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Kensuke Sano edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 5 revisions


The Nuzlocke Challenge is a self-imposed challenge common in the online community throughout Pokémon titles.

Nuzlocke Mode

Polished Crystal has an in-game Nuzlocke mode, available in the initial gameplay preferences. The mode gives:

  • Once-per-area capture limit on encounters
    • Gift Pokémon including the Starters don't count, but static encounters do
  • Prevention from reviving fainted Pokémon, EXCEPT in the Box
    • This is because the Box's data structure doesn't hold the current HP
  • Forced nicknaming procedures
  • Dupe clause
  • Shiny clause (for the second and later encounters)


  • The mode DOESN'T set hard level caps or the item clause.
  • The mode can be turned on/off at any time during the playthrough by resetting the preferences. This might be useful for unlockable side quests such as those beyond the Unown Dex completion.
  • The game balance DOESN'T have Nuzlocking in mind. Happy Nuzlocking!

Important Notice

The Nuzlocking mode will be replaced by a gerenal option for a simple tracker of Pokémon captures per area.

Cheatsheet for Planning

Main article: FAQ § Is there documentation for all the {Pokémon, items, moves, etc}?

List of Highest Levels

To impose more on yourself such as level caps:

  • Falkner: 13
  • Bugsy: 17
  • Whitney: 21
  • Morty: 26
  • Chuck: 31
  • Jasmine: 37
  • Pryce: 42
  • Clair: 47
  • Elite 4 & Champion: 51, 53, 55, 57, 60
  • Lt. Surge: 60
  • Sabrina: 62
  • Misty: 64
  • Erika: 65
  • Brock: 65
  • Janine: 66
  • Blaine: 69
  • Blue: 70
  • Elite 4 & Champion after 16 Badges: 70, 72, 74, 76, 80
  • Red: 90
  • ???: 100

For more spoilers, browse the trainer directory for the opposing Trainers' teams.

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