A nice and free web app to gamify and animate your meetings, build with django channels and anychart free.
I am not a developper, so this code is far from perfect ! Although it runs, please bear in mind that the design of LibreKast is driven by what I managed to do, and not really what I planned to do (in terms of design).
- Functionnalities
- Roadmap
- Code architecture
- Deploy for development
- Deploy for production
- How to get Twitch and Youtube tokens
- State Diagram
There are 4 types of question you can show in the app :
- Text-only : displays only text (ideal for start and end of the meeting)
- word cloud : displays a chart with all submitted words
- poll : asks a question. on question close, shows the number of votes each choice got.
- Quizz : asks a question. One of the answers is marked as 'correct', all attendants that chose the correct answer receive 1 point, the first one to answer receives an additionnal point.
Moreover, there are flags, that can be submitted by participants to earn points, both in their interface or as QR codes.
The meeting organizer can access a special dashboard with live scoreboard, live results and buttons to navigate between questions.
There are 4 types of meetings :
- IRL meetings : those are beekast-like meetings. You need to register as explained below to join the meeting.
- Youtube Live Stream : the chat is automatically fetched by Youtube
- Twitch live Stream : the chat is fetched with Twitch Helix API (needs API tokens)
- Double Stream : the chat is aggregated both from Youtube and Twitch. All interactions are made accross both platforms
To connect to a meeting, participants only need to go to Meetings > choose the meetings. A meeting code is needed to register, by default it is Pour1nf0
You can connect in the admin interface with user : defaultsuperuser
and password LibreKast
. To pass some questions, just mark them as done in the admin panel. Every request gets the next question by fetching the first question in order that has no already be done.
There are several ways you can add bots in your meetings :
- Periodic bots : these will regularly send a message in the one you define in the administration interface. The duration between 2 messages is defined in the instance settings.
- Message bots : they will answer a message starting with "!" (or the character you define in the instance settings).
- Revolution bots : They will keep track of the messages calling them (with the default character "!") and once the number of commands sent is more than a threshold, it sends a message, and starts an animation in the dashboard (the animation can be shown over OBS). The animation is a webm video (you may have to setup your proxy to allow certain file sizes).
- Admin :
- Join Meeting code :
You can find screenshots :
v0.4.1 :
- Flag feature
- back : handle prefixes
- back : Attendee name is string
- back : Flag name is string
- Documentation :
- Add documentation on API tokens
- Add documentation on meeting & question status
- fix various bugs
- front : error mode -> show error messages on dashboard
- front : show enter flag button on mobile
- Youtube : setup alert for Youtube creds
- Twitch : setup alert for Twitch connexion error
- Twitch : put TWITCH_NICKNAME in twitch api settings
- Twitch : fix bug using wrong oauth token
- Bots features
- Twitch : Make bots independant from youtube polling
- back : bots ont une limite de chars trop petites
- back : bots admin intf en forme de texte, pas charset
- back : filtrer les messages coté server en fonction du texte sur les réponses aux bots classiques
- back : envoyer les cmd bots à l'affichage
- BUG : reg bots youtube never stop
- BUG : identify with counters, reproduce & solve error making YT consumer stop
- Twitch animations
- Twitch get follows with callback
- créer une API (url + une vue)
- créer un modèle webhook lié aux meeting
- vérifie le HMAC à la réception du webhook
- subscribe le webhook au lancement du bot twitch
- vérifier le webhook au lancement du bot twitch
- unsubscribe le webhook à la terminaison du bot twitch
- déclencher une animation quand il y a un follow
- fetch l'imge de profil du follower
- clean les subscriptions au lancement de la plateforme
- Migrate https://github.com/Teekeks/pyTwitchAPI ??
