Chat application developed for Appcon 2019 by easypaisa
Various screenshots of the application are shown below
Required IDEs
- Android Studio
- Visual Studio Code(Only if you want to make changes to index.js which contains the code for cloud functions)
Setup Backend: Firebase is used as the backend for the project. In order for the firebase project in the firebase console to recognize the version build by a android studio as an authorized version that can make database calls, you need to add your android studio SHA1 certificate fingerprints to the firebase project settings => To retrieve fingerprint:
- wait for android studio to finish build
- go to Gradle > Toggit > root > tasks > android > signingReport
- select signingReport and copy the SHA1 fingerprint => To add the fingerprint
- Firebase console > Toggit > Project Settings
- Under "your apps", add the fingerprint Note: if you get "an unknown error occured" during authentication when you build and run the app on your own through android studio, its because the SHA1 key was not added properly.
Run frontend: Step 1: Open project in android studio Step 2: Connect your mobile to the laptop using USB (target device + ensure developer mode is enabled on your phone) Alternatively: Use Emulator Step 3: click run
Please ensure the app has access to your contacts. You must do this manually going to Settings ->Applications -> Toggit -> Permissions -> Contacts (enabled)