builder delegate outlets.

Allows assigning ``MaskedTextInputListener/listener`` within the Interface Builder.

Consider using ``MaskedTextInputListener/listener`` property from your source code instead of
``MaskedTextInputListener/delegate`` outlet.
@IBOutlet public var delegate: NSObject? {
get {
return self.listener as? NSObject

set(newDelegate) {
if let listener = newDelegate as? OnMaskedTextViewChangedListener {
self.listener = listener

public func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange oldSelectedCharRange: NSRange, toCharacterRange newSelectedCharRange: NSRange) -> NSRange {
guard textBefore != textView.string
else {
// regular cursor movement/selection change
return newSelectedCharRange

let updatedText = textView.string
let isDeletion: Bool
if oldSelectedCharRange.length > 0 {
// deleting selected symbols?
isDeletion =
textBefore.count > updatedText.count
&& textBefore.count - updatedText.count == oldSelectedCharRange.length
} else {
// backspace?
isDeletion =
textBefore.count > updatedText.count
&& oldSelectedCharRange.location > newSelectedCharRange.location
&& textBefore.count - updatedText.count == oldSelectedCharRange.location - newSelectedCharRange.location

let useAutocomplete = isDeletion ? false : autocomplete
let useAutoskip = isDeletion ? autoskip : false

let caretPositionInt = newSelectedCharRange.location
let caretPosition: String.Index = updatedText.startIndex(offsetBy: caretPositionInt)

let caretGravity: CaretString.CaretGravity = isDeletion
? .backward(autoskip: useAutoskip)
: .forward(autocomplete: useAutocomplete)

let text = CaretString(string: updatedText, caretPosition: caretPosition, caretGravity: caretGravity)

let mask = pickMask(forText: text)
let result = mask.apply(toText: text)

defer {
notifyOnMaskedTextChangedListeners(forTextView: textView, result: result)

textView.string = result.formattedText.string
textBefore = result.formattedText.string
return NSRange(
location: result.formattedText.string.distanceFromStartIndex(to: result.formattedText.caretPosition),
length: 0



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