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Mission Statement

The new King William Hotel database management application will provide a scalable system that offers improved efficiency, increased flexibility for everyday operations and reporting capabilities.

System Definition

The proposed system will allow for seamless day-to-day operations at King William Hotel through a strong foundation of underlying software. Having a reliable system is a key focus for the team whilst leaving room for flexibility in a fast-changing world. The new system will relieve the stress of manual bookings by monitoring the status of each room’s readiness and it’s availability status, assist with room pricing during peak periods of the year, handle onboarding of new or temporary employees, manage pay-as-you-go services as well as outsourced services, and manage room accounts along with guest bills.

Application Development

The system that the team will create will have options such as, role management, historical guest data, room readiness and management reports. We will be using the ASP.Net Core framework along with SQL Server for this solution. The final result will consist of a database, middleware, and a web application. The database will be normalized to 3NF for maximum efficiency. The middleware (DBL) will allow for the front facing application to communicate with the underlying database without the risk for threats (such as SQL Injection Attacks). It provides a safe layer of communication and utilizes stored procedures – a predetermined structured query that cannot be used to alter or manipulate the database in any other way. Lastly, the front facing application will utilize ASP. Net’s latest and greatest framework to create a beautiful and interactive online application that will be accessible to handle all of the hotel’s day-to-day operations. The system will handle all of the requirements as per the project synopsis and system definition. The new system will also be scalable and can be hosted via a server in-house for private access only, or it can be hosted publicly for customer access as well. The system will be designed to be flexible and accessible in any way the hotel may chose.

ASP.Net Core Key Features

  • Use as a front-end of the application
  • Authentication system
  • Role management
  • Data entries
  • Reporting
  • Handles views
  • Handles controllers

DBL Key Features

  • Communication between front-end and back-end of application
  • Handle user views
  • Predefine CRUD operations for classes
  • Handle SQL stored procedures
  • Handle SQL views

SQL Server Database Key Features

  • Backend for ASP.Net application
  • Data storage
  • Handles views
  • Handles stored procedures


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