This is a repo to train myself on using the Reflex library, Version Control through Git and Github
Once the project is finished #Todo
This project is done on Windows 10 through the WSL environments
#--------- STEP 1: initiate .venv, .git, .gitignore
python3.12 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # activate (venv)
git init
touch .gitignore # Add the files to be ignored inside
#--------- STEP 2: Install reflex
pip install reflex
#--------- STEP 3: Create requirements.txt & a
pip freeze > requirements.txt
#--------- STEP 3: Initiate reflex
reflex init
>> Which template would you like to use? (0):
#--------- STEP 4: Initial commit in the main local repo
git add . # Add all the files to the staging area
git commit -m "Initial commit: blank reflex project"
#--------- STEP 5: Link the project to a remote repo on github
git remote add origin <SSH_url>
git remote -vv
#--------- STEP 6: Push the inital commit to the main repo & set the upstream
git push --set-upstream origin main
git status # Check the working directory and staging area status
git branch -vv # Show local branches and their tracking branches