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Analyzing Interactive Graphs

Kele Kent edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 4 revisions

Interactive Graphs are used by MS connect to show .raw files in a simple way. It has three different graphs that a user can change between. The graphs can also be overlayed over each other for quick and easy data comparison.

Graph Types

There is an X-axis and 2 Y-axis'. The X-axis represents time in minutes. The Y-axis is dependent on which graph is being viewed.

  • Base ion Chromatogram (BIC) uses the Ion Intensity / Ab Y-axis
  • Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC) uses the Ion Intensity / Ab Y-axis
  • MS2 Injection Time uses the Injection Time / ms Y-axis. This is only displayed if it is a Thermo Orbitrap system.

Tool Bar

  • Download - Downloads the Interactive Graph to the computer
  • Zoom - press with the left click and drag to create a square that will become the new frame of reference.
  • Pan - Allows the user to move the graph around by holding lift click and moving the mouse
  • Zoom in - zooms in entire graph based on the center point of the screen
  • zoom out - zooms out the entire graph based on the center point of the screen
  • Auto scale - Will fit the graph to the screen perfectly
  • Reset axis - Will fit the graph to the screen perfectly
  • Graph provider link - Takes user to the Interactive Graph website

Figure 1: Interactive Graph Toolbar


Figure 2: Base Ion Chromatogram Graph


Figure 3: Total Ion Chromatogram Graph


Figure 4: MS2 Injection Time


Figure 5: Base ion Chromatogram and Total Ion Chromatogram Graph Overlay


Figure 6: Base Ion Chromatogram, Total Ion Chromatogram, and MS2 Injection Time Graph overlay
