Operating Systems Course Project: Creating A Shell Interface Using Java
Part 1
- Implement Shell With No Commands
- Use ProcessBuilder Class To Create External Processes
Part 2
Implement [cd] Command -> Change Directory
[cd] Command MUST Include...
[cd] -> Change To Home Directory [cd ~] -> Change To Home Directory [cd .] -> Stay At Current Directory [cd ..] -> Ascend One Directory [cd ../../..] -> Ascend Multiple (nth) Directories [cd /] -> Change To Root Directory
ArrayList Data Structure Used To Decompose And Pass Commands To ProcessBuilder
Part 3
Implement History Feature
History Feature Located In Program As "History Utilities"
[history] -> Displays Commmand History In Numerical Order [!!] -> Runs Previous Command [!i] -> Runs ith Command In History (Ex. !3 Runs 3rd Command)
Extra Commands Added For Fun
- [ls] -> List All Files And Directories Within Current Directory
- [cp] -> Copy One File To Another. If File Recipient Does Not Exist, Creates File
- [cat] -> Reads File To Console
- [cd] -> "cd" Is A Requirement, However I Added The Ability To Change Into Any Valid Directory