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Record Page

Kele Kent edited this page May 22, 2024 · 27 revisions

The Records Page is used to search and access specific record documents on the MS Connect Platform. Search parameters and the Secondary Search Function can be used together to pinpoint specific records. Record details can then be opened and read or the original file can be downloaded. At the bottom of the page, there is a table that displays the 100 latest runs.

1. Record Table - The data table displays the last 100 runs recorded in the system. This table will change according to the parameters set.

  • Pk - When a run is recorded it is given a Pk or Record Number in the order it was recorded. Clicking on this number will redirect you to the Record Detail page.
  • Name - Displays the name of the record
  • Protein - Displays the QC number 1, pulled information from the data processor. The name of this column can be changed on the settings page.
  • Peptide - Displays the QC number 2, pulled information from the data processor. The name of this column can be changed on the settings page.
  • PSM - Displays the QC number 3, pulled information from the data processor. The name of this column can be changed on the settings page.
  • MS2 - Displays the QC number 4, pulled information from the data processor. The name of this column can be changed on the settings page.
  • Tool - Displays the tool used to analyze the data.
  • File - Displays how big the records data file is. Clicking this downloads the file to your computer.
  • Acquisition - Displays the time the inquisition was started. If no inquisition was made, displays when the record was first uploaded to the database.
  • Creator - Displays the user that created the record.
  • Notes - Displays any notes recorded on the record.

2. Specific Search - Search parameters can be used to modify the table at the bottom of the page to show more specific data. This can be used to isolate a specific record or to compare similar records.

  • Record Name - Search for keywords in the name of the record

  • Project Name - Search for keywords within the display name of the project (This is imported from the Raw File Uploader)

  • Pk(Record Number) - Searches for the record number. The record number is created when the record is uploaded according to what number record in the system it is. This can be used as a range.

  • QC1 - Searches through the QC1 value of each record. Can be set as a range. The QC1 by default settings represents the number of proteins in the record, this can be changed in the Settings Page.

  • Notes - Searches for keywords in the recorded notes. Notes are added on the Record Detail Page

  • Description - Searches keywords within the Description. (This is imported from the Raw File Uploader)

  • Record Creator - Only displays records created by a specific user.

  • Instrument Serial - Searches for a specific Serial ID given by the instrument that created the records data file.

  • Time from & Time up to - Narrows display to only show records created between these two times.

    2.A Using Custom parameters

    If there is a specific parameter that needs to be searched but there isn't a preset parameter to search, the Custom parameter & Custom value can be used to search for it.

    In this example, we are looking for records that were created by the same instrument. In the Record Detail, the information looks like this:

    SPE SN(spe_sn):30D

    To isolate just files created by this instrument set the Custom parameter to spe_sn and the Custom value to 30D. After clicking search only Records with the spe_sn of 30D will be displayed.

    2.B Using a Range

    A range is used when looking for a group of records or for narrowing down a search to specific parameters.

    It can be used in three different ways. First, parameter to parameter. This is done by first inserting your smaller parameter followed by a hyphen and the bigger parameter.


    Second, is used to search from 0 to the parameter. This is done by inserting a hyphen followed by the parameter.


    Third, is used to search from the parameter to infinity. This is done by inserting the parameter.


3. Secondary Search

While the parameters above are used for organizing the table to specific details, this search function is used to modify and search through the created table itself. To use simply type the line of text that is on the table into the box. Multiple different lines can be used as long as they are separated by a space.

For example, The record in question is known to have a peptide count of 1920, and the acquisition is known to of been made on April 4th with the extra_withdraw method recorded in the name. In this case, multiple data types can be searched for as long as they are separated by a space. This is how it would look

1920 Apr-04 extra_withdraw

If struggling to find the tool, it is displayed in Figure 3 along with an example of how it can be used.

4. Search Example

First, set the User search parameter to the believed record creator. (This is the only setting the program will not ignore)

Second, use the limited information available on the record to narrow down the search

It is known that the record in question was created in February or early March 01.

set Time from to 02/01/2024

set Time Up To to 03/16/2024

It is known that the number of proteins is in the 700s and the peptides are about 1200

set QC1 Range to 700-800

Use the Secondary search and input 12

Now every record acquisitioned between 02/01/2024 and 03/16/2024, with a protein count between 700-800, and with the number 12 present on the table is present. To make the search easier, go to the peptide column and click on it to organized the list based on peptides. Scroll down until in the 1200s. The record should be present.

Figure 1: A screenshot of the Records Page when opening it after records have been uploaded to the database.


Figure 2: A screenshot of the table that is displayed at the bottom of the record Page.


Figure 3: A screenshot of the Records Page, the red box shows where the secondary search function is.


Figure 4: A Screenshot of the secondary search in use. In this case, the information provided is that the run was done with extra withdraw and that the date recorded was March 5th


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