Pipelines for working with QTL results. Assumes QTLs were mapped using QTL-mapping-pipeline and both QTL and GWAS summary statistics have been placed into the Raj Lab GWAS/QTL Database.
Written by Jack Humphrey and Katia de Paiva Lopes Raj Lab 2020
Scripts for wrangling GWAS summary stats (GWAS)
Colocalisation with GWAS results (COLOC)
Pairwise sharing between QTLs (qvalue_sharing, pisquared)
Random-effects meta-analysis of multiple QTL datasets (METASOFT)
Multivariate adaptive shrinkage for sharing of effect sizes between QTL datasets (MASHR)
Building Transcriptome-wide Association Study models and applying them to GWAS (TWAS) - under construction
Fine-mapping using the echolocatoR pipeline (Fine-mapping)