- periodic bots
- message bots
- revolution bots
- create buffers in self.XX on registering commands
- follows
- subs
- sub icon
- send message to admin/chat
- Twitch get follows with callback
Next steps :
- v0.4.2 : Code Quality & Improvements on existing features
- Stream questions
- CHECK if user is live -> for HTB
- BUG : reproduce & solve error in transition from YT WC to YT poll in prod throwing an exception
- BUG : reproduce & solve error in transition from IRL WC to keep WC going
- make special OBS screen for Polls
- make OBS overlay
- Prompt feature :
- make another RO consumer & route for prompts and chat log
- make another RO consumer & route for admin
- Code Quality and tests
- move JS in a specific file
- Back : run tests with meetingConsumer
- Back : test periodic bots
- Setup stream title with a command
- Stream questions
- v0.4.3 : Stateful meeting, ChatGPT & bots
- stateful meeting
- back : current question state
- i need more work on async states to have the admin changing the state and the users reading it
- back : joining during a question
- back : fix the init phase that is executed only once per meeting
- front : fix error message on connexion
- front : fix display items number in prompt
- front : go back button in dashboard
- back : go back button in dashboard
- back : current question state
- move Twitch code from PetterKraabol/Twitch-Python to Teekeks/pyTwitchAPI
- setup oauth
- setup oauth : callback group remove
- setup twitch stopping
- setup token remembering -> ERROR
- setup basic chat bots
- link with existing chat bots
- show chat log
- get chat log subs attributes
- setup chat bots with params
- setup basic periodic bots
- link with existing existning bots
- setup event subscription
- Twitch : add attendee is subscriber attribute in dashboard
- stateful meeting
- v0.4.4 : code quality, error handling and refactor
- back : admin interface : Flags and votes show meetings
- back : init periodic bots for both youtube and twitch (process depends on youtube as of now)
- back : bleach word cloud
- back : redirection on login
- back : add env var pour redis
- back : refactor QR code creation processes
- v0.4.5 : QoL
- [?] front : modify message bots in dashboard
- front : create a dedicated meeting admin interface
- front : have a nicer dashboard
- front : change admin interface to be modular
- back : make docker-compose
- back : add env var for redis cache port
- v0.4.6 : feature images slides
- add Image slides
- front : question type : vote bayésien = plusieurs appréciation sur 5
- front : type de question : appréciation /100 (échelle)
- v0.5.0 : installation and Quality of Life
- install script
- front : dashboard colors
- Youtube : setup oauth redirection for API
- refactor : make question object-oriented in consumers
- refactor : code wrapping and documentation
- back : join during a question
- refactor : use proper logging
- docker wrapping
- readthedocs
- documentation on Google & Twitch API
- documentation on OBS integration
- dulicate question and meetings
- make twitch and youtube an interface and have bot logic in a separate file
The code is a django project named 'pollsite', made with 2 apps :
: hosts all the appearance of the home page as models.polls
: hosts all the core functionalities of the app.static
In polls
app, the different URLs are handled in the views.py
file. All websockets communications are handled (synchronously) in the consumers.py
The difference between question types is handled using a question_type
attribute, which can be TO
, QZ
, QZ
or WC
For the meeting types, I went with optional fields instead of a complex heritage model, in order to get quickly something working. Yes it's lame, but hey - it works.
pre-requisites : python(3.8 or above) and pip must be installed
0. create and activate a virtual environment inside a new directory
It is highly recommended to use virtual environments when yout set up a new project. If you are new to virtual environments read python-3 official docs
1. clone this repo django-polling-site
in your directory
git clone https://github.com/RduMarais/LibreKast.git
2. install the requirements
The requirements listed are the versions I used to test & develop the app. Feel free to tamper with the versions, just keep in mind that different package versions have not been tested !
# debian/Ubuntu etc
sudo apt-get install libmagic1
# MacOs :
brew install libmagic
# install python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. move inside the pollsite
directory and make migrationS
python manage.py makemigrations home
python manage.py makemigrations poll
python manage.py migrate
4. Security settings
create a superuser , with your own username and password
python manage.py createsuperuser
A default superuser exists, named defaultsuperuser
with password LibreKast
Then create a secure secret key:
python -c 'from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; \
export SECRET_KEY="<your secret key>"
5. Collect Static files needed
python manage.py collectstatic
6. Run Redis in a docker container
check here if you need to install docker.
docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5
7. Setup env variables
export ALLOWED_HOSTS_LOCAL="<the url you plan to serve the app to>"
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="pollsite.settings"
# only if this is for debugging
export DEBUG=True
# is your server does not have a valid certificate (some browser will throw errors if this is not enforced)
# this removes secure web socket and secure cookies
8. now run the server
python manage.py runserver
Note that this step runs an ASGI server. If you are used to deploy WSGI server, this involves a few differences !! Especially when dealing with sockets, be sure to install
and notuvicorn
to deal with these.
