Bf16 Verify Onnx Tests #11304
reviewdog [misspell] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (99)
docs/reference/py.rst|364 col 64| "explictly" is a misspelling of "explicitly"
docs/dev/onnx_operators.rst|464 col 59| "ouput" is a misspelling of "output"
docs/dev/contributing-to-migraphx.rst|39 col 32| "retreive" is a misspelling of "retrieve"
docs/dev/dev_intro.rst|41 col 32| "retreive" is a misspelling of "retrieve"
examples/vision/python_3dunet/|111 col 18| "colour" is a misspelling of "color"
examples/vision/python_resnet50/imagenet_simple_labels.json|90 col 5| "sulphur" is a misspelling of "sulfur"
examples/vision/python_resnet50/imagenet_simple_labels.json|326 col 5| "sulphur" is a misspelling of "sulfur"
examples/vision/python_3dunet/3dunet_inference.ipynb|489 col 25| "probabily" is a misspelling of "probability"
examples/vision/python_3dunet/3dunet_inference.ipynb|526 col 39| "probabily" is a misspelling of "probability"
examples/vision/python_3dunet/3dunet_inference.ipynb|631 col 27| "probabily" is a misspelling of "probability"
examples/vision/python_resnet50/resnet50_inference.ipynb|330 col 135| "functionalty" is a misspelling of "functionality"
examples/vision/python_nfnet/|26 col 196| "labelled" is a misspelling of "labeled"
examples/onnxruntime/inceptionV3/|32 col 38| "correclty" is a misspelling of "correctly"
examples/onnxruntime/dataset/imagenet_classes.txt|114| "sulphur" is a misspelling of "sulfur"
examples/onnxruntime/dataset/imagenet_classes.txt|350| "sulphur" is a misspelling of "sulfur"
examples/onnxruntime/resnet50/|32 col 38| "correclty" is a misspelling of "correctly"
examples/onnxruntime/resnet50/|105 col 36| "strat" is a misspelling of "start"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|128 col 19| "intial" is a misspelling of "initial"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|203 col 19| "intial" is a misspelling of "initial"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|434 col 11| "intial" is a misspelling of "initial"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|509 col 11| "intial" is a misspelling of "initial"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|730 col 7| "specifiy" is a misspelling of "specify"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|824 col 19| "intial" is a misspelling of "initial"
src/rewrite_rnn.cpp|1209 col 7| "specifiy" is a misspelling of "specify"
src/module.cpp|1449 col 21| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/module.cpp|1451 col 38| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/module.cpp|1451 col 66| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/simplify_qdq.cpp|99 col 41| "inbetween" is a misspelling of "between"
src/simplify_qdq.cpp|108 col 48| "inbetween" is a misspelling of "between"
src/simplify_qdq.cpp|177 col 52| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
src/memory_coloring.cpp|183 col 47| "begining" is a misspelling of "beginning"
src/common_dims.cpp|176 col 23| "similiarity" is a misspelling of "similarity"
src/fuse_pointwise.cpp|152 col 27| "paramter" is a misspelling of "parameter"
src/pass_manager.cpp|175 col 71| "muliple" is a misspelling of "multiple"
src/shape_transform_descriptor.cpp|775 col 14| "additonal" is a misspelling of "additional"
src/targets/gpu/compile_ops.cpp|209 col 55| "insturction" is a misspelling of "instruction"
src/targets/gpu/mlir.cpp|655 col 22| "symetrical" is a misspelling of "symmetrical"
src/targets/gpu/mlir.cpp|1270 col 44| "useage" is a misspelling of "usage"
src/targets/gpu/fuse_mlir.cpp|530 col 33| "inbetween" is a misspelling of "between"
src/targets/gpu/fuse_mlir.cpp|808 col 18| "explict" is a misspelling of "explicit"
src/targets/gpu/fuse_mlir.cpp|814 col 15| "preceeding" is a misspelling of "preceding"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/functional.hpp|29 col 3| "Similiar" is a misspelling of "Similar"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/index.hpp|53 col 12| "actualy" is a misspelling of "actually"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/float8_impl.hpp|80 col 7| "Calcualte" is a misspelling of "Calculate"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/float8_impl.hpp|124 col 81| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/float8_impl.hpp|160 col 68| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/float8_impl.hpp|175 col 38| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
