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RaresPlescan edited this page Nov 7, 2013 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the DaisyPi Home Automation wiki!


The Daisy Pi extension board provides input/output connectivity for digital and analog sensors, along with power for each of them, a status led and main voltage feedback.

Digital sensors :

TSL235 - irradiance sensor

[SHT11 - temperatura and humidity sensor] (

BMP085 - atmospheric pressure and temperature sensor

ADXL345 - accelerometer

Slot 1 IN/OUT ( 3V3 - Gnd - GPIO07 )

Slot 2 IN/OUT ( 3V3 - Gnd - GPIO25 )

Analog sensors

[ADC MCP3204 used for all analog readings] (

Slot A0 ( ADC in, max 5V )

Slot A1 ( ADC in, max 5V )

Slot A2 ( ADC in, max 5V )

Slot A3-A6 ( ADC in, max 3V3 )

Voltage input as A7, internal, for precise main system voltage check ( ~ 5V )

This is the main repository for all the work done on the Daisy Pi projects and additional software.

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