This is the backend REST API for Hack Oregon's Job's Economy team. It consists of a Flask application, as well as Vagrant and Docker scripts.
cd backend
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r setup/requirements.txt
pip install -r setup/dev-requirements.txt
python jobs-economy/
in your browser.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
cd backend
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r setup/requirements.txt
pip install -r setup/server-requirements.txt
sudo env/bin/gunicorn -b jobs-economy/app:app
You must have Vagrant installed, along with Virtualbox.
Vagrant up
Wait for Vagrant and Docker to complete their magic, then visit
in your browser.
This API exposes the data used for Hack Oregon's Raise Effect project. It is a read-only RESTful API that uses JSON for its interchange format. Data is organized by county and family type.
The base URL is:
- Populations:
- Labor Statistics:
- Wage Statistics:
- Self-Sufficiency Standard Budgets:
- Self-Sufficiency Standard Tax Credits:
- Self-Sufficiency Standard Wages:
- PUMA Codes:
- Census Households
- Family Code Weights
- Additional Calculated Statistics (see API reference):
Sending a GET request to the root of the resource will download the data for all counties. The JSON data returned is an object with one key called "data", which contains an array of county data objects:
GET /api/v1/counties
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"data": [
"fips": 41001,
"name": "Baker"
Retrieve a particular data set by appending the corresponding URL:
GET /api/v1/counties/laborstats
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"data": [
"employed": 6024.0,
"fips": 41001,
"laborForce": 6615.0,
"unemployed": 591.0,
"unemploymentRate": 8.9,
"urSeasonalAdj": 7.3,
"year": 2014
"employed": 42507.0,
"fips": 41003,
"laborForce": 44777.0,
"unemployed": 2270.0,
"unemploymentRate": 5.1,
"urSeasonalAdj": 5.1,
"year": 2014
Retrieve data for a particular county by including the county's FIPS code before the data set. In this case, the "data" key contains a single object. The example below returns data for Clackamas county:
GET /api/v1/counties/41005/populations
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"data": {
"a1c0": 23581.0,
"a1c": 7742.0,
"a1teen": 0.0,
"a2s2": 2266.0,
"adults": 1.912958,
"fips": 41005,
"kids": 0.871108,
"kidsPresent": 46179.0,
"minDiff": 1333.151101,
"mostCommonFamilyType": "a3i0p0s0t0",
"population": 386080.0,
"year": 2013
- fips:integer fips code, primary key
- county:string county name
- familyCode:string - SSS family code, primary key
- descriptionFc:string - description of the people in the household
- familyCodeRollup:string - simplified family code that sums children regardless of age
- descriptionFcr:string - description of the people in the household
- adult:string - number of adults
- infant:integer - number of infants
- preschooler:integer - number of preschoolers
- schoolAge:integer - number of school-age children
- teenager:integer - number of teenagers
- children:integer - total number of children
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- population:float - estimated population as of July 1, 2014
- adults:float - average number of adults in household by county
- kids:float - average number of kids in household by county
- kidsPresent:float - total households with kids in county
- a1c:float - total households with one adult and any children in county
- a2s2:float - total households with two adults and two school-age children in county
- a1c0:float - total households with one adult and no children in county
- a1teen:float - total households with a single adult under the age of 20 in county
- kidsPresentPer:float - percent of households in county with children
- a1cPer:float - percent of households in county with a single adult and children
- a2s2Per:float - percent of households in county with two adults and two school-age children
- a1c0Per:float - percent of households in county with a single adult and no children
- a1teenPer:float - percent of households in county with a single adult under age 20
- minDiff:float - absolute value of difference between famcode annual Standard and county average Standard
- mostCommonFamilyType:float - family type with SSS that comes closest to county average SSS, foreign key, references familytype(familycode)
- year:integer - year represented by data
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- laborForce:float - civilian labor force
- employed:float - employed
- unemployed:float - unemployed
- unemploymentRate:float - unemployment rate (UR)
- urSeasonalAdj:float - seasonally adjusted UR
- year:integer - year represented by data
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips) -householdMedianIncome:integer - _ _ -familyMedianIncome:integer - _ _ -marriedMedianIncome:integer - _ _ -nonFamilyMedianIncome:integer - _ _
- lessThan10Hour:float - Jobs paying less than $10/hr
- btwn10And15Hour:float - Jobs paying $10-$14.99
- totalUnder15:float - Total Under $15/Hour
- percentHouseholdsBreak1 - _ _ ...
- percentHouseholdsBreak10 - _ _
- year:integer - year represented by data
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- percentORKids:float - Percentage of State's kids
- a1AllPer:float - percentage Single Adults with and without children
- a2AllPer:float - percentage Couples
- c0AllPer:float - percentage households with no children
- familycode:string - foreign key, references familytype(familycode)
- housing:float - monthly cost of housing
- childcare:float - monthly cost of childcare
- food:float - monthly cost of food
- transportation:float - monthly cost of transportation
- healthcare:float - monthly cost of healthcare
- miscellaneous:float - monthly miscellaneous costs
- taxes:float - monthly taxes owed
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- year:integer - year represented by data
- familycode:string - foreign key, references familytype(familycode)
- oregonWorkingFamilyCredit:float - amount that can be deducted monthly for oregon working family childcare tax credit (stored as negative value)
- earnedIncomeTax:float - amount that can be deducted monthly for earned income tax credit (stored as negative value)
- childcareTax:float - amount that can be deducted monthly for childcare tax credit (stored as negative value)
- childTax:float - amount that can be deducted monthly for child tax credit (stored as negative value)
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- year:integer -year represented by data
- familyCode:string - foreign key, references familytype(familycode)
- hourly:float - hourly self sufficiency standard wage
- qualifier:text - describes whether wage applies to individuals or couples
- monthly:float - monthly self sufficiency standard wage
- annual:float - annual self sufficiency standard wage
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- year:integer - year represented by data
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- pumaCode:integer - puma code
- areaName:text - short name of puma area
- pumaName:text - long name of puma area
- pumaPopulation:float - population of puma area
- pumaWeight:float - weight of puma area
- fips:integer - foreign key, references counties(fips)
- totalHouseholds:integer - number of households in county
- totalMarriedFamilyHouseholds:integer - _ _
- totalNonFamilyHouseholds:integer - _ _
- totalUnmarriedFamilyHouseholds:integer - _ _
- lowIncomeSingleParents:integer - number of low income single parents in county
- lowIncomeMarriedParents:integer - number of low income married parents in county
- lowIncomeSingleAdults:integer - number of low income single adults in county
- marriedAsPercentTotal:float - _ _
- lowIncomeMarriedParentsAsPercentTotal:float - _ _
- lowIncomeMarriedParentsAsPercentMarried:float - _ _
- unmarriedAsPercentTotal:float - _ _
- lowIncomeSingleParentsAsPercentTotal:float - _ _
- lowIncomeSingleParentsAsPercentUnmarried:float - _ _
- nonFamilyAsPercentTotal:float - _ _
- lowIncomeSingleAdultsAsPercentTotal:float - _ _
- lowIncomeSingleAdultsAsPercentNonFamily:float - _ _
- fips:integer foreign key, references counties(fips)
- familyCode:string foreign key, references familytype(familycode)
- weight:float portion of county population that matches family type, where total county population is 1