A simple arduino project to measure time in marble races.
Compiled with Platform.io and used with the quercetti marlbe run
- Arduino Nano
- 4×20 Display with I²C Modul
- Rotary Encoder KY-040
- Laser transmit
- Photoresistor
We bought the last three components from here
Connect the Rotary Encoder with 3.3V.
All other parts (Display, Laser, Photoresitor) need 5V.
The Ground pins should be connect togehter.
Connet the signal pin with A0 on the Arduino Nano.
DT_PIN -> D4
SW_PIN -> D3
SDA -> A4 SCL -> A5
Install Platform.io on an IDE of your choice and open the folder. It will automatical install all nessessery compiler, libraries ect.
You can find the file in the 3DPrint folder. It is designed to be used with quercetti marlbe run