What's Changed
- Implement next-intl by @RaphaelEscrig in #1
- List specialties per year by @RaphaelEscrig in #2
- Create page to show which cities a user can have by @RaphaelEscrig in #3
- Add tests for cities module by @RaphaelEscrig in #4
- Add a page to list ranking per specialty by @RaphaelEscrig in #5
- Display link to ranking instead of places in mobile by @RaphaelEscrig in #6
- Add posthog to track analytics by @RaphaelEscrig in #7
- Clean code and add utils tests by @RaphaelEscrig in #8
Full Changelog: https://github.com/RaphaelEscrig/ecn-speci-rank/commits/latest