src/targets/gpu/kernels/include/migraphx/kernels/float8_impl.hpp|189 col 22| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/targets/gpu/compile_gen.cpp|329 col 11| "explict" is a misspelling of "explicit"
src/targets/gpu/hip_gemm_impl.cpp|73 col 58| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
src/targets/gpu/include/migraphx/gpu/context.hpp|387 col 18| "syncronization" is a misspelling of "synchronization"
src/schedule.cpp|520 col 61| "ealier" is a misspelling of "earlier"
src/simplify_dyn_ops.cpp|351 col 54| "arugment" is a misspelling of "argument"
src/include/migraphx/module.hpp|213 col 22| "ouput" is a misspelling of "output"
src/include/migraphx/permutation.hpp|64 col 67| "refering" is a misspelling of "referring"
src/include/migraphx/functional.hpp|30 col 3| "Similiar" is a misspelling of "Similar"
src/include/migraphx/pad_calc.hpp|57 col 3| "evaulation" is a misspelling of "evaluation"
src/include/migraphx/pad_calc.hpp|66 col 3| "evaulation" is a misspelling of "evaluation"
src/include/migraphx/algorithm.hpp|51 col 4| "Similiar" is a misspelling of "Similar"
src/include/migraphx/algorithm.hpp|59 col 4| "Similiar" is a misspelling of "Similar"
src/include/migraphx/algorithm.hpp|113 col 4| "Similiar" is a misspelling of "Similar"
src/include/migraphx/algorithm.hpp|134 col 4| "Similiar" is a misspelling of "Similar"
src/include/migraphx/op/rnn_last_cell_output.hpp|44 col 39| "remaing" is a misspelling of "remaining"
src/include/migraphx/op/rnn_last_hs_output.hpp|44 col 39| "remaing" is a misspelling of "remaining"
src/include/migraphx/op/convert.hpp|78 col 39| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
src/include/migraphx/op/roialign.hpp|154 col 32| "indeces" is a misspelling of "indices"
src/include/migraphx/op/rnn_var_sl_last_output.hpp|54 col 39| "remaing" is a misspelling of "remaining"
src/include/migraphx/float8_impl.hpp|78 col 7| "Calcualte" is a misspelling of "Calculate"
src/include/migraphx/float8_impl.hpp|122 col 81| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/include/migraphx/float8_impl.hpp|158 col 68| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/include/migraphx/float8_impl.hpp|173 col 38| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
src/include/migraphx/float8_impl.hpp|187 col 22| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
src/driver/main.cpp|245 col 60| "specifiy" is a misspelling of "specify"
src/onnx/onnx_parser.cpp|474 col 26| "instuction" is a misspelling of "instruction"
src/onnx/parse_dynamicquantizelinear.cpp|134 col 13| "interm" is a misspelling of "interim"
src/onnx/parse_dynamicquantizelinear.cpp|137 col 72| "interm" is a misspelling of "interim"
src/onnx/padding.cpp|86 col 19| "availabe" is a misspelling of "available"
tools/cppcheck/|248 col 30| "Muliple" is a misspelling of "Multiple"
CMakeLists.txt|27 col 47| "directroy" is a misspelling of "directory"
tools/|54 col 83| "licence" is a misspelling of "license"
tools/|236 col 37| "licence" is a misspelling of "license"
tools/|268 col 21| "licence" is a misspelling of "license"
tools/docker/ubuntu_2204.dockerfile|62 col 25| "dependancies" is a misspelling of "dependencies"
tools/docker/migraphx_with_onnxruntime_pytorch.docker|8 col 1| "Aquire" is a misspelling of "Acquire"
tools/|32 col 29| "Convertion" is a misspelling of "Conversion"
Dockerfile|67 col 25| "dependancies" is a misspelling of "dependencies"
test/simplify_algebra_test.cpp|2366 col 33| "begining" is a misspelling of "beginning"
test/verify/run_verify.cpp|91 col 51| "intial" is a misspelling of "initial"
test/module_test.cpp|52 col 15| "implict" is a misspelling of "implicit"
test/common_dims.cpp|92 col 23| "similiarity" is a misspelling of "similarity"
test/ref_dev_examples.cpp|59 col 32| "retreive" is a misspelling of "retrieve"
test/onnx/parse/dynamicquantizelinear_2d_test.cpp|58 col 9| "interm" is a misspelling of "interim"
test/onnx/parse/dynamicquantizelinear_2d_test.cpp|60 col 71| "interm" is a misspelling of "interim"
.github/workflows/unreleased_rocm.yaml|1 col 6| "Specifed" is a misspelling of "Specified"
.github/workflows/unreleased_rocm.yaml|7 col 21| "Specifed" is a misspelling of "Specified"
.github/workflows/ci.yaml|119 col 13| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"
.github/workflows/ci.yaml|173 col 13| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"
.github/workflows/ci.yaml|223 col 13| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"
.github/workflows/ci.yaml|254 col 13| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"