This documentation is for the release of robloxdriver.
local robloxdriver = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()
local driver = robloxdriver:new()
local element = driver:find_element("Test") -- Returns any GUI object witch has the same ImageId,PlaceholderText or text as inputted.
argument1 = <string> - The GUI object you wish to find.
argument1 = <string> - The key you want to press
argument2 = <number> - The length of time you want to press that key for
local text = 'Hello, World'
argument1 = <object> - The textbox element
argument2 = <string> - The text you want to input
local ElementName = 'Money'
local LocateAllElements = false
local Element = driver:find_workspace_element(ElementName,LocateAllElements) -- Returns any workspace object witch has the same Name as inputted.
argument1 = <string> - The workspace element you wish to find
argument2 = <string> - If you want to find every element witch matches argument1, example output {<object>,<object>,<object>}
WORKSPACE_ELEMENT_HERE = <object> - The object you want to click
WORKSPACE_ELEMENT_HERE = <object> - The object you want to click
robloxdriver:debug("print","Hello, world") -- Prints 'Hello, world' into the console in green and white
robloxdriver:debug("warn","Hello, world") -- Warns 'Hello, world' into the console in yellow and white
robloxdriver:debug("error","Goodbye, world") -- Errors 'Goodbye, world' into the console in red and white and will shutdown the roblox process 5 seconds later.
local Example = robloxdriver:indentifyMSDN("A")
local Example2 = robloxdriver:indentifyMSDN("B")
local Example3 = robloxdriver:indentifyMSDN("C")
print(Example) --> 0x41
print(Example2) --> 0x42
print(Example3) --> 0x43