Tailor is a Burrows–Wheeler transform (BWT) based fast aligner specialized in discovering non-templated addition of nucleotide to the 3' end of nucleic acids (a.k.a., tailing) from Next Generation Sequencing data.
Tailor is released under GPLv2 with additional restriction so that is only applicable to individuals and non-profits and that any for-profit company must purchase a different license.
A Shell based pipelines are provided using fastq as input and produce publication quality figures.
##INSTALL *Only 64 bits systems are able to compile and run Tailor.
Please try the precompiled binaries first, most of the linux systems should be able to run Tailor without any troubles.
bin/tailor_linux # for linux
bin/tailor_mac_x64 # for OSX
Or you can find them in the release tab in this page or at this link.
- 1.1 Relative recent C++ compiler that support most features of C++11. We recommend GCC.
- 1.2 Boost
- 1.3 CMake
git clone [email protected]:jhhung/Tailor.git
- Set environmental variable
to the directory of boost if CMake cannot find boost automatically; - Set environmental variable
to the gcc/g++ compiler you want to use.
cmake .
- If you got linker error, it is possible that the default library in the lib/ is not suitable to your platform. There are two libraries available, one is for Mac OSX one is for Linux, rename the one that fit the best to "libabwt_table.a", and retype
tailor build -i genome.fa -p genome
tailor map -p genome -n 8 -i smallRNA.fq
# reads.fq: input reads in fastq format:
# dm3.fa: genome sequence in fasta format; it will generate index in the index folder of tailor directory, if it doesn't exist
# genomic_feature_file; used to generate figures for different genomic features (exon, intron...). See our example in the annotation folder to make such file
# using 24 CPUs
# use PHRED score 20 as filter: only reads with every base equal to to higher than 20 pass the filter and enters the pipeline
run_miRNA_tailing_pipeline.sh \
-i reads.fq \
-g dm3.fa \
-t genomic_feature_file \
-o output_dir \
-c 24 \
-q 20
- Tailor indexes
# You can find all the pre-bulit indexes in:
# Human:
# Mouse:
# for downloading
lftp -c "pget -n 4 http://www.jhhlab.tw/Tailor/index/hg18.tar.gz"
- You can download all the related files for the speed test from the link
- And the links of original data for non-tailed and tailed reads
- And the speed test log (3 times)
- And the speed log for bowtie tailing
- All scripts for speed test can be found in the
##Citing Tailor
- Chou, M.-T., Han, B. W., Hsiao, C.-P., Zamore, P. D., Weng, Z., and Hung, J.-H. (2015). Tailor: a computational framework for detecting non-templated tailing of small silencing RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv537
Jui-Hung Hung <juihunghung `at` gmail.com>
Chou Min-Te <poi5305 `at` gmail.com>
Bo W Han <bowhan `at` me.com>