Go to This is where Django starts server by default
Click on Admin button on top right corner to go the the Django Administration page. You can add meetings, change or add questions and choices etc.
In order to setup LibreKast in an deployment envionment, one needs to :
- setup a web server (such as Apache or Nginx),
- setup an ASGI server for delivering a django app
- please note that you have to redirect not only HTTP, but also websockets !
- clone the repository to start the app.
- By defaults, all environments variables are setup for prod, but you should setup some more variables : :
: generate a secure key with the following code :python -c 'from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; \ print(get_random_secret_key())' export SECRET_KEY="<your secret key>"
: add your server IP/hostname. I recommend setting up a dedicated subdomain (such as librekast.domainname.com)TWITCH_CLIENT_ID
: generate a client ID for the account you are using to fetch the chat. this can be done in the Twitch consoleTWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET
: this too should be done in the Twitch consoleTWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN
: this should be requested on Twitch Chat OAuth Password Generator and grants authorization to use the account for LibreKast.NGINX_PROXY
: it's a good practice to have an nginx reverse proxy addingX-Forwarded-Proto
headers. if you do, it's better to setup this var toTrue
because why not- add your server IP/hostname to the
- create a superuser and remove the default user (or change its password)
- collect static files and migrate them in the server static folder
- it is a good practice to serve static files and media files separately using your end server (such as nginx reverse proxy)
- start the ASGI server
- you may need to export
or other env variables in the command running the server
- you may need to export
With Gunicorn/uvicorn, the last step is the following :
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=pollsite.settings
gunicorn pollsite.asgi -b -w 2 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --chdir ./pollsite/ -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=pollsite.settings --log-file librekast.log
lmk if you need my redirection setup for nginx or a docker image
- get an IRC chat token at https://twitchapps.com/tmi (token should have the form oauth:XXXXXX)
- OAuth token in django admin dashboard (without the "oauth:" part)
- this is responsible for connecting to twitch chat in an app
- create an app at https://dev.twitch.tv/console and create a new client secret
- App Client ID in django admin dashboard
- Client secret in django admin dashboard
- these tokens are responsible for allowing LibreKast to interact with your Twitch account as an app
- Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
- create an API key
- create an App for your instance
- create a workstation client ID at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/
- get these client ID and client secret and paste them in the app
The meeting has an attribute _is_running
that is set to True when the first admin to connect connects to the dashboard. Then the connexion of the admin has an attribute (is_Admin
) to follow which one of the staff connected is the one actually managing the meeting. The others are read-only.
- If the client is disconnected, both of these attribute are reset so you need to refresh the page to get control back.
- If the server is disconnected, an init script resets all meeting to not running
During the meeting, there is a state to follow what is happening. This enables users to join during a question :
='W' : the meeting has started and is waiting for the next question to startONGOING
='O' : there is a question ongoingRESULTS
='R' : the question is over, the results of this question are displayedSCOREBOARD
='S' : the scoreboard is displayedAFTER
='A' : the meeting is overBEFORE
='B' : the meeting has not started yetUNDEFINED
='U' : something went wrong ?
based on current implem (not the final goal)
| | |
| --> question-start --> | |
| get current question |
| | |
| <-- question-ready <-- | |
showWait | |
| or |
| <-- question-go <-- | |
if Poll/Quizz : | |
showQuestion | |
| | |
| --> vote --> | |
| <-- voted <-- | |
| if Poll : |
| <-- results <-- | --> notify-update-poll --> |
showResultsPoll | updatePoll
| | |
| end : results |
| <-- results <-- | --> results --> |
| | |
| end : close |
| | --> question-close --> |
| | |
if Word Cloud : | |
showWordCloud | |
| --> word-cloud-add --> | |
| add vote |
| | --> notify-update-cloud--> |
| | updateWordCloud
| | |
| end : close |
| | --> question-close --> |
| | showWait
| | |
| if |
| | --> next-question --> |
| | showWait
| | |
| | |
wait for score | |
| --> get-score --> | |
| <-- update-score <-- | |
updateScore | |
| | |